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Author Topic: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)  (Read 2546 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« on: October 22, 2009, 10:29:59 pm »

No posten heah till i tells yah!

This thread is for gameplay actions in the RoA game. Please refrain from posting anything except gameplay actions.

The Ruels and Stuff thread can be found here.


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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2009, 11:10:09 pm »

New Hope has been founded! Players who are a part of New Hope may now act.


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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 01:46:50 am »

Elder Gimwick lay sitting in his favorite chair, in his large and cozy wooden house. Being a Guildmaster, especially that of the prestigious Guild of Scholars, had some advantages indeed. But it was not all fun and luxury, as he had some serious responsibilities. Between the constant political struggle with the Monarch and the other Guildmasters of New Hope, and his duties as Elder and Head Scholar in his own guild, he barely had any time left to just sit down and think, as he did now.

But now, he had some quiet time to think. As he grew older and wiser, he was starting to think more and more about the future of his people, instead of just the current matters. Many years ago, the humans had survived a large catastrophe, and only barely. He himself had not been born at that time, but from the stories he had heard when he was young, he had learned of the great advancements and technologies that his people had lost. He was now determined to raise his people, and especially the greatest minds of his people, to greatness, through the rediscovery of the great knowledges lost.

How this would be done was still unclear. The art of shaping the metallic substance known as copper had barely been discovered a few months ago, and without any specific research being done to discover such things. Thus, Elder Gimwick decided the best course of action, atleast for now, would be to simply let his scholars and researchers study and experiment in their own private projects, with the guild only checking on them sparingly to see if anything interesting came out of these studies. That way, something useful was bound to be found... eventually.

As for resources, the Elder had stocked up on food from before, to be make sure his people were always fed. He also had some random stuff in a warehouse, that he and his followers had collected through the years. They were bound to be useful in some way. Now all he needed was some kind of place were his people could apply the scientific method in an organized and safe manner. He'd have to ask the Head of Constructions for that, sadly. Hopefully, Elder Gimwick would be able to convince him without getting too entrenched in damned politics...

-Assign warehouse 1 to be a specific warehouse for food, and assign 8 units of food to it.
-Assign warehouse 2 to be a general warehouse, and assign 2 units of stone, 2 units of copper, 2 units of leather, and 2 units of rope to it.
-Assign all labour to scientific studies and experiments, but with no specific aim (just let them go wild), and allow the people to use the resources in the general warehouse in their researches.
-Ask the Head of Constructions to build a University.
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 05:13:42 am »

Ignore this post.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 04:32:08 am by Archangel »
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2009, 05:29:37 am »

Greetings, loyal subjects!
I, King Samson, son of King Sam the first and rightful holder of the throne of New Hope, have the following to decree;

To all Ministers; In exchange for your ever unwavering loyalty, the crown will always provide you with the food needed to survive, unless you can produce it yourself. Further more, the storage of goods in my warehouses can always be negotiated, for no more than a yearly tax of a tenth of the stored goods. Other resources and services can be negotiated in private discussions (you will be provided with food. PM me if you want anything else)

To the Minister of Trade and Mining; Given out latest breakthroughs in the field of so-called 'metal working', it will be neccesary to, in coming years, produce as much copper ore as can be found. I therefore command you to expend at least 1/5 of your available labour into the, ah, 'prospecting' of the high mountains to the north. I expect a report by the end of the year. (prospect high mountain)

To the Minister of Construction; The city of New Hope has, until now, avoided major disasters. However, I do not wish to tempt fate any longer. Therefore, I command you to begin working on plans for defences for the city. When you feel you are ready to begin construction, I will provide additional resources and labour. (Bug neruz for the stats of various walls)

To the Warchief; In order to both provide important resources and provide your troops with experience, you are commanded to go hunting in the woods to east. The crown will provide free storage for any spillover resources. (go hunting. I will store the spillover at a 0% tax rate.)

To the Minister of Water Affairs; Firstly, you are expected to provide food for the crown, as usual. The city requires 1 and a third granaries (20 units) of food every year to survive, and you are a primary source of this food. I require 9 shipments of fish from you. In return for these services, the crown will provide you with the resources and labour to produce one of your expansion projects, whichever you may have thought of now. (give me (the king) 89 units of food and I will build you some ships or a dockyard or whatever. Bug neruz for things you can build)

To the Guildmaster of Scholars; I here many good things of the new technology of metal working, but little concrete. I desire a report on the production and refining of copper. Samples of copper will be provided. (devote at least some labour to copper working technology. I will give you a unit of copper.)

The crown will be producing food, lumber, and other resources as necessary, depending on what the ministers require. (I live to serve. Please do ask if you need/want something.)

The actions of the crown will wait until all ministers have made any requests they have.

"Where on earth is that bloody mountain fellow?"
King Samson sat on his fur-upholstered wooden throne, in all his greatest finery (Fur toga, bone, shell, and amber jewellery), in his throne room with it's stone walls decorated by the skulls of mythical beasts (which had all either died naturally or been traded for from more wild tribes). In his hand was a drinking horn, for although he did not drink to excess, at times like these, when his ministers did not respond to his announcements within a few days, then a beer to calm his nerves was right in place.
"Send a few of Der Royal Guard to suggest to him that he visit the palace some time soon"
Der Captain saluted, and walked out.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 08:50:01 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2009, 05:47:42 am »

Elder Gimwick read the king's decree. It seemed adequate, although a bit rushed. Atleast the king hadn't ordered something impossible to accomplish.

Action: Instead of directing all labor (5 points) into free research, direct 2 points into researching matters of metalworking (copper specifically), and 3 points into free research.

Reply to the king:
I am glad to serve, King Samson. More than a third of the great minds of my guild have started studies on the science of metalworking. I await your delivery of a unit of copper.

