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Would you be interested in different breeds of Sukusuku Hakutakus? (please reffer to post #330 [AKA page 23])

Yes, give us more animals!
- 23 (92%)
No, I rather take it easy!
- 2 (8%)

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Author Topic: Suika Fortress V0.7.5 - Back, but also not quite  (Read 128938 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • aka Deep Sea Diver Man
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Can't wait to get back into this mod and DF in general

edit: Also it was ether you or another Touhou mod that introduce me to Touhou...still I've only beat Phantasmagoria of Flower View though almost beat Ten Desires on normal.  :-\
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 02:53:51 am by Alkhemia »
"Hiken: Tsubame-Gaeshi" -Sasaki Kojirou (Grand Order}

"Please touch me. Without lying, wherever you want to touch. That is my wish." - Kiyohime (Grand Order)

"Tyranny, violation, genocide. Those are the things that I detest above all else." - Amakusa Shirou Tokisada (Grand Order)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Mister Mannosuke
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Also i am suddenly reminded that i before encountering this mod i had no idea how to play it and this is the mod i learnt to play with and now i love it. So thank you very much Totaku for everything you have done and creating this mod.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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Can't wait to get back into this mod and DF in general

edit: Also it was ether you or another Touhou mod that introduce me to Touhou...still I've only beat Phantasmagoria of Flower View though almost beat Ten Desires on normal.  :-\

Also i am suddenly reminded that i before encountering this mod i had no idea how to play it and this is the mod i learnt to play with and now i love it. So thank you very much Totaku for everything you have done and creating this mod.

I'm glad to hear that you all have taken an intererst in Touhou and Dwarf Fortress just from my mod, that pleases me greatly. :)

Anyways, the moment you been waiting for is finally over!

Suika Fortress V0.7.3 (0.34.11 release!) is finally up!

I've done some testing and through some quick observation things seem to be ok. However if you guys do spot something odd, please let me know. Cause I know I'll need to fix it sooner or later... since I need people to test it.

Anyways, here's the report from the this update

V0.7.3 Transferred all content to 0.34.11 and updated it to meet with standards. Fixed missing Suika Horn file, fixed missing yukkuris, updating tile set with Mike Mayday's permission, updates sprites for almost every animal in the animal kingdom (only a few in tropical_new are missing) with permission from various artist and my own work. Fixed some text with Goomba Geek's assistance, and updated some behavior and  location mechanics of 10 D yukkuris. Testing will be needed....

I've also included a credit page, sorry for not mentioning you name in the credit GoombaGeek, I was kinda tired when working on this and need to get ready for work, so I'll fix that in the next update. But yes I consider you part of the team since you assist me with a few things.

With this big hurdle out of the way, I can make way for the next project for Suika Fortress. One that could either be really simple, or really hard. The preview I posted before hand is the hint to what I'm preparing to do. And it will be very experimental, but I will hope to maximize the results from it cause it should make things fun and more interesting....

I'll explain more about it later... for now get to playing and testing folks!

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Horrors! Crundles in the caverns!
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I wouldn't count myself as having significantly helped (e.g. worthy of credits) until I've done every creature, though. Which I'm working on! It just happens to be finals week but that ends tomorrow and then I'm getting my own computer so I should actually be able to type things up. But so far, writing this has been great fun and I can't wait to do more :)

