Cheeetar: Shenanigans Rule
Vector Glyphgryph: Mafiakill Dakarian, Bus Cheeetar with Meph
D5: King of Kings: Mephansteras votes Dakarian, Dakarian votes Cheeetar, Cheeetar votes Dakarian; Dakarian crowned, Lynches Cheddarius
Cheeetar: Ozymandias Rule, NaiveInvestigate Dakarian, 0%Protect Dakarian
Dakarian: NaiveInvestigate Cheeetar, 0%Protect Mephansteras
Diakron: Blocks Dakarian, Investigate Dakarian, 0%Protect Dakarian
Mephansteras: Forced !none [Prod]
Vector Cheddarius GlyphGryph: Plantlaser Diakron, 0%Protect Cheddarius; Stare Cheeetar, 0%Protect GlyphGryph; Mafiakill Diakron, 0%Protect Vector
D5: RedWarrior0 hammered by ToonyMan, who rolls 1 an flips as The Mayor of Can Town
Cheeetar: Activate Spartacus Rule
Diakron: Ill Beats on ToonyMan
Vector Org GlyphGryph: Kill RedWarrior0 [Redirected to Webadict], Stare is !none, Bus RedWarrior0 with Webadict
D4: Lynch Eduren, Mr.Person disappears
SirBayer: SCIENCE! on Dakarian
Cheeetar: Can't Touch This Rule
Mr.Person: Investigate Mephansteras for Socialism - Negative, protown, revelation of Eduren's socialism
Rashilul-Diakron: Roleblock Cheeetar (Doesn't work, Bastard Mod cannot be roleblocked)
Webadict: Cheat Eduren
SHAD0Wdump-GlyphGryph Vector Org: Bus Rashilul & Mr.Person, mafiakill SirBayer, stare Webadict
D3: Dakarian accurately chaoskills ExKirby. CobaltKobold is lynched
SirBayer: SCIENCE! on nobody
Cheeetar: Try Again Rule
Mr.Person: Investigate Eduren for Socialism - Delayed positive, protown
Apostolic Nihilist: Dakarian is Town [NAIVE COP]
Webadict: Cheat CobaltKobold (blocked by Radiation Sickness)
SHAD0Wdump Vector Org CK: Bus Org and RedWarrior0, kill Apostolic Nihilist, bodyguard Vector, stare Nobody due to Inactivity
D2: KWN Rule switches ToonyMan and Rashilul's roles. Lynch Neruz
SirBayer: SCIENCE! on Webadict
Cheeetar: Kill Webadict Now Rule
Neruz: Mr.Person redir to ToonyMan
SHAD0Wdump: Bus Dakarian & Org
Mr.Person: Investigate ToonyMan for Socialism (redirected to ToonyMan) (Oh the irony) - Negative, protown
Apostolic Nihilist: Mutate into a Naive Cop.
ToonyMan: Roleblock Rashilul
Webadict: Cheat Dakarian's Role (accidentally to Org but roleblocked anyway)
Leafsnail Vector Org CK: Replace SHAD0Wdump by Leafsnail, Stare Intimidatingly at Webadict by Org, Protect Org by CK (Accidentally to Dakarian)
D1: Lynch Zai. Zai wins.
Players and Roles:
01. SirBayer - Nuclear Rocket Surgeon
You're a Nuclear Rocket Surgeon. As a man of SCIENCE, you are capable of using the "SCIENCE!" action on someone. If they are attacked, you will perform surgery on them, saving their life. If they have a delayed kill going to happen to them, you will cure their cancer (or whatever it is they have). However, if neither of those is true, you will irradiate them, which will make them sick, blocking their action the next night. If you irradiate someone with radiation sickness already, they will die. You win when all scum are dead.
02. Cheeetar - Bastard Mod
You make a mess of things, don't you? Because you didn't tell everyone all the rules, you get to make them up as you go! Each night, you must bring one of the rules into effect for the following day and night. You don't know what they do until the rule expires (unless the rule itself makes a demand). Each rule can be used once.
