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Author Topic: [40d] Ghost seed won't be found! Dig Deeper mod.  (Read 1043 times)


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[40d] Ghost seed won't be found! Dig Deeper mod.
« on: December 07, 2009, 09:37:37 am »

I've had this problem before, i would think it has been reported before, but i'm not sure. Didn't show up in the list of reported bugs.

I got a screen full of spammed job cancellations.
<Dwarfname> cancels plant seeds: needs <plantname> seed.

When i look in the Stocks screen i got exactly one seed left of the beforementioned type.
However, i cannot view it, nor zoom to it. I suspect it is simply not there, and that the Stocks screen is to blame.

The job manager though is convinced that it exists and sends out dwarves to PLANT THAT DAMN SEED, who then freak out when they cannot find it.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 09:31:16 pm by Dwaref »
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Re: [40d] Ghost seed won't be found!
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 10:43:41 am »

Alright, the Stocks shaped up, and i was able to find the seed.

It's below a tree that probably just grew in my field.
The loo'k' command didnt show it though. It's probably still in some kind of half-life.
I suspect it was planted and 'activated' like how a piece of furniture is activated by placing it, different from having the item lying around. When the tree grew, it knocked off the 'activation' and half-deleted the seed since it was now in an impassable square.
The seed shows up as brown(not activated), rather than blue(activated) in the Stocks.

Once i get an axe i can remove the tree and see if that fixes things.
He is somewhat reserved. He prefers to be alone. He doesn't need thrills or risks in life. He is never optimistic or enthusiastic about anything. He has a fertile imagination. He is open-minded to new ideas. He is put off by authority and tradition. He is very straightforward with others. He is very disorganized. He thinks it is incredibly important to strive for excellence. He has very little self-discipline. He takes time when making decisions. He doesn't really care about anything anymore.


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Re: [40d]Ghost seed won't be found!
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2009, 10:48:15 am »

I thought farm plots stopped seedlings from even growing? But yea, that is definetly wierd.


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Re: [40d]Ghost seed won't be found!
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2009, 05:25:13 pm »

I'm reasonably certain farm plots block trees.

No clue what happened here.  The seed was sitting next to the field, because a dwarf canceled the job before planting and a tree grew on it?
Are we even sure that the seed is there, and that the Stocks zoom isn't just sending you to the field?
Mishimanriz: Histories of Pegasi and Dictionaries


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Re: [40d]Ghost seed won't be found!
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 06:06:43 pm »

Any item on a sapling should prevent it from growing; I've seen multiple reports of people saying "My tower cap tree farm didn't produce anything, but then when I removed the stones from it I had a bunch of saplings instantly mature into fully-grown trees". So this is really quite bizarre.
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Re: [40d]Ghost seed won't be found!
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 09:29:09 pm »

What actually happened is pure speculation.
I never had any tantrums, so it wasn't thrown there. And i cannot vouch that i didn't actually build the farm AROUND the tree to begin with. But it got there somehow. Or at least it displays it as such, which is still a bug.
The Stocks zoom sends me to the exact square where there is a tree. The tree is even placed at a location where a seed is easily planted, 2nd position. No seed is displayed though.

Does anyone even recognize the problem? I easily steady cancellations X times by every free dwarf all the time.
I usually partake in little farming, but every once in a while one of these ghost seeds pop up. The problem is pretty much not that bad. The dwarves cancel the task long before going anywhere, but i'm not sure how much pathfinding is wasted finding the seed.

I'll make a save, since i'm just waiting for orcs to come around and slaughter my original 7.
I am running the Dig Deeper mod, but i've had the same problem with 'plain' seeds.

Hey! I just deconstructed the farm, and the seed magically turned up at the lower right corner of the farm, many squares away from the tree! It seems that the seed was lost in the farm somehow.
Still, it turned up in the stocks as unplanted. Loo'k'ing over a planted seed does not show it, but only the soil(or, if there is one, a tree).
If the seed was lost in the farm, then it probably had been planted, which means that for it to become unplanted, a tree had to grow on it. Somehow it was not dislodged entirely from the farm since the tree is an impassable square, which would lead dwarves to assume that an unplanted seed could be pathed to and planted even if it was lost in the farm.

