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Author Topic: Beginner's Mafia 6: End - End of an Age  (Read 49117 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 1 - In the White Tower
« Reply #120 on: December 08, 2009, 07:36:45 pm »

Current Vote Count
Rooster[1]: GlyphGryph
Errol[1]: CobaltKobold
MagmaDeath[4]: Errol, Org, Rooster, Nirur Torir
SirBayer[1]: LASD
LASD[1]: SirBayer
Org[1]: MagmaDeath

Deadline: Tuesday, 9pm EST

There is less than 8 hours remaining to the end of the day.

4 requests to extend will be required to extend day.
Quote from: Magma
I'm not voting Org, And never was.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 1 - In the White Tower
« Reply #121 on: December 08, 2009, 07:44:48 pm »

Note: Attendance is made more lax in the weekends.  That is alright so long as you show up on Monday.

Current Vote Count
Rooster[2]: SirBayer, GlyphGryph
Nirur Torir[1]: MagmaDeath
Errol[1]: CobaltKobold,
MagmaDeath[3]: Nirur Torir, Errol, Org
GlyphGryph[1]: Rooster
SirBayer[1]: LASD

Deadline: Tuesday, 9pm EST
Current Vote Count
Rooster[1]: GlyphGryph
Errol[1]: CobaltKobold
MagmaDeath[3]: Errol, Org, Rooster 
SirBayer[1]: LASD
LASD[1]: SirBayer
Org[2]: MagmaDeath, Nirur Torir

Deadline: Tuesday, 9pm EST
Between these two votecounts exist no posts by Magmadeath I see. Conclusion: Moderator error.
Neither whole, nor broken. Interpreting this post is left as an exercise for the reader.
OCEANCLIFF seeding, high z-var(40d)


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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 1 - In the White Tower
« Reply #122 on: December 08, 2009, 08:04:01 pm »

Had to work late - really wanted to get here before the lynch. Glad I did, but wish I could have got here earlier.
Quote from: Rooster
Glyph Gryph: When one locates a scum then that person tries to convince town to vote for tthat person. Do that.

Seriously? Are you seriously going to try to WIFOM me like that?

Going by the scumhunting guide, I think I'm essentially at step three by this point. I'm convinced you're scum, and Ive been pulling out and pointing out the evidence I see so that others can see it in addition to seeing how you respond, but I honestly am not really sure what to do next. So I think I'm just going to take your advice, and call your little bluff. You are scum, and I think we should lynch you.

Here's the evidence I've pulled together so far.
You have-
Posted a single rv, then dissapeared for days except for a minor fluff post. Just like a scum trying to stay of the radar.

Shrugged off my questions and refused to defend yourself. Called me a hypocrite for going after you, as if that was a defense. If you are town, why wouldn't you defend yourself? If you weren't going to defend yourself, why didn't you at least spend some time hunting?

Did very little scumhunting, despite the fact that you appear to be following what's going on. The little bit you did (voted for and asked relatively weak questions first of Nirur, then of Magma) were both targeted against someone ALREADY under scrutiny from someone else at the time (Errol, and Nirur, respectively). I'm betting they seemed like easy targets to give you some scumhunting "participated" cred, but jumping on bandwagons isn't hunting.

And then you pretty much asked me to push a lynch on you. Town or scum, I have no idea why you would do that, and I'll be honest - that scares me. It certainly seems more scum than town, any way you look at it.

Rooster, you are 100% scum, and I think we should lynch you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 1 - In the White Tower
« Reply #123 on: December 08, 2009, 08:37:27 pm »

Errol, you are a bastard and I hope you get lynched.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 1 - In the White Tower
« Reply #124 on: December 08, 2009, 11:53:42 pm »

1. Ug,  It was host error.  When a post count occurs please double check your vote to make sure it's correct.

Sidenote: All names that are used are made to suit the story.  Read nothing from it.

As the day wears on, MagmaDeath turns to see Errol's tilted green eyes stare at her.  With a frown, she turns back into the conversation.  Hours later, she notices those green eyes.  It made her feel like a puzzle Errol was trying to solve.  Eventually, MagmaDeath couldn't take it, "Did you fall asleep with your eyes open, Errol?"

