The day draws to a close without any real consensus having been reached. Unfortunately, the conservative forces that be mean you have to retire now.
Vote count (Issues):
Transparency: Alexhans, Frelock, dakarian, ExKirby, bulborbish, Pandarsenic, Org [7]
Censorship: MagmaDeath, Rooster, Kashyyk, Mr.Person [4]
Curfews: Mr.Person [1]
Roleflips: Rooster [1]
Vote count (Lynching):
ExKirby: Rooster, Org, Frelock [3]
Org: Mr.Person, [1]
Pandarsenic: bulborish [1]
Alexhans: ExKirby [1]
bulborbish: MagmaDeath [1]
Frelock: dakarian [1]
kashyyk: Alexhans [1]
So... ExKirby will be first to die, it seems. He is stood up against the wall, as Frelock aims the rifle at him.
"Any last words?" enquires Frelock, preparing to fire.
"Yes!" says ExKirby, "But I ain't sayin' them yet!"
ExKirby leaps to the side, and Frelock misses a shot at him. ExKirby reaches down into the bag on his back, and produces a sawnoff shotgun! He points it in the general direction of the room, and everyone falls silent.
"If I'm going to hell, I'm bloody well taking a conservative with me!" He... no wait, SHE turns the gun towards Alexhans and blasts him in the stomach! Frelock finally regains his concentration, and aims the gun at ExKirby once more. "I did all I could... I did all I could..." says ExKirby, before Frelock fires the fatal shot.
ExKirby, Marion, Liberal Modified Super-Saint has been lynched.
All eyes turn to Alexhans, who is lying on the floor in a pool of blood. However, he stands up, and looks down at his bloodstained clothes.
"Christ, that hurt... what the fuck did he do that for?"
"She!" Says Dakarian gravely, "And do you realize we just killed the founder of this entire movement?"
Everyone looks uneasy. You campaign for a few hours on the issue of Transparency before going to bed, and are able to bring it back to the correct side. You vow that Marion's sacrifice will not be in vain.
The issues:
Noone is allowed to pm anyone else. The mafia may use their quicktopic.
A non-negotiable deadline of 4 real life days (weekend counts as one day) is placed on each dayphase.
The name of each team and the number of players alive in each team is displayed with every votecount and at the start of each phase.
Rolename and alignment are the only things revealed on death. Some roles may flip differently to their true alignments.
Anyone killed in the night will be vaguely described as "killed".
Some elements of role pms may be [CLASSIFIED]
Liberals: 6
Conservatives: 2
Stalinists: 2
Super Mutant: 1