Try billions. It's turned into a multi-billion dollar business, which is why they were scrambling to repackage it as 'climate change' instead of global warming after a couple of winters that were bitterly cold instead of not getting any snow. Besides, from what I'm hearing there's science that disproves it as much as proves it. Which makes it seem like Science-Drama to me.
There are also scientists that claim that Smoking Cigarettes does not cause lung cancer, and that The Theory of Evolution is flawed. Never mind that the first group get's all it's money from the Tobacco industry, and the second from several Evangelical organizations.
And the same goes for the anti-climate change scientists, on the payroll of the Coal and Oil industry. Can you imagine the economic disaster that would befall many of the states in the east which have entire towns with economies based around coal mining if Coal demand dropped significantly? The entire middle east would spiral into debt in two weeks if oil demand dropped significantly.
Here's the thing about science; anyone can do it. It's not like there's a secret Cabal of scientists who hold the secrets of science so no one else can do it. We're not on Mars thirty eight thousand years from now.. If you really feel that climate change is a fraud, why don't you go set up a few experiments to demonstrate that? It would only mean setting up a bunch of thermometers around the world and checking them every few months, which I can't imagine being to hard for an industry as wealthy and powerful as the Energy industry.