So, here's my start on creature_large_temperate:
Code: [Select]
[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri based on the kitsune and shikigami, Ran Yakumo. While uncommon, rankkuris roam freely in the forest and can pose a minor threat to unarmed suikas. Their main activity is searching for a chenkkuri to pamper, love and otherwise dote upon, but they may be so overwhelmed by the sight of one that they will get a massive nosebleed while screaming CHEEEEEEEEEEN! Reports of yukkurans' love for the chenkkuris going much too far are, as of yet, unsubstantiated. They are filled with either fried tofu or rice.]
[PREFSTRING:devotion to chen]
[PREFSTRING:fluffy tails]
[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri that looks like the Tanuki of Sado, Mamizou Futatsuiwa. These yukkuri act mostly like tanuki and have an obsession with fine alcoholic beverages. Raiding cellars and stockpiles for booze is a common pastime for them. They also hate foxes and rankkuris. They are filled with sake, which has been highly acclaimed by critics.]
* NOTE: Is it Momizi or Momiji? From MoF onwards, ZUN seems to favour the -zi version of Japanese romanization more, so I'm keeping it as it is. Those who care can discuss this, although it really is quite minor.
[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri that clearly takes after the white wolf tengu, Momizi Inubashiri. They are a proud species and will always loudly proclaim their accomplishments no matter how trivial or mundane they are. Ones from the northern mountains are said to speak with a Canadian accent. But watch out - an unknown percentage of momizikkuri are said to carry a mysterious infection... They are filled with maple syrup.]
        [PREFSTRING:tokin hats]
[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri that resembles the Scarlet Devil Librarian Patchouli Knowledge. These yukkuri are intelligent by yukkuri standards, and some can even read books. And just like the original Patchouli, these yukkuri are weak and cannot physically exert themselves. And most of them are incapable of magic, too. Even illiterate patchukkuris love to read books, although what they expect to gain from this is unclear. Their filling is raw cream.]
[PREFSTRING:book smarts]
[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri that's just as noisy as the yamabiko Kyouko Kasodani. These yukkuri are charming and friendly, but they also get on many people's nerves with their incessant shouting. They have the annoying habit of constantly greeting people and inanimate objects. More than one well-meaning yukkuri owner has thrown their kyoukkuri through a window after being awakened at three in the morning by yet another "HELLO, MISTER FLOOR!!" Some people actively hunt the kyoukkuris just to shut them up. They are also kept as pets due to their loyal nature and extreme usefulness as an alarm clock. They are filled with fresh breath mints.]
[SOUND:ALERT:100:1000:VOCALIZATION:shout:shouts:a loud shout]
[SOUND:PEACEFUL_INTERMITTENT:25:10000:NONE:greets you:greet you:a distant greeting]
[PREFSTRING:polite greetings]
[PREFSTRING:unwavering voices]
* NOTE: What on earth is yukkuri Miko called?! I haven't found her quite yet, so I just put in a placeholder. If you were wondering why she's mentioned, it's because... they wear earmuffs... and so they can tolerate giant kyoukkuris... it sounded better in my head... Also, I changed "kyoukuri" into "kyoukkuri", because "kokyoukuri" was really hard to read what with three 'k's and a mess of vowels.
[NAME:giant kyoukkurri:giant kyoukkurris:giant kyoukkurri]
[CASTE_NAME:giant kyoukkurri:giant kyoukkurris:giant kyoukkurri]
[GENERAL_CHILD_NAME:giant kokyoukkurri:giant kokyoukkurris:giant kokyoukkurri]
[DESCRIPTION:An even larger and louder kyoukkuri. These yukkuri are far louder than their smaller versions, and their voices also carry farther. Those sensitive to noise will run at the sight of them. Earmuffs are a good idea while dealing with giant kyoukkuris, as their loudest shouts are said to pop eardrums. They seem to get along well with [WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL YUKKURI MIKO] for this reason. They are filled with gobstopper-sized breath mints.]
[SOUND:ALERT:100:1000:VOCALIZATION:shout:shouts:a very loud shout]
[SOUND:PEACEFUL_INTERMITTENT:25:10000:VOCALIZATION:yu:yus:an extremely loud yu]
[SOUND:PEACEFUL_INTERMITTENT:25:10000:NONE:greets you:greet you:a loud, distant greeting]
[PREFSTRING:very polite greetings]
[PREFSTRING:extremely loud voices]
* NOTE: This is short because no prefstrings were edited. Oh, and I changed the filling a little bit - before, it gave a long description of Tylenol (or something, I was never really up on medications) but I changed it to be a "shady new drug". Hopefully this is funnier.
[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri with the distinctive look of Lunarian doctor Eirin Yagokoro. These yukkuri are immortal to a limited degree, but only when they have a Teruyo to protect. Their maternal instinct is mighty and they will lay dozens of annoying traps to kill all yukkuri who would dare harm their princess. Without a Teruyo to serve and keep from harm, they will gradually descend into madness and trigger their own traps before dying. These yukkuri are known for their skills as a doctor, being able to create medicines for other yukkuri. Their filling is disputed, but it is either a soothing aloe gel or some shady new drug.]
* NOTE: The end bit should be funny if you remember MoF's dialogue. Poor Minoriko. Also, please fill in [LETTY NAME] with lettykkuri's in-mod name.
[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri with the same smell and look the harvest goddess Minoriko Aki. These yukkuri will lay unnoticed all year until fall, when they breed to near-swarm proportions. They are then all eaten by [LETTY NAME] come winter and the cycle of yukkuri life continues. They also like to tend crops during autumn, but they shy away from crowds so they'll probably avoid your fortress. They are filled with sweet potatoes, and yukkureimus will sometimes declare that they want to eat the yukkurikos due to their delicious smell.]
[PREFSTRING:autumn swarming]
[PREFSTRING:crop tending]
* NOTE: A preceding tag got in here. Just ignore it. Also, I... um... infected the word "colour" with my Canadian spelling...

