So, just to confirm the rules, we are not allowed to you if we have questions? They should just be posted in the thread?
Because I wanted to post a question, but then I realized it was very much from the position of a townie, which is a good thing as from what I can tell I want to be known as a townie because since the mafia already know I'm a townie it doesnt do me any good to hide it unless people get suspicious of the fact that I claim that in my first post and suspect me of dissembling with newish questions to make them think I'm something I'm not by saying something that implies that I am what I am and now I've gone crossed and my brains been stuck with an infinite loop.
And now I have no idea what I was saying but I apparently lost like half an hour thinking about it, so I'm not going to reread that previous paragraph and just move onto my second question.
So Scum is another word for Mafia/Mediums(for this game anyways) I assume? Just the general catchall regardless of game theme? (I love the role reversal for this game by the way, with the creatures devouring souls are the ones playing the townies!)
Are we allowed to ask each other if we have powers? (Clearly people have no need to be truthful, but just wondering)
Also, uhm... accusational questions... uh...
Rooster! Be ye ghost or ghoul? If you were a ghost, who would you vote for? If you were a ghoul, who would you kill? If you were a vampire, why would you be in this house and this story?
Answer to my satisfaction or face the wrath of my vooooote (may be an empty threat).
Anyways, so as far as voting goes, I assume it is more effective for the townies to stack up their votes on one person, rather than spread them out, since spreading them out will give the scum the opportunity to tip a decision they otherwise wouldn't be able to manipulate, simply because of their low numbers. However, they can collaborate without us knowing, and thus change 2 votes at the last second from one person to another causing a potential total vote difference of 4 (a 4 on A and a 4 on B could change to a 2 on A and a 6 on B just because of scum votes shifting).
So we want to make sure whoever we vote for, or agree to vote for, we kill, or else the scum get an advantage on breaking ties as well as killing us off which will turn the already bad 2 in 9 chance of us randomly killing one of them to something much worse.
And finally, a question to everyone!
Would you be willing to sacrifice yourself on the alter as the first to go to prove your Townie loyalty?