Just tried this out, it was pretty cool. But, the 0.14.4 Windows version seems to have debugging turned on or something... whenever I move up or down a z-slice, or change levels, it logs this on the left... scrolling up the instructions out of sight!
is supposed to do that - it's not a debugging setting or anything - but I guess I should provide an option to disable it, or possibly have a region on the screen that just always shows the current co-ordinates. Personally I prefer the latter idea, but I can't really do it in the main version, because it'd have to move when I merge in the newgui stuff. So I'll probably add that to the newgui branch.
Basically, DFD logs pretty much everything on the console up the side. I'm trying to find a way to have a persistent help window, but it's difficult because all my GUI widgets are hand-rolled in SDL.
If the help's been scrolled off, and you want to re-show it, you can do so by pressing 'h' and it will push whatever's currently there out of the way.
Also, the help's fairly long at the moment - fills up almost the entire console - so almost as soon as a message goes to the console, the help starts to disappear. In 0.15.x-newgui, there are far fewer keys, so the help is much shorter, which should make this less of a problem.
tl;dr: when the newgui merge happens, that should solve your problem in several ways. But that can't happen until I have a full set of button art.