[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri that resembles the lesser-known autumn goddess Shizuha Aki. These yukkuri can change the colour of leaves during autumn, but they can only do one leaf at a time, after which they will usually lose interest. They are fairly vain and believe themselves to be even more popular than their sisters the yukkuriko. Just like the yukkurikos, they breed during fall and stay quiet during other seasons. They are filled with pumpkin pie filling.]
[PREFSTRING:leaf-changing abilities]
[PREFSTRING:lack of fans]
* NOTE: See above - [DAIYOUSEI NAME] is also a placeholder... Also, I think putting a HUNTS_VERMIN tag would be fun seeing as yukkuri wiki says they eat moths and small insects.

[DESCRIPTION:A yukkuri that shares the popularity and looks of Koakuma. These yukkuri are known (or unknown) for their small size and their lack of notability. Sometimes, they will travel in little groups to be noticed, but this does not work. The only yukkuri that acknowledge them at all are the equally obscure [DAIYOUSEI NAME] and the patchukkuri, who the koakkuri idolize. They can fly with their little bat wings. They are filled with caramel, although it is hard to verify this.]

[PREFSTRING:tiny size]
[DESCRIPTION:A fat, snake-like creature that lives in forests and marshlands. They are capable of making vines to hide themselves in, so few ever actually see a tsuchinoko. Because of their rarity, they are highly valued creatures that many desire but few can find.]
[PREFSTRING:plump bodies]

[DESCRIPTION:A small rodent found in temperate climes. It looks like a ferret, but it has the ability to generate electricity from its body, so handle it with care. Some say they cause thunderstorms, but they cannot fly so this is unlikely. These creatures are usually fairly calm and timid, but they get more aggressive during thunderstorms. Their bite also make a person become unmotivated and lazy, but this can be cured by corn.]
[CHILD:1][GENERAL_CHILD_NAME:raijuu baby:raijuu babies]
[PREFSTRING:electrical zap powers]
[PREFSTRING:love of corn]
All right!
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 11:13:42 pm by GoombaGeek »
My wooden badge was delicious.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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I'm running through some bug tests right now so far some things are coming in already that I overlooked...

Spoiler: buglist (click to show/hide)

I'll write more as I come across them, but keep your eyes open for bugs as you see them...

And an extra note to GoombaGeek, there are no Yukkuri Mikos yet. I need to find a way to make them stand out. Thus why I haven't added them in. Though to be honest, I could see a yukkuri Miko having some kind of leadership skills which would require advance symbiotic relationships (which as far as I know haven't happened yet....) to lead herds of Futokkuri and Tojikkuri. (Seigakkuri don't count, cause they have no interest in really hanging out with anyone [Read SoPM, she pretty much disbanded from Miko's hermit crew following her resurrection] unless it's to cause mischief, they find something or someone interesting [Much like Seiga herself] or to just collect dead bodies for reanimation purposes [which is something I'm going to poke later on]

Also Miko yukkuris probably wouldn't get along with Kyoukkuruis due to Buddhist vs. Taoist ties.

I think I found all of them ATM, so I'm going to go ahead and put this thing together and do a quick bug fix and touch up after I decide if GoombaGeek's stuff works or not and move on to the next experiment if nothing else pops up..
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 05:41:04 am by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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Here's quick fix for you all!

Suika Fortress 0.7.3 quick fix!

Here's the info regarding the quick fix:
Quick fix for 0.7.3: fixed sprite error with a sprite in world gen, fixed description of some beer from dwarven to Suikan, some sprites errors with pots and gourds, and more descriptions tweaks with GoombaGeek.

I haven't seen any noticable errors out of the norm from here, so I'm going to go ahead and explain the next step that I'm going to work on.

Starting today, I shall be experimenting with interaction tags something I needed to do for a while. The new tags have changed the way things are handled and I want to see just how well some attacks play out.

I also may be running around testing mods that center around Necromancers, zombies and the like. Reason?

