I took a look at the video and have to say I'm amused with how the Let's Play began. XD This is going to be one insane adventures. Suikas are too drunk and forgot to bring a furnace and picks. It's recipe for FUN! And so our poor Suikas must live in log cabins till the fall. XD
Anways here's my view on it:
The Good: At least the beginning was interesting, especially with how you messed up. I think this will be an amusing adventure as you keep progressing. I guess you did alright for a rather "quick intro" to Suika Fortress and Touhou. Though I wish you could of went a little more indepth about Touhou. But that's your call since it's your let's play, not mine. Probably the best way to describe it is like Don-pachi or Ikaruga with girls replacing ships. At least that's how I'd do it. XD But yes I'm definetely watching this.
The Bad: Not paticularly bad, but I had a feeling you were going to mess up pronouncing things which is why I made that offer to you help you via PM. Cause I'd be worried how some people in the Touhou-fanbase would pick upon it when they caught wind of it.
But anyways, let me go over what you could of done better on with pronoucing.
Suika- "Sue Wii Ka" As in "I'll 'sue' you", Nintendo 'Wii' " and well you got ka correct.
Touhou- "Toe Hoe" Yes, as in the "toe" of your foot, and a gardening "hoe"
Oni - "O knee" Like letter "O" and the "knee" of your leg.
Parseekuri - "Par see ku ri" Par as in par in golf, see as in "I see you" and I know you got kuri correct, so I'm not going to try to explain that.
YukkuReisen - "You ku Ray sen" - Yukku you got right, but you pronounced Reisen as "Rai sen" should be "Ray sen" you know like Raisens.
I think that covers what mistakes you made with pronoucing on the LP.
Anyways you did a good job so far. Though don't be surprised if some Touhou fans come across it and say "what" with how you pronouce it.
Look forward to the rest. : )