- Kill Webadict Now
- Shenanigans
- Carelessness
- Inattentiveness
- Distractedness
- Forgetfulness
- Can't Touch This
- Laziness
- "And then Mod was a Bastard."
- Spartacus
- Ozymandias
- Try Again
- Bad Ideas
You win when all scum are dead.
Kill Webadict Now - The person lynched in the following day switches the roles, but not alignments, of the person he voted for and the person who hammered him. If the town no-lynches, the person who was lynched didn't vote, etc., everyone gains a nightkill action for the duration of that night. A player with votes on him will be randomly selected as of the first vote count and will have their votes number changed to a question mark.
Shenanigans - Does nothing.
Carelessness - Everyone has their night action targets selected by random.org instead of whomever they chose.
Inattentiveness - Everyone is roleblocked the next night.
Distractedness - From this point on, the game is on a deadline.
Forgetfulness - All day actions are blocked the next day.
Can't Touch This - The hammer takes half as many votes, rounded up (3->2, etc.)
Laziness - All night and day actions resolve the next night/day.
"And then Mod was a Bastard." - Everyone is a Death Miller.
Spartacus - Everyone gains a naive investigation and a 0% protect in addition to their normal abilities for one night; all can be used at the same time.
Ozymandias - The town must first elect a "King of Kings," who will then determine the day's lynch.
Try Again - If a townie is lynched, the vote count resets and the townie lynched becomes impossible to vote for as long as Try Again is in effect.
Bad Idea - If a townie is lynched, the vote count resets and the townie lynched becomes impossible to vote for as long as Try Again is in effect.
03. Neruz - Altar of the World Machine
You are an altar. If there was a cult, it would make sacrifices on you, but there is not. Instead, you've become able to ALTER things FOR the World Machine. You are a redirector. Redirect [Player1] to [Player2] (or back to [Player1]) will cause [Player1] to change his target. You win when all scum are dead.
04. Dakarian - Evangelist of the Lord of Chaos Cult
You are an Evangelist of the Lord of Chaos Cult. Unfortunately, you have no followers and aren't a very convincing speaker, so you can't recruit anyone. However, you can spread chaos. And nothing is better for chaos than
people dying in the middle of the day for no reason.. Once per game, you make a post saying nothing other than "Wouldn't it be funny if [PLAYERNAME] died for
no reason whatsoever?" When you post this, the next time I log on, I will immediately modkill this player. You lose this power as of Night 3. Of course, the Mafia isn't likely to spare you... so you'll just have to kill them first. You win when all scum are dead.
SECRET: This kill has a 50% chance of being redirected randomly.
05. SHAD0WDump - Psychotic Clown [replaced by GlyphGryph]
You're a maniac. You're a psychotic clown. You give children nightmares. You give ADULTS nightmares. You awaken a primal fear in a disproportionately large number of people. And you drive a clown car. You can kidnap two people and move them to each others' places of residence, an action others generally attribute to a Bus Driver. But no. You're a clown, you're psychotic, and you don't play by their rules. You win when all scum are dead.
06. Leafsnail - Envy (from FMA) - MAFIA
MAFIA MEMBER. You are a homunculus. Your objective is to kill humans, naturally. Your philosopher's stone will prevent you from dying to one nightkill. You can, for the MAFIAKILL, use the REPLACE [PLAYER] action, which will kill you and convert the target (think of it as killing this person and taking his place. Or as being the Advanced Doppelganger from Paranormal. The mafia partners are Leafsnail (Envy), Vector (Potted Plant), Org (Imperial Titan, Imperator Class, a.k.a. the Huge Robot), and CobaltKobold (Kobold). You win when it is no longer possible for town to win. The Mafia Chat is at
http://www.quicktopic.com/43/H/Z7BADzmY3cevm 07. ExKirby - Rook
You're a chess piece, adept at moving in straight lines, worth roughly five pawns- wait, no. You're actually a Rook, a bird of the species
Corvus frugilegus. You are intelligent, capable of making tools with your beak, and folk tales claim you are responsible for escorting souls of the virtuous dead to heaven. You may speak with all dead players in the BYOR Dead Chat, here:
http://www.quicktopic.com/43/H/wpeRTNYkZkUfyYou win when all scum are dead.