The seed in question is a turnip.
Looking through the raws, i find that it has duplicate [SEED:7:0:0] entries. They are identical though. Turnip or not, i have had this problem before with seeds being lost and incessant reupdates, and i haven't used the DD mod before.
The tree is a beech, but it has no raw strangeness.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 11:16:49 pm by Dwaref »
He is somewhat reserved. He prefers to be alone. He doesn't need thrills or risks in life. He is never optimistic or enthusiastic about anything. He has a fertile imagination. He is open-minded to new ideas. He is put off by authority and tradition. He is very straightforward with others. He is very disorganized. He thinks it is incredibly important to strive for excellence. He has very little self-discipline. He takes time when making decisions. He doesn't really care about anything anymore.


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Re: [40d] Ghost seed won't be found! Dig Deeper mod.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2009, 10:18:02 pm »

Maybe you should ask in the Dig Deeper mod thread about it? Could be related to some other wierdness in the mod itself.

Mod related or not, its still a bug.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [40d] Ghost seed won't be found! Dig Deeper mod.
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2009, 11:14:34 pm »

It seems general enough. I don't think this oddity has anything directly to do with the DD mod, but i could be mistaken. I will reference this post from there.

Anyway, i got an axe.

When you chop down the tree, the nearest farmer rushes over and 'plants seeds'.
But no seed turns up from the plot, it is still inside, and the farmer does not carry a seed.
There is no plot still left under the tree, but chopping it down seems to 'free' the seed.

The soil seems 'prepped', for finalizing the planting process. All a dwarf has to do it to walk over to the plot that the seed is lost in, and generate a planted square using the 'plant seeds' job.
The square they plant in, isn't the square where the tree stood. Where the tree stood, there is only soil, no farm.

I'm going to have to go with my guess that somehow a tree grew in a planted plot, dislodged the plant from the plot but didn't dislodge the seed from the plot since there was a tree there.

Luckily, you can fix it by either freeing up the planted square by chopping down the tree, or dismantling the plot itself. The first will not dump the seed, but allow the seed to be planted somewhere else in the plot, while the other will just dump the seed like when dismantlig a building.

In fact, i just realized. The seed DOES show up with the 'l'ook command!
It's lying inside the plot, in a specific square! But it is not tagged as a [ B ]uilding material like planted seeds. It's more like just lying there like any other free item in any other shop. This is why it wasnt shown by loo'k'. Dwarves try to find it since it should be readily available, but is in fact blocked by a tree.

Sometimes items get stuck in workshops inpassable squares as well. I guess thats from either throwings or deconstructing shock-full workshops that cause items to spill out into surrounding squares. This is much the same thing.

I think half the problem is that either the plot when designed 'cut into' the tree, or that the tree later grew up into the plot. Since the seed was found inside the tree as well as the plot, i guess it grew there.

In any case, even though we cannot see it, i think that the plot square under the tree is counted as 'farm'. The tree probably grew and overwrote, not replaced, the current square's contents. The plot does not show up, but it should still exist.
When chopping down the tree, i think that the engine 'replaces' the current floor, which finally kills off the plot, and forces the seed to change location. The new location is where the dwarves go to finalize planting. If the farm square was destroyed when the tree grew, one would have expected the seed to change position by itself, seeing as it did when the tree was cut down.

It is a fact that the engine replaces floors that are no longer visible. I use constructions that make the floor invisible(such as walls, trees should also work the same) to clean away mud and cluster stone residue from my floors. If you get some of those yellow/blue patches on your floor, just slap on a construction, remove it, and bam you have an awesome clean floor.
Either the former floor data is over-written, or any superficial features are removed, such as coloured floor residue from mining cluster stones, mud, or maybe a farm plot.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 01:07:57 am by Dwaref »
He is somewhat reserved. He prefers to be alone. He doesn't need thrills or risks in life. He is never optimistic or enthusiastic about anything. He has a fertile imagination. He is open-minded to new ideas. He is put off by authority and tradition. He is very straightforward with others. He is very disorganized. He thinks it is incredibly important to strive for excellence. He has very little self-discipline. He takes time when making decisions. He doesn't really care about anything anymore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [40d] Ghost seed won't be found! Dig Deeper mod.
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2009, 05:07:12 am »

It's probably related to this bug:

# 000936 □ [dwarf mode][interface][announcements][message spam]     (Report) farms with wall in the center square cause seed cancellation spam and seeds being stuck in the farm


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [40d] Ghost seed won't be found! Dig Deeper mod.
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2009, 09:25:33 am »

Sounds to me like you designated the farm with the tree in place, causing bug 000936 as noted by Footkerchief.
I've never seen a tree grow on a farm plot before.
Mishimanriz: Histories of Pegasi and Dictionaries