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Author Topic: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)  (Read 2724 times)


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     >Refine search: Squads/Personal: 'Spearhead' 'Augustus Grimnarch'_

+++Refining, Showing Results...+++

+++Perfect Matches+++

+++Spearhead Is Attached To (1) Files+++


+++Administartium Records+++

Squad: Storm Troopers, Designation 'Spearhead', 10 Soldiers, 1 Officer w/Power Sword+Plasma Pistol
Officer Name: Hal Axium
Equipment: 9 Hellguns, 1 Flamer , 1 Power Weapon, 1 Plasma Pistol

     +++Attachement: Personal notes of Company Commander:+++
One of many Storm Trooper squads trained to fight and die in the spearheads of many attacks. Hal's predecessor, an extremely unimaginative man, thus named his squad "Spearhead."

Hal's team is comprised of veterans from as many as 4 campaigns, all remnants of now-destroyed squads. Hal takes pride in his creative solutions to plans, claiming that he can make it through any combat situation with a stick, a laspistol with half of a clip, and a hamster. Disputed records indicate that he has done this at least once.

     >Show other reults_

+++Augustus Grimnarch Is Attached To (1) Files+++


+++Administartium Records+++

Name: Augustus Grimnarch, Mechanicus Priest +++Personal note from CC: Augustus is on permenant 'loan' from the preisthood of mars, reference number 8438.7513.4234+++
Rank: Enginseer
Equipment: >|CLASSIFIED|<
+++Note From Scribe Naroh Bertro Working Under Company Command:+++

Having only recently completed his training, Augustus is relatively inexperienced in battle, having only fought in three campaigns. During his service, however, he has already saved a number of machine spirits.

Currently tending to the war machines at Patria Majors' main armory, Augustus has shown commitment to his duty, and a great respect and love for the holy machines he works with. I've talked to him a couple of times, and, although he seems distant from the soldiery, and even other Enginseers, I believe that he may one day soon travel to Mars for more advanced training.

     >Advanced search options, Omega Alpha 522/72. Keyword 'Orders'


+++Exact Match Found, Unencrypting, Showing Result+++

+++Last Orders From Company Commander+++
Squads 5 & 6 from Blue Company are to escort and guard techpriest Augustus Grimnarch to grid reference: 604.023 for repair duty of Blues company tank support unit Echo.
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 09:00:32 pm »

Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2009, 05:29:53 am »

Hersentina II is a death world. Its volcanic plains that stretch around the middle are uninhabitable, the region near the poles able to sustain a small population living near the lava lakes and volcanoes.

As with many things in the Imperium, the reason Hersentina was worth fighting the green skins for was resources and the systems strategic placement in the galaxy. Because of it’s volcanic nature, the planet is rich diamonds and metals that are taken from the blasted earth. On a grander scale, it is the only route to the Patrina, Gunthra and Felica systems. That is why the Patrina regiment was sent there when a torrent of Ork Roks fell from the sky onto the blasted terrain.

>Surface of Hersentina II, Hera System<

Hal walked at the front of his trooper, like he always did and always will. He lead by example and looked down on other sergeants that threw there men into a meat grinder and ran the other way.

“So how many troops are there?”

A man in a rust red robe, cog tooth detail around the rim, met Hals gaze with his own eyes. One biological and one ocular implant, a small dome of glass that looked like a pic-stealer lens as it focused on Hal, it’s brass casing was buffed and reflected the weak light that pierced the thick ash clouds. His voice came from a grill set in place of his mouth, the voice was a harsh and synthetic copy of a mans, every word pronounced in perfect gothic.

“I could not acquire precise data, but in the vicinity of the bank brigade are two infantry platoons with heavy weapons teams. From reports they have fortified their position.”

Hal grunted in response, he knew the importance the Mechanicus played in the Imperium of Man, but he didn’t like having to deal with them. Something about the amount of flesh willingly given over to cold plasteel.

Hal looked over his shoulder at Raglon Cavell’s platoon. A total of 21 troops including Ragon’s platoon squad, two infantry squads and a 6 man heavy weapons team luging there weapons between them. Most of his squad was taken out so the remander was split into the minimum for what could be called an Imperial Guad Squad.

Sighing, Hal walked on, hoping to the God Emperor that they didn’t run into to many green skins.

Suddenly, a guard from Raglon’s command shouted ‘contact!’ and fired a a blob of plasma into the undergrowth. An ork fell into the clearing, a ragged hole blasted through it’s chest.

A great shout arouse from the rest of the small band of orks as they ran into the clearing.