Plans for The Wicked Hermit and Jiangshi update

Ever since 10D came out and DF's timing, I realized that the necromancer system had alot of value to it. And I've been wanting to see just how far I can take it...

As everyone probably knows already, the idea behind this update will be to make good use of the interaction tags that function around Necromancers and zombies. But at the same time, I want to make sure they're unique all at the same time.

For this planned update, I want to be able to place in Seiga Kaku, the wicked Taoist hermit, and Yoshika Miyako, the cursed gluttonous jiangshi poet.

To make this possible I am trying to see if I can make certain things happen that only these characters can do and only them! And at the same time also construct a general jiangshi system as well..

So why don't I explain the layout plans here:

Seiga Kaku

What needs to be done for her:
She must be a one of kind character (she the only one that exists) - check
She must be able to raise the dead and call forth "Jiangshi" as her servants to aid her if she gains access to corpses. - Arena mode check
She must be able to pass through walls (unfortunately not possible, so BUILDINGDESTORYER will have to do for now) - Decided on Lockpicker instead - check
Needs to be the character who learns the art of Taoism and spreads her influence among the world via world gen.

Things I want to consider for her:
Being able to special summon Yoshika Miyako into battle (I hear that might be possible if she uses a corpse she can locate)
Being able to spread her taoist influence among people to convince them to partake in hermit hood causing either addition mayham, or peace depending on the individual. (this may be hard to do)

Other important notes: Being a hermit she's stronger than the average human, and due to being around for 1400+ years or longer, she probably possesses a load of magic, but she'll be limited at the moment due to system mechanics at the time, though her core abilities should be possible to achieve. Also while it's probably not possible for her right now, I would like her to be able to enter villages without causing a mess in due time (As in bring her undead horde with her)

Yoshika Miyako

What needs to be done for her:
A stand alone character if possible.
Be summonable by Seiga
Perhaps hide in a grave in adventure mode (this may require a "second" Yoshika to achieve this effect.
She needs to have a mad appetite for food
She needs to be slightly slow, but dangerously powerful and be able to withstand a lot of damage.
She must cooperate under Seiga's command and attack if necessary.
She must be able to infect others with her bite and perhaps make them go Jiangshi on the next full moon. (There's no way I can make it a temporary 1 hour case so it's going to be werewolf syndrome here...)

Things I want to consider for her:
Make her brain rotten

General Jiangshi
What needs to be done for them:
Be able to be summoned by a wicked hermit if access to a corpse
Be strong, and have good defense, but also be slow.
Cooperate with wicked hermit
Can rot away gradually (it's not like they're as good as Seiga...)
Cause infection via biting victim and spread it to living beings

General Wicked Hermits
Need to be able to uses taoist magic to raise jiangshi from the dead
Be stronger than the average human, but only by a certain degree

This here is a good list of what I want to focus on for the core point of the project, course if you guys know of any tricks to achive the effects, by all mean let me know. I'll be busy experimenting for now. And start working on Seiga and Yoshika in a certain period of time.

But yes, more or less Seiga and Yoshika are like a Necromancer and zombie, just with a bunch of unique twists to them.

That's what I'm hoping to achieve anyways. So guess it's time to start...
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 11:58:57 am by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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Ok first bit of testing went underway, mainly tested to see if Seiga's abilities function the way they should.

The good news is Seiga does indeed resurects the dead and so forth. Arean mode testing proved good.

On the other hand I'm still having complications with resolving the establishment of her wicked hermit status via world gen. I which she becomes a hermit and then influences others to follow her course of action.

More test will be needed.

Course if anyone here knows of a one of a kind way to make Seiga become a hermit on her own via world gen (a la necromancer methods) and then spread her influence, then by all means let me know, cause I'm still looking for a solution ATM....

Edit:May have found one, it's a rather odd situation though.... at least in one attempt Seiga did become a Necromancer. I'll have to retamper with the SPHERES a bit, I may be able to get her to become a wicked hermit soon at this rate....
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 02:03:46 pm by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Horrors! Crundles in the caverns!
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I totally forgot that they were of opposing religions...

But Miko was pretending to be Buddhist in the past and yukkuri are stupid anyway so it could work. Maybe. I was too caught up in my awesome fanon that I forgot their actual religions...

To make up for this mistake, here's creature_touhou (oh, and when I posted the Yuukurri excerpt it was actually ready to be included).

