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Author Topic: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)  (Read 4242 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2009, 09:14:09 pm »

I would like to say Lokum, henceforth likely known as Romano, deserves nobles quarters for scaring the crap out of the kid.


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2009, 09:24:24 pm »

Really, it's all a matter of efficiency. One war dog takes a year and then some to grow up and be trained, and then takes down at best one enemy before being killed or crippled, and in the meantime he's just taking up useless space and getting under everyone's feet. But when transformed into a set of bolts, the dog can potentially kill one enemy per bolt (that's as many as 30 enemies!!! More if you somehow break the dog into many pieces before sending it to the CARVER)

Not to mention the -Dog Leather Armor- as well as the delicious *Dog Meat Biscuits* and =Dog Tallow Roasts=...
Logged if nothing really matters...
The Legend of Tholtig Cryptbrain: 8000 dead elves and a cyclops

Tired of going decades without goblin sieges? Try The Fortress Defense Mod


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2009, 09:40:37 pm »

@ Haika

Its not so much that we need hauling at this point.  Its that we don't have enough to cook.  Whenever I run out of stuff to cook, I'll put Berta back on hauling.

@ Ringmaster
Sure can.  Romano he is.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2009, 10:41:18 pm »

I believe Obsidian has 100 percent damage efficiency. Which is pretty daunting for actual sparring. and yay. Put Fred in some armor here, and hopefully he won't get slaughtered.
I suspect you've never tried doing many illegal things yet in your game. The second the CCS knows you're "active", they'll come down on you like the hammer of God.


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2009, 10:54:09 pm »

Drostan's Journal:  2nd Moonstone, 77
Kol finished constructing an artifact.  Sedish Nilun, The Infamy of Weaving, a tower cap statue worth 5400 dwarf bucks.  We will build it in the main hall, so that any who walk by may observe its magnificance.  I'm not really sure why there is an image of a wave on the statue though.
4th Moonstone, 77
There is something in the air.  We can all sense it.  No one wants to go outside. Well, other than our hunters that is.  Carver ran out of bones yesterday when Fred went on break.  He seems greatful for the excuse to stretch his legs and do some killing for a change.
9th Moonstone, 77
It seems the animals know something is up as well.  All of the benign creatures have disappeared (been killed), and instead the howls of wolves fill the night.  Fred is still on break, but Carver has once again insisted that the bones of predators make the best weapons, and has decided to personally kill all to wolves in the area.
13th Moonstone, 77
Orcs have arrived.  I must see to the defenses.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 11:46:54 pm by Zifnab »


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2009, 11:56:39 pm »

While your at it, don't suppose you can tell me how to find and use that tileset your using? I've been trying to find something other than the ezpack for a bit now, and not having much luck in getting things to work properly.
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2009, 12:02:31 am »

@ tehstefan
Well, I hope we get an anvil soon so we can make some training weaponds then.  Don't worry about Fred getting hurt sparring.  Because he is not going to be any time soon. At least not with the trainees.  I had him sparring with them when I first had him start using a sword.  Both were fully armored in leather and had obsidian swords.  I imagine the encounter went something like this:

Fred pulled his sword out of its sheath.  It felt akward in his hands, but he wasn't going to let any peasant trainee show him up.  "Have at thee!" he shouted, pointing his sword at the trainee.

The trainee pulled his own sword free, and started to scream a battle cry as he ran toward Fred.  His scream turned to cries of pain as he impaled himself on Fred's sword.  He immediately dropped to the ground in a mangled heap.

Fred swore and yelled at the trainee, "What did you have to do that for!  I didn't even get any experience!  Don't ask me for any more training until you learn to keep your eyes open!" 
The peasant is still alive, but he is going to be a while healing.
I'm using the 16x16_isenhertz.bmp that can be found on the database.  I'm also using a few graphics packs, but just for creatures.  I also use d16 almost exclusively, and have had much greater success with getting things to work using it.  Really love being able to resize the window.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 12:06:43 am by Zifnab »


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2009, 09:35:41 am »

13th Moonstone, 77 continued
Three of the four trainees are now on actice duty. Logem is still in bed after the training accident with Fred.
Xieg and Kol didn't need to be told to activate twice.
Fred and I grabbed crossbows and went up to the archer's station.  Thats when I realized Carver wasn't around.
"Anyone seen Carver?" I yelled out.
"No, but I hear some snoring.  Its coming from outside," Kol said.
"That reminds me, just realized I'm feeling pretty sleepy. I had forgotten with all the excitement." Xieg said, walking back into the fort.
"Where do you think you are going!" I cried, "The orcs are coming!"
"I'll be back after a nap." he called back.
"Would someone wake up Carver?  I'd like us to at least be all inside when we die." I said, turning back to watch for orcs.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Carver made it inside, but he'll be slow making it to the fight.  We got the bridge up and everyone inside.
There is only one way for the orcs to come.  The path in front of Fred and I winds north, then south, then north again before the orcs arrive where our dogs and soldiers are stationed.
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"They're here!  Best be ready for killin!" Fred shouted down at the soldiers.  "I can see 8 wrestlers and 8 crushers."
"Bet I can kill more than you," he said more quietly to me.  "Just remember to grab more ammo when you run out," he added, noticing my shaking.
He's right.  This is my first fight.  The first time I have tried to kill something sentient.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2009, 10:29:03 am »

There they stood, all 90 of them, clad in stainless steel, wielding weapons that doubled me in height.

