All Siquo is saying is just because you don't enjoy something that's not harmless doesn't mean it's worthless and/or should be banned.
Nicotine is a drug that by all sense and logic should be as illegal as LSD, the only reason it is not is because the ciggy companies were too well established to shut down when dangerous and addictive drugs started getting outlawed and make far too much money (both for themselves and for the government) to be shut down. That, combined with the scarily high addiction rate, near social acceptability and few serious short term effects all combine to allow millions of people every year to happily poison themselves with an exceedingly toxic cocktail of addictive chemicals while thougherly enjoying the expierence.
For example, LSD shouldn't be illegal. When you read that, you're going to dig up or spout claims that LSD is dangerous. You'll say it can provoke psychosis, or make people jump off buildings. You might even say outright falsehoods like "it's a poison" or "it makes your brain bleed." Then I would say something like "some of the most amazing experiences of my life were on acid" and that even though I haven't touched the stuff for some time and have no intention of doing so again I have absolutely no regrets.
The analogy doesn't hold because LSD actually has profound psychoactive effects that people often find positive, and isn't so destructingly addictive. It just isn't the same.
Indeed. On your part.
That's not what W'all said. What W'all said was:
W'all: We'll allow you to bash us for smoking once you stop driving cars!
W'all: I don't think you're listening.
Thank for you again completely misrepresenting what people are saying in order to support your own argument.
Driving cars and smoking are
not analagous. Yes, it is bad to drive cars when unnecessary, but it is often socially necessary to drive cars. Cars are necessary for the way of live of many, many people, and if everyone were to stop using gasoline overnight, society would suffer severe repercussions. It is not feasible for people to stop using it because they
rely on it. There is no decent reason why anybody needs to rely on tobacco; it is a completely unnecessary evil.
You keep saying stuff like "You DO know that YOU harm people, RIGHT?". Yes! I do know that! It's important in ALL aspects of one's life to try not to contribute to harming others at all. However, it's not really feasible to live in a first-world country and never do anything that harms anyone, because some of those things are fundamentally necessary to our way of life. Sure, conserve gasoline and energy, but your average person in the US simply doesn't have the reasonable choice to just stop using fossil fuels. There is a strong difference between harming people as an indirect and unwanted side effect of living in a society you don't have absolute power over, and harming people/yourself by doing something that is
completely unnecessary and provides no benefit, like habitual smoking.