Errol tilted her head slightly at the question before answering with one of her own, "Why don't I remember you being there when Litia was killed?  Dakarian says we were all nearby, but..."

"I was near the other end of the hall from you.  I just came from my room."  MagmaDeath replied before ignoring the other woman.

"Ahh" Errol said, half to herself, "now it makes sense."  Suddenly, the others see a glow coming from Errol-a sign that she has embraced the One Power-and in a heartbeat she struck: flows of Air to tie up MagmaDeath, another flow of Spirit to Shield-block someone else's use of the Power-and a third of Air used as a club across the head to knock the woman out.

In the next moment, all of the remaining Aes Sedai had embraced the power, shielding and tying up Error.  Outrage and yelling all mixed together, making it impossible to hear any one of them.  Errol merely nodded to herself, then turned to frown at the others.  "If everyone would calm down, you'd all see just how much it makes logical sense."

Nirur Torir walked up to Errol, making a hushing motion towards the others.  "We..need you to explain before it can make sense to us, Errol.  Why does it makes sense to attack MagmaDeath so shamelessly?"

Errol sighed before answering, "When I channeled at MagmaDeath, everyone saw what I was doing, right?" she continued before Nirur Torir could nod, "That's because I was beside you.  We all know that you cannot channel that close without everyone seeing the flows you use and where they came from."  She nodded to the doorway behind MagmaDeath's fallen form.  Nodded since the rest of her body could not move an inch, "If I were from behind far enough and channeled small enough, you wouldn't know exactly where it came from, just that someone channeled nearby in a Tower full of channeling Aes Sedai.  If MagmaDeath left her room, it would place her in just that spot.  Everyone else was in sight of each other so if any of us did it we would see."

The tilted eyed woman seemed close to smiling satisfactory, the closest anyone has seen to her showing a strong emotion "There is only one solution then, MagmaDeath killed Litia, and so, MagmaDeath is Black Ajah." 

By the time MagmaDeath awoke, she found herself in a dank prison cell, no longer tied with Air but still Shielded.  She noticed a small note.  After reading it, her face-which started to show panic-curved into a small smile instead.  "It's not over" she muttered to herself.

MagmaDeath, Mafioso, has been lynched.

It is now Night.  Those with night roles, send me your choices.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 11:56:13 pm by dakarian »
Quote from: Dakarian
What was I doing with Mr.Person through most of Day 3, lovemaking!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Night 1: Black and Blue
« Reply #125 on: December 09, 2009, 11:37:38 pm »

Everyone stands around inside the room.  All Aes Sedai are given their own rooms to live in within the Tower-though not all Aes Sedai stay very long to actually live there.  Normally, these rooms are large compared to typical bedrooms.  With 11 women inside, however, any room would feel cramped.  10 of the women were of the group that met the other day after Litia's death.  The 11th is Webadict, a close friend to SirBayer who shares the same Ajah: Red.

Earlier, Webadict had told the group that she was visiting SirBayer when she found her friend dead on the floor of her room.  Now, however, she is too racked with tears to say anything intelligible.  The rest of the information is clear, however.  SirBayer was strangled with the One Power: residues of the flows show that she was Shielded then her mouth and nose were blocked until she died. 

As the group leave the scene, the situation is clear: there is another killer among them.

SirBayer, Cop, has been killed in the night.


Nirur Torir

Deadline: Friday, 9pm EST.
Quote from: Dakarian
What was I doing with Mr.Person through most of Day 3, lovemaking!?

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 2: ...and Red all over.
« Reply #126 on: December 09, 2009, 11:44:29 pm »

Rooster, I have a question for you: how did you know that Bayer was the cop?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 1 - In the White Tower
« Reply #127 on: December 10, 2009, 12:05:13 am »

You can always get a cop lynched, unlike a doctor.
(Sidenote: This is funny. Because they lynched him last time in BM4 when he was doctor.)
Sir Bayer: My ultra male nickname means nothing. See my long hair?
PS I'm a tranny jk

Cobald Kobold cause (s)he's the best

Glyph Gryph your avatar.... eigher you're a woman, or a tranny

(don't worry I have a girly avatar too.)
...I resent the implications and missed the buddying the first time around. Plus side, we caught scum. However, your buffoonery is less important in my eyes than another, Rooster.
Hey, I think I'll try the famous Toony Tunnel, for lots of Fun. Even more Fun because I haven't read any games with examples of it.

