Welcome to democracy comrades.
The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.
-Winston Churchill.
I see a couple of fun issues we can discuss:
1) What happens when a democracy votes for something wrong?
-Definition of wrong? Ex. Emp. Napoleon was voted and supported by his people!
-Democracy itself is flawed?
2) Should Switzerland have done it?
In my mind, the will of the people must be second to morality. However, this gets us to the ever tricky problem of morality itself. Case A: Napoleon. He was kinda voted in and almost certainly commanded outstanding public support (especially the fact that Turn French Army was an inate power of his). Sure, he invaded Europe, which wasn't the best (of course, K&B hadn't made their pact yet). However, France would have been invaded if he hadn't attacked (which gets us to the question of a democraticish tyrant vs absolute monarchies (or hellholes, depending)).
In the case of banning Muslim-tower thingees (blatant disrespect to distract from the fact that Case A doesn't have a B and was there as a thought provoker, I'm not fleshing out the pro/anti Nap. sides here) we have two principle issues at stake. Morality and Democracy.
Morally speaking, it's pretty clearly wrong. It's a specific strike against a religion.
Democratically speaking, it's pretty clearly voted on. If my NPRatastic memory is correct, is passed with 57% of the vote.
There are two real solutions that I can figure out. Option 1, fight the
man with the man against the people. The amount you fight back has to be directly proportional to the offense (which gets into messy areas like points of treason and the like). For example, activism is about the only thing you could do here, because you can still be Muslim (and, as far as I know, still build mosques) just not the towers. Really, one could compare it to a law that says you can't build giant dick shaped buildings. Immoral, true, but there isn't any real recourse against it that isn't overblown.
The real problem here is Democracy. Democracy in the raw sucks. Go back to the quote.
About here, start to imagine a giant American flag lowering behind me, a la PattonPure democracy is little more than mob rule, and the mob will make dumb-ass decisions when inflamed (Let's kick out nice guy Brutus and put Antony in power!! Yay!). The issue then becomes one of government. In the United States
start suitably partiotic music. Battle Hymn of the Republic works, a law like this wouldn't work. Even if 57 (hell, call it 78) percent of the population wanted it, it wouldn't have the force of law. The House, being more democratic part of Congress might pass it, but Senators, many of whom don't have to face election for awhile (which is there for this exact same reason, to keep them away from common passions). If it got through that, the President could veto (or decide that he's going to ignore it, a fun little power of his), even if he didn't, or it was overturned (requiring 2/3 of all of Congress), it'd be struck down in a heartbeat by Supreme Court.
Fade lights on flag, music dampens and gets replaced by something else, like Amaranth (the instrumental).Now, I'm not sure about the system over there (despite the fact that Switzerland is the Astrix country on my list of "Nations not going to stab us in the back" I'm not well versed in any countries government except my own), but it's telling of an over-democratic system if it carries the force of law.
Bygones must be bygones though. The Swiss are the Swiss, we can't change the government retroactively (pay no attention to the time machine behind the curtain). So, in my mind, there are going to be a couple of effects.
1) The UN human rights committee (or bloody anti-semetic, anti-US hypocritical subset of an already useless organization as I like to call them) will mumble a complaint, which will be signed by a couple of other countries. They will then go back to their paper proclaiming that Israel's main power source (used primarily for enriching uranium to nuke the vatican) runs on the severed thumbs and big toes of Palestinian children.*
2a) In a few years Switzerland will repeal the law, collectively look back, and ask "what the hell were we thinking?"
2b (the only works in the highly general sense, I am in no way shape form or style predicting this)** Switzerland will become increasingly anti-islamic and eventually kick them out. The people will put a semi-tyrannical anti-Islam party into power and either angrily become a rouge state or invade/ be invaded by someone.
Effectively, this is Democracy self moderating or becoming radical until it becomes undemocratic and must be moderated by outside democratic forces.
So, I'm not sure what point I've made, but I'm going back to Oedipus now. Kay?
*My tangent take that to the BASAUSHSOAAUO isn't party of this debate. Feel free to make a new thread if you want me to vent on that,
** In the very unlikely event that Switzerland actually follows 2b, then I reserve the right to remove all mentions of ** to allow me to claim awe inspiring foresight and marshal my own private group of followers. I also apologize to the entire world. As it would be a bloody mess.
I had a lot of trouble spelling 'Swisserlend' in the course of this writing. And I'm on a Strife classic sleep dep. cycle right now, so this might not make sense. There's some good thought provoking stuff buried deep down though. I think.
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