Nice, I feel like I want to reuest something but my skills are similar enought and the way my brain works evrything I can think of wanting at all is so spesific I'm better of making it all myself most of the time...
I also feel like I want to give advice, but my experience is not with that exact softwhere and it is generally to low-level to give without more knowledge fo exactly what it is you want to do.I guess I can still give you a list of considerations that might be good to cosider for most graphics stuff (Of corse, considering you've ac tualy got education in the stuff you hopfully alredy know all of these at an instinct level):
* Is it abstract and 2d-ish, or a scene
* what shuld the level of visual complexity be?
* A general palete, and how varied the palete shuld be.
* composition!
* Lightning is IMPORTNANT!
* theme, style, feel
* What is the *ultimate* reason for making the image? who is going to judge if it's good? who is going to see it? what efect shuld it have on them?
* Top down aproach is uauly best in visual arts, start with concept, then composition, then roguht skech, then finer, then actual image etc.
* for animation, storyboarding.
Now, for something you might find more relevant; how to get ideas and inspiration for art and your own images!:
One posible viewpoint is that randomness is the mother of all creativity; after all, look at evolution, or DF! If you study those examples you'll however find there are two more factors:
* Randomness hapens at different levels of abstraction: it's like brownian noise rather than white noice if I use such metaphores
* The output of the randomness is put throguth some kinds of filters, some results are "bad", some are "good", those that are "good" are kept but the "bad" ones discarded.
Now, if your brain dosn't automaticaly spawn creativity by itself like mine always does, you mgith want to emulate this process, heres and example of a mathod for that:
1) get a dictionary, or even beter some kind of file with words taged to be easily procesed by a computer.
2) randomly (dice, select one noun, one verb, and one adjective. Visualize varius scenes posible by combining the concepts behind them.
3) chose a completly random word for mood or stule
4) chose a random RGB colour that shuld be contained in the resulting image.
5) Imagine the image you'd get from these above points, mentaly store that as "current image"
6) If possible, think of a completely different, less obvious interpretation of the randomied elements. Store it as curent image
7) Think of a way the curent image could be more "Intresting", if you can figure one out, replace the curent image with that new one
8 ) repeat step 7 several times, but replace "intresting" with each of the folowing words: "beutifull" "persuading" "artistic" "appealing to your tastes" and "better"
9)by now you shuld have been inspired and trailed of these instructions to go making the image, if not, discard the result and restart at step 1.