08. Vector - Potted Plant - MAFIA
MAFIA MEMBER. You are innocuous, unseen and unheard, but deadly. You are a Potted Plant, capable of photosynthesis. And by photosynthesis, we mean "You gather sunlight during the day, storing a unit of sunlight every day, and being able to use three units of sunlight (you can store up to four, with one added at the end of each day phase) to fire your PLANTLASER at any target." This is not a MAFIAKILL action, so it can be executed in tandem with the MAFIAKILL. The mafia partners are Leafsnail (Envy), Vector (Potted Plant), Org (Imperial Titan, Imperator Class, a.k.a. the Huge Robot), and CobaltKobold (Kobold). You win when it is no longer possible for town to win. The Mafia Chat is at
http://www.quicktopic.com/43/H/Z7BADzmY3cevm 09. Mr.Person - Glenn Beck - LYNCHER
Socialists are destroying this country! Your goal is to identify the BARACK OBAMA, leader of the dirty socialists, and have him removed from office. But he can't be killed by independent action, oh no. You're a man of the people, and the people must vote that Barack Obama be impeached. And by impeached we mean killed. Each night, you can pay off a government official to read a player's tax files, learning if they are PRO-MAFIA or PRO-TOWN, as well as if they are a SOCIALIST (only Barack Obama is a socialist). If Barack Obama is assassinated, you become an ordinary townie. If you succeed in lynching Barack Obama (oh the awkward implications) you disappear from the game. You win when you lynch Barack Obama, but if he is assassinated, you win when all scum are dead. You are not considered to be scum.
SECRET: You learn about Barack Obama's identity the night AFTER you investigate him; the first night you get a negative result.
10. Mephansteras - Blacksmith
You're a skilled smith, an expect metalworker capable of making excellent arms and armor. However, you are a pacifist and therefore cannot make any item that would help someone kill. However, you are very good at IDENTIFYing the effects of various weapons - you can tell what manner of weapon was used in one kill each day - this will also tell you the alignment of the user. A small number of "unconventional weapons" that you cannot identify exist. You win when all scum are dead.
11. Apostolic Nihilist - Charles Darwin
You are, as the father of the concept of evolution, in possession of the powers of mutation. Each night, you can mutate, which will give you one or more of the following powers until you next mutate:
You may draw any possible variant of the roles your receive with those powers (for instance, 0% vig, CPR Doctor, insane daycop) due to your own doubt in your theory. You win when all scum are dead.
random.org 01-30
01 Sane Cop
02 Insane Cop
03 Naive Cop
04 Paranoid Cop
05 S Daycop
06 I Daycop
07 N Daycop
08 P Daycop
09 0% Cop
10 0% Daycop
11 Doctor
12 CPR Doctor
13 Paranoid Doctor (Roleblock + Protect)
14 0% Doctor
15 Vigilante
16 0% Vigilante
17 Daytime Vigilante
18 0% Daytime Vigilante
20 Confused JOAT 1 Kill<->Protect Inspect<->Roleblock
21 Confused JOAT 2 Kill<->Inspect Protect<->Roleblock
22 Confused JOAT 3 Kill<->Roleblock Protect<->Inspect
23 Confused JOAT 4 Kill->Protect->Inspect->Roleblock->K
24 Confused JOAT 5 Kill->Protect->Roleblock->Inspect->K
25 Confused JOAT 6 Kill->Inspect->Protect->Roleblock->K
26 Confused JOAT 7 Kill->Inspect->Roleblock->Protect->K
25 Confused JOAT 8 Kill->Roleblock->Protect->Inspect->K
26 Confused JOAT 9 Kill->Roleblock->Inspect->Protect->K
27 0% JOAT
28 Roleblocker
29 0% Roleblocker
30 OH HEY YOU CAN POISON PEOPLE. You have gained the "Poison" ability. PM me any player to poison and the last one you choose to poison during the day will die the next morning. You can change any time before the day ends.
