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Author Topic: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.  (Read 41090 times)


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2009, 01:29:31 pm »

Well...its kind of like...heroin?


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2009, 03:12:04 pm »

He's one of those 'gamers' that put graphics above gameplay.
What a shame. It's like people these days to watch a movie about a book, and let a director illustrate an idea for them, instead of reading and coming up with their own interpretation.

Now, on that note, I'll admit I'm not much of a reader, but I'm not really the kind of person that would be able to commit to a single book or project spanning a large amount of time. But even so, I'm still willing to read through something if I like the story (The Dune series for example is always a good one to read through).

It's a shame that the attention span of our recent generations seems to be diminishing geometrically. At least, that's what I've been noticing.

And I agree with jocan2003 on that idea. To see if someone truly is a gamer; hit them with all sorts of classics. If they complain, smack them in the back of the head for their stupidity. And on the note of attractive, but no function; beauty can be compared to a cat in DF, you get less rational the closer to them you are (like the dwarves), yet butchering them is fun and useful. But overall, in essence, it's nearly guaranteed to be made of fail in a pretty package.

I mean, these days, anything pretty in itself is a rather disappointing sight (Mostly in the area of people. The case usually being that the more attractive someone looks, the less likely they are to be actually intelligent or creative, kind or rational, or even the slightest bit talented in some field.), unless some serious work was put behind it. So far, architecture and engineering are probably the only categories that remain pretty, yet functional these days. True beauty defined.

What he said reflect all what i tried to say ( im french and sometime my sentence well s... when i try to explain an idea hehe thanks for that mate :) )
It's all good, we appreciate you trying (I got the message).

Anyways, I have to agree with said above. I have two older brothers, the oldest showed me DF, the middle doesn't understand it at all. Usually, the oldest and I will chat about DF, fire it up, show off our in-progress megaprojects, swap ideas, stories and various tricks and tips while the middle brother will stare at the computer and say "I dont get it."

Likewise, Ive shown DF to some of my friends. So far, (out of like 10 people) one caught on and thought it was awesome. The others complained about lack of graphics. My friend looked at them and said "don't you see the awesome-ness that is this game??" Then I had to explain why there was no graphics (least, my idea is because it would eat your FPS like a catsplosion with a 200 pop while in a siege with a waterfall of magma pouring through the veins of your fortress).
Quote from: Urist McDwarfFortress
You do not understand the ways of Toady One. He is not a business, he's just a guy trying to make a fun game. He's invited people to come along and experience the journey with him (and help him test it out as he goes along). At the end of the day, I don't think his main goal is to sell Dwarf Fortress, its just to create the best game possible.


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2009, 06:04:44 pm »

No to everyone who says Sim City, I say Sim Town.

... is it good?

No. It was horrible.
You all do know that we everytime we gen a world in DF, a new universe is created somewhere, and everytime we delete a save we kill a whole world?
Aye, we are Armok, god of blood, evil, villager gutting, fortress building, legend making and elf thongs.


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #48 on: December 01, 2009, 08:36:04 pm »

" SimTown, but with MAGMA!"
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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2009, 12:08:15 am »

"The Sims, only with miscarriages."

(then again, the sims has lesbian sex so...)


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #50 on: December 11, 2009, 12:33:15 pm »

My absolute favorite description of dwarf fortress is from  The author basically explains that dwarf fortress is a computer game from an alternate universe where VGA was never invented, yet moore's law proceeded apace.  So computer games evolved, growing ever more complicated, putting all that processing power into gameplay and not graphics.  Unfortunately, the lack of graphics in this universe has hindered the development of any sort of consistent user interface, accounting for dwarf fortress's nigh-incomprehensible menu system.


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #51 on: December 11, 2009, 12:39:56 pm »

I describe DF as a child of The Sims, Sim City, Dungeons&Dragons and Age of Empires II, just with ten times the depth.
"Sieging humans brought some war polar bears, and one of them started a camp fire. Highly trained!" --Today One accidentally introduces the panserbjørn into Dwarf Fortress lore

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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2009, 01:23:36 pm »

I say roughly the following:

Imagine you're playing the sims, but with a few differences.
Firstly, in the sims, you control up to eight people. In DF you can control several hundred.
Secondly, in the sims you buy furniture and it is automatically placed. In DF you dwarves construct and install it themselves.
Thirdly, in the sims you have only two levels to work in - upstairs and downstairs. in DF, you have between 30 and 400.
Fourthly, the sites in DF can be up to around 200 times bigger than the sites in the sims
Fifthly, in the sims you interact with other people in your neighbourhood, which consists of about a dozen sites. In DF, there can be over 1000 of these sites.
Sixthly, the world is full of dangerous beasts, hostile terrain, and magma.
Seventhly, magma. I really need to emphasise the magma.
Eighthly, in the sims you can befriend your neighbours. In DF, they can trade with you, steal from you, take your children or invade you.
Ninthly, instead of your sims going off to work, you tell them what to do yourself.
Tenthly, Everyone is a brain-damaged alcoholic. Even the children.


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2009, 01:36:39 pm »

"The Sims, only with miscarriages."

(then again, the sims has lesbian sex so...)

Dwarf fortress can too, if you use Dwarf Companion to change genders here and there...

Or maybe that's merely transgender sex?
Logged if nothing really matters...
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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #54 on: December 11, 2009, 02:32:51 pm »

Tenthly, Everyone is a brain-damaged alcoholic. Even the babies.

Fixed that for you.
I don't want to set the world on fire
Oh wait, I do.


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2009, 03:48:21 pm »

"The Sims, only with miscarriages."

(then again, the sims has lesbian sex so...)
(then again, the sims has lesbian sex so...)
lesbian sex

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The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2009, 04:10:59 pm »

"The Sims, only with miscarriages."

(then again, the sims has lesbian sex so...)
(then again, the sims has lesbian sex so...)
lesbian sex


Don't do any of this.

M.R. Siegal

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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2009, 04:12:53 pm »

I don't try to introduce DF the game to anyone right away.  I have them read Boatmurdered.  It's hard to find a better introduction to what Dwarf Fortress actually is than that.  If they are still interested after that, then we get into the game itself.  I managed to hook one poor, soul...that way.  Another was dissuaded by the learning wall.

As far as graphics go, it depends on the game.  I was disappointed by Dragon Age's graphics, but that is the type of game that the graphics that accompany the story is a major selling point.  The huge battle cutscenes wouldn't have the same impact if it was two U's blinking on top of each, but the game is sold on the (or one of) the principle of being able to watch a huge battle graphically depicted.  If graphics are a selling point, then I will judge the graphics on how well they do the job.  Clearly in DF that doesn't matter, the graphics aren't a selling point of the game and it doesn't bother me.  Hell, I prefer the ASCII default over tilesets.  But the graphic depiction isn't a selling point of the game.  So I don't really have an issue playing a game thinking "man these graphics are amazing, this looks totally awesome", then once that game is over, booting up DF and watch my dwarfs blink across the screen while in my mind I see towering ramparts and the heat ripple the air over my magma moat.

In summation of my rambling:  I won't hold it against a game if it has killer grpahics, but I agree great games don't have to be photorealistic.


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2009, 04:47:32 pm »

Trying to explain it didn't go very well, but she caught some of the gist of it.  It is like The Sims in some ways, after all.  In the ways it is like The Sims it is much more like Dungeon Keeper.  But she hadn't played that game.
I absolutely love about DF that the dwarves are so self-sustained. Just get them started and you're off, just intervene when necessary and start new projects when the existing ones are running smoothly. It's not like in the Sims where you have to move everyone around to get them to pee, eat, clean the floor and make love.

Then again, DF is a city-level strategy game like Sim City. Entirely different from The Sims, which was a doll house game*.

*I've never said this in a setting with male Sims players and gotten away with it, and I don't expect to now either. Nor could I care less  ;D .
"Sieging humans brought some war polar bears, and one of them started a camp fire. Highly trained!" --Today One accidentally introduces the panserbjørn into Dwarf Fortress lore


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Re: "So it's like The Sims?" she asked.
« Reply #59 on: December 12, 2009, 02:01:21 am »

So I don't really have an issue playing a game thinking "man these graphics are amazing, this looks totally awesome", then once that game is over, booting up DF and watch my dwarfs blink across the screen while in my mind I see towering ramparts and the heat ripple the air over my magma moat.

In summation of my rambling:  I won't hold it against a game if it has killer grpahics, but I agree great games don't have to be photorealistic.

To better summarize that opinion, if I am correct:

Dwarf Fortress is a game from when computer games were targeted at people who liked books.
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