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Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2009, 01:44:25 pm »

Augustus turned to face the Orks, firing into the group as he slowly walked towards the front, his servo-arm getting ready to crush any Orks that came near. Most of his bolts found a mark, but only a couple scored fatal wounds.
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2009, 05:34:39 pm »

As Lucas shot two more Orks, he let loose a terrifying cry:
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
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Digital Hellhound

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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2009, 04:50:29 am »

Cavell crouched against a large rock, toggled his lasgun to full-auto and looked around. The orks seemed to be ignoring the lasfire coming their way, some not even slowing down when they were hit.
' Chirria, Derickson! Get Wilden out of there!' he barked. Wilden, the platoon's best sniper, was trying to crawl away from an ork with a crude axe. ' Sergeant Collwin, form a line around the techpriest!' Before the damn fool gets himself killed, he thought, seeing him walking towards the orks without any thought for cover.
The heavy weapons teams were setting up. Soon, their powerful weapons would start cutting down countless greenskins.
Cavell joined the rest of his platoon, shooting away at the advancing ork horde with his lasgun.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2009, 05:46:30 am »

Hal hit the dirt on instinct and sent off a shot from his pistol as a warning to any greenskins not to come close. It served its purpose as an Ork fell from the brush, its face half burnt away fromt he plasma. He considered barking out an order to his men, but there was no need and no time. More Orks ran out from the brush directly in front of him, and before he could remember the order to give Hal was locked in melee combat. He managed to parry a blow from one of the Greenskins, and fell to his knee. As he was there he drew his pistol and fired into its gut, slaying the Ork where he stood.

The Sergeant was no fool, and as he cut the throat of the nearest Ork he ordered his troopers to fall back and form a circle around the Mechanus. He had no love for the Order, but he wasn't about to find out what the punishment was for letting a member die.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2009, 03:06:59 am »

Lucas obeys orders, shooting the Ork that is going for the sniper and helping Wilden get to his feet.
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2009, 09:23:39 am »

What was a quiet escort mission quickly turned into a swirling melee, orks poring in from all sides, hooting and shooting into the air as they ran closer to the small group.

Augustus saw them first, having his inferiour human senses replaced with mechanical replacements. He fired three times, each time his bolt pistol barked and kicked in his hand sending a bolt into the cranium of an ork, exploding on contact and sending gore everywere. He had no time to fire anymore as three orks surrounded him, raising choppers for the strike.

Dodging the first, he lashed out with his servo arm and crused the xeons skull. Blocking the second strike he lased out with his bionic arm and punched a hole in the attackers chest. He leveled his pistol at the third ork as a plasma blob sturk it in its barrel chest, followed closly by Hal slicing it in two.

"We have to withdraw! Stop fighting and follow Cavell's squad, we'll hold them off" Hal quickly shouted at Augustus, his trooper squad quickly filing past him to take up firing positions and pour fire into the green mass.

Cavell had drawn his platoon to a rock face where they formed a half cresent moon and fired outwards, keeping a killing zone between them and the green skins.

Two Guard draged another into the formation, the sniper Wilden who was bleeding from the leg and firing blindly with a laspistol into the swirling mass.

"Let the tech-priest through" Roared Cavell as he spotted Augustus running forwards but he nedin't of bothered as the priest easily vaulted over the troopers heads, rotating in the air and snapping off shots and killing another two before landing.
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2009, 11:23:13 am »


Augustus looked down and the wounded soldiers, to see if their was anything he could do for them. But he knew how to fix machines, not people.

Turning on the long-distance communication device that was grafted to his ear, Augustus tried to make contact with the fleet.
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2009, 04:12:29 pm »

Augustus flexed his throat mucles that controlled the vox-caster next to his voice synthensizer that were in place of his voice box.

"This is Augustus Grimnarch, requesting close air support on current grid reference.

A wave of static reached Augustus, he touched his hand to the side of his head and made a few adjustments to the ancient vox-recever implanted just above where his ears used to be.

"[static] you! We're ove...[static]...mander's dead, Leutinent Grektune has taken command of th...[static]"

Having run it through his partly mechanical head a few nano-seconds, Augustus reseanded that there must be to much interference to contact the fleet.

"SHIT!" Shouted one of the Troopers "Too many"

Hal extracted his power sword from an ork and slapped the butt end in the face of the trooper.

"You're elite! Act like it!"

Cavell was at the front of his squad, firing pin point shots into ork throats and heads. It took a while for the orks to regester that they'd taken a killing blow but they went down in the end.

"Hal! Duck and cover!"

Hal glanced over his shoulder at the sergent who was firing one handed and pulling the pin out of a frag with the other.

"Hit the deck!"

The storm troopers droped to crouching postions as a multitude of grenades flew over them and exploded in the pack making ork limbs fly all over the place.

As quickly as they'd come, the orks suddenly disappeard. This left most more stunned then seeing the xeon filth ambush them.