Code: [Select]
[DESCRIPTION:A youkai of the darkness, known mainly for manipulating the darkness around her. She mainly preys upon humans for food, but she isn't a very bright youkai and lacks the required secondary powers to see through her own darkness, so she is always crashing into trees and walls. On top of this, her bubble of darkness is obvious from the outside and evading her is rather easy.]
[PREFSTRING:clueless personality]
        [PREFSTRING:power over the darkness]
        [PREFSTRING:airplane arms]
[DESCRIPTION:A night sparrow youkai whose song causes night blindness. She's a fairly dumb troublemaker, but she is also a canny businessperson and sells grilled lamprey to "cure" the night blindness that she actually causes with her own powers.]
[NAME:Mystia Lorelei:Mystia Loreleis:Mystia Lorelei]
[CASTE_NAME:Mystia Lorelei:Mystia Loreleis:Mystia Lorelei]
[PREFSTRING:clueless personality]
        [PREFSTRING:power to cause night blindness]
        [PREFSTRING:lamprey cooking skills]
[DESCRIPTION:A firefly youkai that aimlessly flits around at night. She controls insects, but is a fairly dumb troublemaker who doesn't use this terrifying power for much. She wears pants, but don't be fooled, as she's a girl. Reports of her crashing into windows and lightbulbs at night have not been verified.]
[NAME:Wriggle Nightbug:Wriggle Nightbugs:Wriggle Nightbug]
[CASTE_NAME:Wriggle Nightbug:Wriggle Nightbugs:Wriggle Nightbug]
[PREFSTRING:confident personality]
        [PREFSTRING:power over insects]
[DESCRIPTION:A tsurube-otoshi, or bucket-dropper, that drops from trees when someone passes underneath and kills and eats whoever has been hit by this bucket attack. Although she is one of these terrifying youkai, she seems to be quite shy and always hides in her bucket.]
[CDI:ADV_NAME:Hurl hellfire]
[CDI:ADV_NAME:Spray jet of hellfire]
[PREFSTRING:shy personality]
        [PREFSTRING:power over flame sprits]
        [PREFSTRING:graceful bucket dropping]
   [DESCRIPTION:When a doll was left alone on the hill where the suzuran grow, it eventually became this poisonous tsukomogami with a bitter hatred for humans. She is dripping with poison and experiments with the suzuran to find the most lethal mixtures. Despite being a young youkai she is extremely dangerous because she will not hold back, and her poisons tend to be compounds of many poisons that are impossible to cure. Approach with extreme caution.]
   [NAME:Medicine Melancholy:Medicine Melancholys:Medicine Melancholy]
   [CASTE_NAME:Medicine Melancholy:Medicine Melancholys:Medicine Melancholy]
   [PREFSTRING:hatred for humans]
        [PREFSTRING:poisonous abilities]
        [PREFSTRING:lack of ethics]
[DESCRIPTION:An earth spider youkai who specialty is creating infectious diseases and controlling them. Though she is feared for this power, she is fairly nice and does not inflict any diseases upon people without reason. Like most youkai she's bound to be eager to pick a fight, and if she gets worked up she may start spreading plagues with reckless abandon, so it's best to just stay away.]
[NAME:Yamame Kurodani:Yamame Kurodanis:Yamame Kurodani]
[CASTE_NAME:Yamame Kurodani:Yamame Kurodanis:Yamame Kurodani]
[PREFSTRING:power over illnesses]
        [PREFSTRING:spider-like appearance]
        [PREFSTRING:pretty web patterns]
* NOTE: Here's the section for Yamame's diseases.
[STATE_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:miasma mist]
[STATE_NAME:LIQUID:miasma mist]
[STATE_ADJ:LIQUID:miasma mist]
[STATE_NAME:GAS:miasma mist]
[STATE_ADJ:GAS:miasma mist]
[SYN_NAME:Filled Miasma]
[STATE_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:sickness mist]
[STATE_NAME:LIQUID:sickness mist]
[STATE_ADJ:LIQUID:sickness mist]
[STATE_NAME:GAS:sickness mist]
[STATE_ADJ:GAS:sickness mist]
[SYN_NAME:Unexplained Fever]
[STATE_NAME:ALL_SOLID:frozen foliage spider venom]
[STATE_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:frozen foliage spider venom]
[STATE_NAME:LIQUID:foliage spider venom]
[STATE_ADJ:LIQUID:foliage spider venom]
[STATE_NAME:GAS:foliage spider gas]
[STATE_ADJ:GAS:foliage spider venom gas]
[SYN_NAME:Japanese Foliage Spider Bite]

And there we go!