Magma, what's the deal with you having logged in earlier and not posting, despite having a simple question on you?
And, though the DF online manual is no more, so I can't link to the page w/Losing is Fun, this is clearly a statement intending to Lose.
Additionlly, weak attack on known scum...
Well, never shifting your focus from one person is really kinda strange, and could be mistaken for scummy by newer players.
Magmadeath responds with a "You're doing something wrong but you're not scum."
Seems I misunderstood the Toony Tunnel. That's not exactly what I'm doing here - I'm focusing on pushing one person for scumtells. Let's see ...

Nirur Torir, please make clear that you aren't jumping on a bandwagon, rather than starting one.
Because I'm not trying to get Magma lynched day 1. I'll explain in a bit.

What are you doing trying a "Toony tunnel" just to cover up your scumminess by explaining it away as part of this tactic most people wouldn't have heard of, and barely ever works?

Technically, from a townie's point of view, you have a 25% chance of being scum. If you are scum, and I live, I will push you until you make a mistake that makes your scumminess obvious. I'm not completely ignoring the rest of the game, of course.

bolded: a "BTW I'm Town" scumtell.
Unvote. FoS Magma. I'm still focusing on you, but my vote is needed elsewhere for now.

Org, have you even read the questions leveled at you? If you're not reading, you can't possibly be scumhunting. Scum do not scumhunt. Answer all of the questions leveled at you properly and start scumhunting if you want me to remove my vote.

I don't care if this is your usual playstyle. You're (presumably) in BG6 to learn and improve yourself. Either start improving, or get out.
AAaand yeah, there's the pull-off/wristslap/wink wink nudge nudge. "I'm focusing on you but my vote is needed elsewhere"? Seriously?
I did not see said questions. Can you please point them out?
You gave me insomnia. I cannot figure out a single half-believable reason for a townie to not notice a question pointed at him at the bottom of a post answering questions he asked.

Unvote Org. Vote MagmaDeath.
"Hmm, Magma's not looking so hot. Bus time now!"

Nirur Torir, you are one half of a pair of snake eyes. You killed SirBayer. Prepare to die.

If you wish to live, explain your actions.
Neither whole, nor broken. Interpreting this post is left as an exercise for the reader.
OCEANCLIFF seeding, high z-var(40d)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 2: ...and Red all over.
« Reply #128 on: December 10, 2009, 02:46:59 am »

SirBayer, apparently you had a reason for lurking. And for my lurking the last moments, I'm sorry, though it turned out for the best. I didn't really know what to say, but I would've probably just changed my vote over to Org, which would have enabled the scumteam to tie the vote, presuming one of the people voting Magma is scum.

Meh, have to leave for work, I'll see if I can post some voting analysis from there. If not, I'll be back in the evening.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 1 - In the White Tower
« Reply #129 on: December 10, 2009, 07:52:46 am »

Oh, good. I was afraid I would be auto-assumed as town.

You can always get a cop lynched, unlike a doctor.
(Sidenote: This is funny. Because they lynched him last time in BM4 when he was doctor.)
Sir Bayer: My ultra male nickname means nothing. See my long hair?
PS I'm a tranny jk

Cobald Kobold cause (s)he's the best

Glyph Gryph your avatar.... eigher you're a woman, or a tranny

(don't worry I have a girly avatar too.)
...I resent the implications and missed the buddying the first time around. Plus side, we caught scum. However, your buffoonery is less important in my eyes than another, Rooster.
Hey, I think I'll try the famous Toony Tunnel, for lots of Fun. Even more Fun because I haven't read any games with examples of it.

Magma, what's the deal with you having logged in earlier and not posting, despite having a simple question on you?
And, though the DF online manual is no more, so I can't link to the page w/Losing is Fun, this is clearly a statement intending to Lose.
Additionlly, weak attack on known scum...
I'd been weakly attacking her throughout day 1. It worked, eventually getting her to crack.
Well, never shifting your focus from one person is really kinda strange, and could be mistaken for scummy by newer players.
Magmadeath responds with a "You're doing something wrong but you're not scum."
Seems I misunderstood the Toony Tunnel. That's not exactly what I'm doing here - I'm focusing on pushing one person for scumtells. Let's see ...