Cavell looked over his squad then walked over to Hal who was supporting one of his men on his shoulder. Leaning the man on anothers shoulder, Hal approched Cavell.

"The hell was that? Never have I seen an ork flee"

"Flee?" Hal answered back "No, retreat. Those were 'Kommandos'. Orks that skulk about and have some sense, they're just hanging back and waiting."

Cavell did not like that, he knew only of the ork that killed you by throwing them selves at the guns of there enimes.

"Lets just patch up the wounded and get this over with"

"Ha! You and me both, I'll buy you a luke warm beer when we get back"

With that the sergents returned to there squads, to look to there men.

Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2009, 04:15:06 pm »

"Do either of you have a Vox-Caster? I need it."
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2009, 06:51:29 am »

Augustus appeared next to Cavell. Which surprised him seeing a bit, not knowing how silent the tech priest was.

"Do you have a vox-caster? I require one"

"Yes but all of ours are not working, we're just getting a lot of static"

With that the Tech-priest swirled round, his cloak swishing around.

'Damn tech-preists' breathed Cavell "Hey Hal, you ready to move out?"

"We are. Let's get to those guys before we end up saving a mound of corpses"


"Keep it together! Tycon! Move your squad up to the east"

Grektune was not an imposing figure. He was tall but not well built, even his flak armour did nothing to his slight build. He had his hair in a low tail at his back, prefering to grow it while on campain. His face was gaunt, cheek bones shallow and skin tight around his face. Only his deep grey eyes showed life, burning with a passion for warfare.

He held aloft a power sword that Company Commander Van'kira Had thrust into his hands as he bled from a slugga shot that had torn out most of his lower body. It was an acient design, rumored to belong to one of the crusaders that liberated Patria in the Holy Crusade of old, when the Emporer had walked amognst his men.

Tycon nodded and signaled to his conscrpit squad, as well as one extra ogyran. No one knows why he joined the unit but after he ripped an ork buggy to pieces no one complained and left him be.

Grektune slashed downwards, the power weapon easily slicing through an ork length ways.

"Commissar Masenak, go with them. Make sure they defend till the last man"

"I will make them fight with a prayer on there lips and a fire in there bellies!" Roared Masenak in answer. A relitivly new Commissar to the unit, Masenak was from the frozen death world Valhalla, transferd to Patira after his unit was folded due to casalties and was put with the nearest unit which at the point had being the Patrian 18th Blue Company who were on campain.

Grektune fired a few shots from his las-pistol before withdrawing into what was now his command platoon.

"Huton, get me Rodgers"

The man put the vox-caster on his back down and changed the controls for a while before handing the recever over. Grektune placed it to his ear and heard the roar of a V8 and the shout of twin heavy stubbers.

"Rodgers! I want a sitrep"

"Felic's bike got hit but the rest of use are pushing forward. Give us about a minuet and we'll be behind 'em"

"Good, I want you take out those guns their using"

"Will do, over and out"

Marcus Rodgers taped the vox unit in his ear, turning it to the squad level.

"OK boys, command wants use to take out the big guns the orks are using. You with me?"

8 bike engines revved in response. The 'rough' rider squad sped past the mobs of green skin to the back of the tide. Tilting his bike to the left, Marcus put the ugly, miss shapen ork artillery in his view. Hefting his hunting lance he new his men were close behind him and fanning out to present rank to the enemie.

With a wordless roar, he hammerd the firing stud and hurteld forward into the mob of gretchin and runt herders.
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2009, 06:50:13 pm »

Masenak began shouting as he moved to the front, holding his lasgun one handed while his other hand wielded his blade in an odd defensive grip. "Men of the Imperium! Fight for justice! Fight for your Comrades! FIGHT FOR THE EMPEROR!"
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: 40K Role Playing Thread (OOC in other thread, No sign ups at the moment)
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2009, 08:24:12 pm »

The sounds of engines roared over the battlefield, the rough riders speeding towards their target. The Gretchen who still had some form of hear did not turn as the drone of 2 and 4 cycle engines drew closer, expecting them to be their own side. Hunting lances ready, Rodgers signaled his men to aim for the runtherder before going for the gretchen themselves. mounted heavy stubbers fired into the ranks of the green skins, tearing them to bits. With their leaders dead, the grot predictably scattered.

"Command, we've taken them out and...hang on" Marcus noticed that one of the big gunz was still intact "Johnathan, get over here" Johnathan, Marcus' second in command, moved over to Marcus' side and helped him turn he remaining big gun so that it pointed at the Ork flank. With a flick of his lighter, Rodgers lit the fuse, and everyone sped away as if the thing was going to explode (all things considered, there's a good chance of that).

"OK, Command, now they're out, and I think the green skins are in for a surprise"

Quote from: ProtonJon
And that's why Communism doesn't work. There's always Chance Time
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