Okay, prepare for long, controversial rant...
I think that too often, people tend to just push the unborn child off to the side. I hear discussions about the right of the mother to have an abortion, but I think that the fetus should be treated more as an individual and less as a random collection of cells that may or may not be human.
One of the things that especially sets me on edge is the justification that the fetus, if allowed to live, would have an unhappy life anyways. This is at best a flippant, overgeneralized dismissal of a serious issue, and at worst, utter moral laziness and a complete violation of human rights and morality. You have no way to somehow predict how an individual's life is going to turn out, and I really don't think that humans are either intelligent enough or morally good enough to be allowed to decide that it's best for someone else if their life is terminated.
If you let an abortion child live to a point where they could understand the issues at hand, say 11 or 12, do you think that they'd want to have been aborted? I'm guessing that most of the time, the answer would be no. Life is too wonderful of a thing to take away from an innocent human.
If a woman gets pregnant unintentionally (but consensually,) I say tough luck. If you were stupid enough to not use protection, that shouldn't make another human's life forfeit. If you used protection but it didn't work, you were perfectly aware of the risks, and should take the consequences yourself, rather than pass them off to an innocent individual. Furthermore, allowing "on-demand" abortions isn't going to do anything to alleviate the teen pregnancy rate. Frankly, teen pregnancies are so common because there is little to no repercussion for irresponsible behavior. In short, the fetus isn't responsible for its own accidental conception, and it shouldn't have to take the "consequences."
In the case of rape, I'm still against abortion. Again, a fetus isn't responsible for its conception, and it shouldn't suffer the consequences. In this case, the rapist is responsible for the pregnancy. Here in the States, rapists typically suffer a few years in jail, but occasionally are imprisoned for life. I think that this is much too lax a punishment. For one thing, they are responsible for the torture of another's body, and often their mental stability as well.
Rape frequently results in the complete destruction of the victim's mental health, and the punishment should reflect the severity of the crime. Personally, I believe that the punishment for rape should be mandatory surgical castration. The victim has to live with the memory of being humiliated in the worst possible way, and the resulting child has to live with the knowledge that they are the unfortunate result of rape. It's merely justice that the rapist should have to suffer the same pain that they caused to his victims.