EDIT: Yes, the plural of "Rumia" is "Rumiae".
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 08:31:24 pm by GoombaGeek »
My wooden badge was delicious.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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Yeah I would highly recommend trying to keep canon in mind since that's usually how I try to ride with things in terms of the character. Even the yukkuris to an extent. (Yes, it's a fanon thing, but I try to keep from blowing things out of proportion)

Anyways going to nitpick on a few things:
Rumiae... ok it makes sense, though I was pointed out there is really no plural form in the native tongue. So I guess I can go with that.... maybe...
Should be noted that Mystia also does rock concerts (SoPM)
Not going to use that last tidbit on Wriggle about the windows and lights.... seem pointless even in youkai standards.
Should be noted that Kisume is a feral youkai to an extent since she does chop off people's heads. (Confirmed by ZUN in SoPM)
Debating on Yamane, since I may include this or not, but her race is also known for thier construction work they do building youkai homes within a single night.

Anyways, moving on... I finally got wicked hermits to start thriving within world gen! Apperently I discovered that necros are hard coded and thus will over flow taking over hermits very easily. So by reducing secrets to a low number I was able to start seeing a rise in a hermit population...

On the other hand... Seiga becoming a hermit still comes by chance.... so I may have to resort to other method someone point ealier in the mod thread. But it may still be a game of chance there. But it would mean changing up a few things. I may have to put some of her abilities in her by default. Afterwards it all right on how world gen plays out from there.

But as long as I can ensure that her chances of becoming a wicked hermit are very strong, and that she'll pass the teaching down. Then I'll have no complains with the outcome.

Then I can finally work on Yoshika....

Still at this point Seiga's a bigger mess than I imagined....

Edit: After taking some time to thing an experiment with more mod, I think I realize now that Necromancer are only center around races. Which does complicate things.

So on one hand I managed to make a "wicked hermits" and they'll be able to raise jaingshi...

On the other hand, I may have to resort to making Seiga function a little different than the rest of the wicked hermits just so she can do things that the rest of the hermits can't.

This may be the simplest answer to it all. I'll get back to it tonight...
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 05:50:02 pm by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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Well while I work on Seiga, I though I check on Yukkuri Seiga since she too was important to the project.

The good news is I got yukkuri Seiga to finally work Exactly how I wanted her to be.

This means embarking in an evil region will be EVEN MORE DANGEROUS now.

You sit around in a spot where a yukkuri Seiga can walk around at, and have corpses laying about, it's going to ressurect them.

Thankfully they should be somewhat rare to an extent, so dealing with them shouldn't be hard. Just don't let them get access to your bodies. :P There's no telling what will happen if you let them do that...

For those that dont' remember, Yukkuri Seigas roam around in evil regions, in most locations, I'm going to make them more rarer in the new version so to avoid too much "problems" from occuring too quickly. But at least now, you'll have your dose of wicked yukkuri fun out in evil places...

Anyways, going to continue working on the work around for Seiga....

edit: Also I can say I got wicked hermits in general to work. Seiga on the other hand is a wild card in this mess.... and so are the jiangshi in general. But for the moment I'm working on a work around for Seiga which will be different, but will make sense....

Edit 2: Well thanks to a bit of exploration I have managed to not just make Seiga more potentionally dangerous, I've also managed to also get every Touhou to become one of a kind megabeast!"

More or less a simple play on the numbers in the Suika Fortress's Mega beast numbers can allow me to do this....

This gives me a rather fasinating idea!

What I'm this is a long run project. So at the moment this probably won't happen. But what I'm considering doing is this:

Reserve megabeasts for Touhou characters!
Move all other common megabeasts (hydra, dragons, roc, ect) to semi megabeast

This probably won't happen right away, it's something for the future. But it's a direction I want to consider. Cause it simply wouldn't be Touhou without some combat between characters. Now that I know that I CAN control how many appear in the world.Thus I can avoid duplicates!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 09:31:03 am by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!


  • Bay Watcher
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The Rumiae thing was a joke anyway :P

But I had a fun idea! We could make a Suika Fortress succession game and hopefully get slaughtered by yukkuri in the most amusing way possible.