Nirur Torir, please make clear that you aren't jumping on a bandwagon, rather than starting one.
Because I'm not trying to get Magma lynched day 1. I'll explain in a bit.

What are you doing trying a "Toony tunnel" just to cover up your scumminess by explaining it away as part of this tactic most people wouldn't have heard of, and barely ever works?

Technically, from a townie's point of view, you have a 25% chance of being scum. If you are scum, and I live, I will push you until you make a mistake that makes your scumminess obvious. I'm not completely ignoring the rest of the game, of course.

bolded: a "BTW I'm Town" scumtell.
True enough, but I felt my statement important enough at the time to make it anyway.
Unvote. FoS Magma. I'm still focusing on you, but my vote is needed elsewhere for now.

Org, have you even read the questions leveled at you? If you're not reading, you can't possibly be scumhunting. Scum do not scumhunt. Answer all of the questions leveled at you properly and start scumhunting if you want me to remove my vote.

I don't care if this is your usual playstyle. You're (presumably) in BG6 to learn and improve yourself. Either start improving, or get out.
AAaand yeah, there's the pull-off/wristslap/wink wink nudge nudge. "I'm focusing on you but my vote is needed elsewhere"? Seriously?
You'll note that I continued questioning her at roughly the same rate. That Org vote was to try to pressure her into doing something.
I did not see said questions. Can you please point them out?
You gave me insomnia. I cannot figure out a single half-believable reason for a townie to not notice a question pointed at him at the bottom of a post answering questions he asked.

Unvote Org. Vote MagmaDeath.
"Hmm, Magma's not looking so hot. Bus time now!"

Nirur Torir, you are one half of a pair of snake eyes. You killed SirBayer. Prepare to die.

If you wish to live, explain your actions.
I lack the self confidence to pull off a full-game focus on my scumbuddy, especially while knowing that not keeping it up after outright stating it was a full-game focus would be suicide.



Magma Death
You always act odd in every mafia I've seen you.
Rooster, that's obviously an excuse to join the bandwagon to bus your partner.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 2: ...and Red all over.
« Reply #130 on: December 10, 2009, 08:17:22 am »

Rooster, I have a question for you: how did you know that Bayer was the cop?
At first you surprised me with this, but then I realised that you think I'm scum.

Rooster, that's obviously an excuse to join the bandwagon to bus your partner.

Of course it is! Especially day one! Make myself already look suspicious asshole and bus my partner and all at day one! You're so smart! Can I have your babyz?

Glyph Gryph: Don't assume I'm WIFOM'ing. It's an experiment. And really take my advice. Convince people to lynch me. That vents anger, or so I heard.

Nirur Torir
.  You assumed I knew Magma Death is scum. Consider that I'm copying Org in this game ok?

Nirur Torir

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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 2: ...and Red all over.
« Reply #131 on: December 10, 2009, 08:24:10 am »

That's a very emotionally charged response, which is exactly what I'd expect from a scum who just had his partner killed by my purposeful tunnel vision. Then you turn around and vote me with no real explanation aside from you copying Org?

Copying Org is ... not easily considered desirable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 2: ...and Red all over.
« Reply #132 on: December 10, 2009, 08:44:37 am »

Rooster: Nirur Torir
Nirur Torir: CobaltKobold, Rooster

Not Voting:

Deadline: Friday, 9pm EST
Quote from: Dakarian
What was I doing with Mr.Person through most of Day 3, lovemaking!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 2: ...and Red all over.
« Reply #133 on: December 10, 2009, 09:06:49 am »

Nirur: Some people like chocolate, and some people like stinking feet.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Beginner's Mafia 6: Day 2: ...and Red all over.
« Reply #134 on: December 10, 2009, 09:51:13 am »

Some people consider pulling an Org to be very scummy. By pulling an Org you're not helping the town at all, and all you gain by it is confusing the people trying to scumhunt you.

You are the other scum.
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