13th Hematite:
I think a lovely magma moat will look great in the queen's chamber. Still waiting on magma cooling to continue restructuring of pumps.
On a lesser note it seems one of our metalsmiths failed to meet a mandate deadline and is now being properly handle as a result.
Oh joy, the humans just arrived. I wonder what they have brought.17th Hematite:
Another mandate unfulfilled with 7 strikes of the hammer waiting to be given. Also, Adil Kindatan has been reelected mayor(as if it matters).
19th Hematite:
Met with human diplomat. I amused him for a while before sending him off, nothing gained or lost. One of the two criminals died, something to do with complications with a broken face, no matter, it was well deserved.
20th Hematite:
Good News! Magma has dried, queen's chamber is nearly complete along with the new "roads". We have also acquired a great deal of food and booze stores along with everything metal being carried from the humans.
I have also reconsidered the use of our magma stores. Most of the lessers seem quite discontent with the economy, and such a risk of rebellion has risen. Having the option to deal with the worst case scenario would be best......
12th Malachite;
Magma system is ready for testing, and all other projects except completing military training is complete. Will focus on creating artificial magma pipe.
15th Malachite:
Was found while looking for ore. May have to keep eye on it in case of hostiles.
Magma pumping smoothly, first tower is being filled slowly, cistern filling even slower.
22nd Malachite:
I've been told I have been testy lately. Apparently I have been having a "tantrum". Idiots. Maybe I should break a few tables to make a point......
25th Malachite:
Destroyed a throne. That'll show them whose boss
6th Galena:
GAH!!!! Why is is flowing upwards all of a sudden. I hope I can fix this somehow.......
8th Galena:
The whole lower half of the magma pumps are being submerged. The tower of pumps is lost.....Stupid pump operators.
18th Galena:
I hear the whispers. They say I'm a failure. Was only trying to fix what was broken. Doesn't make me a failure if it still doesn't work afterwards, no, not at all. The queen won't like whispering insults, no, no she won't. Will have to deal with this.....yes, yes I will.
23rd Galena:
Banana Decided that linking a door blocking magma passage needed to be done from the hot side. He bled to death.
24th Galena:
2 more died to the monster that is the lever linkage, have suspended it but not before door gets pryed open. Now whole bottom level is lost.
25th Galena:
3 more die in heat before being able to escape lower level. A few artifacts and masterworks were lost as well.
2nd Limestone:
My wife and both children have been counted among those dead in the lower level. Part of me feels sad, but not as much as the part that wants as many others to feel this pain........
11th Limestone:
they run
they hide
i find
i tired
but i kill
Log of Acting Mayor and leader Adil Kindatan11th Limestone:
Damn it all. Damned count just killed three and is now wearily beating on a poor fisherdwarf in his room. I don't want to send in the guards deal with this, it's one thing if there's an "accident" and it's another when we outright hack em up. Besides, even if I wanted to, I'd have to wait until this blasted siege is over with, damned goblins.
15th Limestone:
Amok save us all. Before any of our guard dwarfs were able to intercept, the bulk of the siege made into our backdoor.
Some have already made it inside and are wreaking havoc.
There has also been word that a few went straight to our lower most levels and are gaining on our miners within the mining shafts. May Amok save those poor souls.
Xieg tried to be a hero and charged the bulk of them, he didn't make it. Our military are about to arrive and hopefully handle this before it gets worse than it already is.
16th Limestone:
Victory is ours!!! We lost 19 dwarfs among them Xieg and Warhammer, noble sacrifices. We must bury the dead and rid or fort of the vile corpses of the fallen goblins, we must trade with our wares to the recently arrived caravan and complete the final step in making our fortress worthy of nobility.
17th Limestone:
Our problem with the count resolved itself. Damn fisherdwarf killed him in self defense, saved me the trouble.