And speaking of me, I alone stood between the enemy and the fortress, clad in armor with the symbol of Spiralcrystal emblazoned on my shield, and my trusty crossbow in my hand.

Leering horribly, their features twisted with lust at the thought of the slaughter they would be effecting, the orcs charged, their battle cries inhuman screams.

Unfazed, I aimed, and I opened fire. Fifty of them fell with the first volley, but by then I was out of arrows. It was then that I raised my crossbow and charged. Just as the first orc raised its two-handed sword for the downstroke, and I prepared to block with my steel shield...


"What the hell are you doing out there! They're coming!"


It had been such a pleasant dream, and such a close call. But, I thought as I desperately scrambled for the entrance to the fort, at least in reality there'd be bones to CARVE afterwards...


Don't forget to make sure marksdwarves stay close to their station. Wouldn't want them charging to their deaths...
Logged if nothing really matters...
The Legend of Tholtig Cryptbrain: 8000 dead elves and a cyclops

Tired of going decades without goblin sieges? Try The Fortress Defense Mod


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2009, 02:40:43 pm »

15th Moonstone, 77

The orcs stopped just outside of crossbow fire, and milled around outside.  I took the opportunity to have our masons throw up a wall between the ammo pile and the entrance the orcs will come in.  Carver finally got done getting a drink, and is up on the wall with Fred and I.  Sarvesh protect me!  Here they come.

"You below, stand your ground!" I bellowed. "Fire at will men!" 

We filled the sky with bolts.  I do not know how many times I ran up and down the ramp, grabbing more bolts.  At first we couldn't hit anything, but as the lead orcs came around the second bend, one dropped dead.  Then another, but there were too many, and we were not good enough marksmen.  They had reached the chokepoint into the fortress. 

The dogs lay in wait.  They tore the first orc wrestler to shreds.  But then the crushers with their iron hammers and mauls stepped up.  One dog went flying, then another, four in total crushed to death.  The peasant trainees for some reason would not engage the enemy.  I would find out later that they had overheard my orders to the marksdwarves to stay close to their stations, and thought I meant them.  Stupid peasants.
The day would have been lost if not for mighty Kol.  As the first two dog corpses flew through the air, he stepped into the bottleneck in our walls and would not let any orcs pass.  Though his silver axe is dull, it was never the less effective.  He managed to kill two of them while we continued to rain death from above.
18th Moonstone, 77
The siege broke.  Some orcs escaped, but we had managed to kill 9 of them.  We'll need to have some traps constructed on the path.  Maybe some injured orcs will stumble into them and set them off in later sieges.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
But we did not escape unhurt.  Kol lay wounded.  Both legs broken below the knees, and his shield hand wounded.  I all nonmarksdwarves to help with the cleanup.
"You there! Yes, you.  Pick up Kol and move him down to the barracks so he can heal," I ordered a peasant.
"Sure thing boss.  Oh god! Its alive!"
And so it was.  One of the crushers must have dodged a bolt, and had fallen into the channel beside the path.
"Whoever kills him gets a statue in their room, courtesy of Xieg,"  I said to Fred and Carver.
They didn't even reply, just started firing.  It took all three of us firing quite a while to bring the orc down.  In the end, the killing shot went to Carver.
I'll make sure Xieg makes him a nice statue, since he never did bother to show up for the battle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2009, 03:18:33 pm »

Fred could have used that statue! Oh well. He's probably even better at crossbow now.

And the sparring accident made me lol. Thats what you get for making fred train with peasants!
I suspect you've never tried doing many illegal things yet in your game. The second the CCS knows you're "active", they'll come down on you like the hammer of God.


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2009, 03:59:35 pm »


Yeah, I probably shouldn't have let him do that.  Plus, according to the wiki, obsidian has the same damage as steel, so no more sword sparring for a while.


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2009, 05:06:48 pm »

"Oh @#$! Orcs.  Well, its not like I expected to live long out here anyway. You know what? @#$! it.  If I'm dieing today, its going to be from the comfort of my own bed!"

You know I have my priorities straight.


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2009, 09:54:48 pm »

I feel that Kol deserves a statue too, or at least a nice tomb.

Would be a shame to have him die of thirst while he's healing - but those wounds could take years.


Logged if nothing really matters...
The Legend of Tholtig Cryptbrain: 8000 dead elves and a cyclops

Tired of going decades without goblin sieges? Try The Fortress Defense Mod


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Re: Spiralcrystal a Community Fortress (SG VIII mod)
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2009, 11:05:49 pm »

Lol yeah. Which makes it a wonderful substitute for said steel weapons!

Also slice up sparring dorfs like mad. So, can I get a list of his stats perhaps?
I suspect you've never tried doing many illegal things yet in your game. The second the CCS knows you're "active", they'll come down on you like the hammer of God.
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