I'm attending my first meeting tomorrow, so I'll be able to have a better idea what it is they're asking for.
The idea which they've told me, I don't agree with one bit. Too cod like imo.
They want to have aliens, as far as I can tell, ones with laser beams and sh**.
Based out of Seattle in the year 2012. Aliens were more or less going just appear around the doomsday of 2012 and so there was no time to implement alien technology into our own. Each alien race was going to inhabit each of our system planets... Just seemed too... plain
Aliens conquering our solar system?... Why? What's the point if they can travel the hundreds of light years to our star? Aren't there easier places to settle? At that point, they should be able to practically create matter from nothingness. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that the shadowy corporate types don't give half a damn about any sort of accuracy, story, plot, or... err... anything sensible in that route. It sounds more like they want a "Mario" sort of game: totally nonsensical, a game for the game's sake. Which isn't bad, exactly, but it's not my forte'. Thought I might point it out, though. I've always been of the opinion that you start with an interesting conflict of... err... interest, and all other elements will follow.
This whole doomsday bit... are you saying that the aliens were prophesied? Or perhaps that they'd visited Earth before, played some pranks with the monkey-people, then told 'em to keep things tidy and that they'd be back in a (space) jiffy after stopping off at the (space) pub for a (space) pint?
Hell, is there even going to be a singleplayer campaign?
Steampunk's always neato.
Also, what exactly distinguishes Call of Duty from any other FPS? There's the gritty realism... and... err... well that's it really. You also have the multiplayer perk and weapon-upgrade system.
More questions: what do you want your game to have that other games do not have?
I think I am so completely blowing things out of proportion.
EDIT: Also, what -kind- of FPS are we talking about? Tactical squad-based? Standard run-through-and-rip-and-tear-their-guts, level-by-level Doom-like? Role-playing? Or the new Action-Role-Playing-Shooter embodied in Borderlands? Or none of the above, something different? Multiplayer deathmatch, primarily? So many possibilities.
It sounds more like 'they' want a very traditional, very boring sort of shooter that can be cranked out quickly using largely preexisting textures and models and sounds, thanks to its near-contemporary setting. Wait... I'd swear I'd heard of a game like this... with aliens... Ah! Area 51. Ooh! And it's freeware now! Go Airforce! Well at least some good came of this thread. OOH! And the player character is voiced by agent Fox Mulder! Neato!