Would this interfere with the previously mentioned cross-forum game? (I think it wouldn't so I'm starting it anyway - buttt I can delete it if it merges with any previously laid plans too closely)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 08:45:27 pm by GoombaGeek »
My wooden badge was delicious.


  • Bay Watcher
  • aka Deep Sea Diver Man
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I don't go to deep in to the fan-base for Touhou but what with all the severed heads?

Edit: Oops sorry was sleep missed that.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 01:01:33 am by Alkhemia »
"Hiken: Tsubame-Gaeshi" -Sasaki Kojirou (Grand Order}

"Please touch me. Without lying, wherever you want to touch. That is my wish." - Kiyohime (Grand Order)

"Tyranny, violation, genocide. Those are the things that I detest above all else." - Amakusa Shirou Tokisada (Grand Order)


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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The Rumiae thing was a joke anyway :P

But I had a fun idea! We could make a Suika Fortress succession game and hopefully get slaughtered by yukkuri in the most amusing way possible.

Would this interfere with the previously mentioned cross-forum game? (I think it wouldn't so I'm starting it anyway - buttt I can delete it if it merges with any previously laid plans too closely)
There's a chance we could merge this together, but I woulld highly recommend waiting till after the 15th or so Goomba Geek. Because it wouldn't be fun if the players wind up split between my game and your. Might be better to bunch them into one group.

The MotK board does play, but I'm hoping to get a larger number by doing a cross forum succession game with a large number of touhou fans.

Also considering what I'm trying to put together before mid July. There will be some changes that I think you would find more fun to do if you simply wait. Seiga and Yoshika aren't the only things I'm cooking up....

But in all fairness I ain't going to stop you if you feel you must do this.

I do go to deep in to the fan-base for Touhou but what with all the severed heads?

A "yukkuri" they are more or less a fanon based creature made by the Japanese fanbase. More or less Yukkuris are the bouncing head like creatures that have looks that resemble the characters of Touhou.

It started as some joke when someone posted a picture at a Radio station or something were a Reimu and Marisa head shouted "Yukkurishitene!" or.... "Take it easy!" From there, the Japan fanbase took a bite on the idea and soon created these cute fanon abominations that we now know simply as yukkuri. They pretty much are like bouncy heads filled filling of some kind on the inside. Fans like to eith draw them taking care of them (because they can be cute) or slaughter them in the most gruesome way possible (because they're either obnoxious or an abomination in their eyes.)

I saw the yukkuris as like an animal in most ways so it gave me an idea to replace the animals in Suika Fortress with these. XD
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 01:06:41 am by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!


  • Bay Watcher
  • aka Deep Sea Diver Man
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I don't go to deep in to the fan-base for Touhou but what with all the severed heads?

A "yukkuri" they are more or less a fanon based creature made by the Japanese fanbase. More or less Yukkuris are the bouncing head like creatures that have looks that resemble the characters of Touhou.

It started as some joke when someone posted a picture at a Radio station or something were a Reimu and Marisa head shouted "Yukkurishitene!" or.... "Take it easy!" From there, the Japan fanbase took a bite on the idea and soon created these cute fanon abominations that we now know simply as yukkuri. They pretty much are like bouncy heads filled filling of some kind on the inside. Fans like to eith draw them taking care of them (because they can be cute) or slaughter them in the most gruesome way possible (because they're either obnoxious or an abomination in their eyes.)

I saw the yukkuris as like an animal in most ways so it gave me an idea to replace the animals in Suika Fortress with these. XD
Well I guess it would be hard since most of the characters there only one of and I bet most of the Youkai would be hard or impossible to even make 
"Hiken: Tsubame-Gaeshi" -Sasaki Kojirou (Grand Order}

"Please touch me. Without lying, wherever you want to touch. That is my wish." - Kiyohime (Grand Order)

"Tyranny, violation, genocide. Those are the things that I detest above all else." - Amakusa Shirou Tokisada (Grand Order)


  • Bay Watcher
  • The little oni that strikes the earth
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Well I guess it would be hard since most of the characters there only one of and I bet most of the Youkai would be hard or impossible to even make 

To an extent yes, but with each passing year as Toady continues to update, I get more and more content that makes this Touhou mod a reality which is why I enjoy every year Toady continues to develop it.

Anyways I'll be brief... NyanNyan and Yoshika are done! I still have one more surprise. But I'll do it following work.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otakukind!

And maker of the mod in progress known as Suika Fortress Now for 0.34.xx!
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