12. Zai - Ninja Zombie Alien Pirate Lawyer Robot Doctor Spiderman - Jester
Oh, wow. As a Ninja, you can avoid any non-nightkill action. As a zombie, you can come back to life from one death. As an alien, you can abduct a player for a night, roleblocking them and causing all actions targeting them to be roleblcked. As a Pirate, you can force everyone to talk like a pirate the next day. As a robot, you can gain one-shot versions of any ability used against you. As Doctor Spiderman, you can use your "SCIENCE"! ability to conduct research on someone, telling you all commands they can use other than MAFIAKILL (and roleblocking them, since you will web them to a wall to hold them still). Unfortunately, you can only do each of these once. Oh, and you're a Jester, so you win when you're lynched. If you win, others can still win. (as a Lawyer, the best thing for everyone is for you to be gone)
13. Eduren - Barack Obama - TOWN LYNCHEE
You're the President of the United States. With the powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution, you can grant a pardon to any number of players at any point in the day, which will prevent their lynch on that day. You cannot pardon yourself. Pardoning someone will, upon their failed lynch, reveal your identity as Barack Obama. In addition, the Secret Service will protect you from all nightkills for one night. Beware, someone in this game may want you impeached. You win when all scum are dead.
14. ToonyMan - Dave Strider
Wow. You're pretty cool. You can, each night, use ILL BEATS on [PLAYERNAME], which will cause them to spend the night listening to your ILL BEATS and ranting about bands nobody has ever heard of instead of doing... whatever they meant to be doing. At any point during a day phase, you may state in a post "BRO IS ALWAYS BRO" with no other text. Until the end of the day, Bro will stop you from being lynched. You win when all scum are dead.
15. Webadict - Pandarsenic
You are Pandarsenic, the Moderator. Once per game, during a night phase, you can consult
your my your... notes on a player, seeing their role PM. Your result is never inaccurate (you cannot be redirected). If you Cheat to find a mafia member's role PM, the part informing them of their partners and their chat URL will be removed, but that they are Mafia and how their ability interacts with the MAFIAKILL action will remain. You win when all scum are dead.
16. Org - Imperial Titan, Imperator Class - MAFIA
MAFIA MEMBER. Jesus fucking Christ, you're huge. You're... really huge. Any action you take will be announced to anyone because they can't help but see you. You have the power to STARE INTIMIDATINGLY at someone. They will be so intimidated they cannot take any action that night. Your other ability is to STEP ON [PLAYERNAME], which will kill that player. In fact, you will stomp them so thoroughly you will kill them
two times. This is a variant of the MAFIAKILL action. The mafia partners are Leafsnail (Envy), Vector (Potted Plant), Org (Imperial Titan, Imperator Class, a.k.a. the Huge Robot), and CobaltKobold (Kobold). You win when it is no longer possible for town to win. The Mafia Chat is at
http://www.quicktopic.com/43/H/Z7BADzmY3cevm 17. CobaltKobold - Kobold - MAFIA
MAFIA MEMBER. You are a Kobold, otherwise known as SKULKING FILTH. You must have made a wrong turn somewhere, because you're in a Mafia game instead of a Dwarf Fortress, but luckily, you have some allies, it seems. You should do your best to protect them, instead. You have equipment to Protect someone once, and you can act as a Bodyguard, dying in their place, any number of times. The mafia partners are Leafsnail (Envy), Vector (Potted Plant), Org (Imperial Titan, Imperator Class, a.k.a. the Huge Robot), and CobaltKobold (Kobold). You win when it is no longer possible for town to win. The Mafia Chat is at