As requests, all I would ask for is food for my people (3 units per year) since my food reserves are not unlimited, and some wood or other construction material for the building of a University (once the Head of Construction agrees to start building one).

(Remember that you can assign 8 units of whatever stuff for each of your warehouses for free at the beginning of the game. You should probably do that now)
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2009, 02:29:43 pm »

As Master Zieg finished reading the King's decree he glanced over at the report he had recieved on the contents of the Guild warehouses. The first was holding the food supplies while the other had a few random bits of wood and stone.

Reply to the King

Your Majesty, My Guild is at your service. As the Guild's supplies are low I request enough food to keep my workers fed each year (3 units a year). We should be able to begin construction on some defences this year though they will have to be simple.

Reply to Elder Gimwick

Your request is a good one as a University will benefit the entire city. My builders will begin construction this year. It won't be much but we can always expand it later. All I ask in return is that at some point you have some of your people look into ways to improve our building methods.

Make 1 Warehouse specialize in Food and put 8 units in it.
Make the 2nd Warehouse generic and put 6 units of Wood and 2 of Stone in it.
Send 3 points of labor to work on a wooden wall around the city.
Send the remaining 2 points of labor to begin construction on a University.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2009, 03:57:59 pm »

Nirur Torir walked into his mostly-new office for the first time. It was really just a simple shack, but it was better then where he'd been living. This time last year, there hadn't even been a Minster of Water Affairs position. After noticing that branches from trees float, he tried floating bigger branches. After some work, he hollowed out a trunk and almost managed to get to the other side of the lake with it. Months passed as he improved his design, and it was shown to the king when it was ready. It wasn't perfect, and he was sure nobody would want still be in one when night fell, but it would make fishing much easier. The wise king appointed him as Minster of Water Affairs, setting a few thousand laborers under his command. It would be his job to ensure the city had enough fish. Perhaps not the most glamorous job, but it beat working out in the fields.

Sitting down, he took stock of the notes on his desk. The most important was a decree from the king, stating how much food would be needed. Nirur thought for a moment, and decided it would be easy to fulfill. Next up, a stock of the warehouses the king had given him. At his request, several lengths of ropes were stored in one, and stockpiles of wood in the other. He'd been hoping for more supplies, but it would have to do. He stood and left the building.

Outside of his office, he found only a few of his assigned workers up at this hour, next to the lake. They regarded him apprehensively. He greeted them, and showed them that the boats were, in fact, able to float, and began to speak of the importance of their new jobs. After reassuring him, he sent a note back to the king - The king! To think that he was finally somebody the king even acknowledged as important! - about some "docks," which he was sure could improve efficiency of boats.

He returned to his office to draw up plans for a building by the lake that would make building boats easier. Unsure of what else to do with all the excess fish bones, he sent out notes to the other important guildmasters - He would never get tired of thinking of himself as their equal - that the fishbones would be left in a pile, free for any of them to take, for whatever they could think to do with them. It was shaping up to be a very good year. A very good year indeed.

-Warehouse 1 renamed to General Shipbuilding Supplies Warehouse
     8 ropes stored
-Warehouse 2 renamed to Wood Storage Warehouse
     8 units of wood stored
-Fish tiles E, F for 16 food.
-Eat 4 food, donate 12 to the king.
-Request Basic Docks from the king.
-Set 2 labor to making bone tools. Stick remainder in General Shipbuilding Supplies Warehouse
-Set remaining 3 unit of labor working on Basic Boatworks, a level 1 shipyard.
-Donate fishbones to the king, the minster of trade, or whoever else wants them - in that order.
Edit: Labor shifted to reflect need for tools.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 08:37:47 pm by Nirur Torir »


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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2009, 12:54:28 am »

RP will be here when I write it.

Reply to the king:
Certainly, your Majesty.

Designate the warehouse to be an arms store and place 2 units each of wooden axes, spears and javelins and leather slings.
Use 1 labour and both military units hunting. The other labour point will go to building a barracks.
Soldiers are 1 spear unit and 1 shortbow unit.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 04:31:31 am by Archangel »
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
My full sig


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2009, 11:13:36 am »

(no roleplaying this turn)

-Assign 5 units to prospecting rocks
-Assign 3 untis to haul food,mining equipment and drinks to the mining site
-assign 2 guys to do something that they want


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2009, 01:39:19 pm »

The Royal Warehouses are tenfold, and within are stored the following goods:
A score of food
A score of wood
Sixteen tools (stone if possible)
5 stone
3 cloth
2 ropes
2 leather
2 copper
1 spears (wood)
1 clubs (wood)
8 alcohol
For a total of 80 products.

Der Royal Guard- Wooden Spears
Der City Guard- Wooden Clubs

The crown's labour-using actions this turn shall be the following:
-Wheat farming on C for 1 labour and 1 tools. Generates +9 food.
-Fruit farming on C for 1 labour and 1 tools. Generates +6 food and +8 alcohol.
-Lumberjacking on K for 1 labour. 1 tools used for bonus. Unknown wood generation.
-Lumberjacking on L for 1 labour. Unknown wood generation.
-1 labour, 1 bones, spent on making 1 unit of bone tools (from bone granted by Nirur Torir).
-2 labour, 2 stone, spent on making 2 units of stone tools.
-1 labour, 1 bones, 1 tools, spent on making some bone spears
-2 labour, 2 wood, 1 tools, goes to building jetties for Nirur Torir
Goods transfer/use:
-The crown will give 2 wood, 1 copper, and 3 food to Elder Gimwick.
-The crown will give 3 food to Master Zieg.
-The crown will give 3 food to That Bloody Mountain Fellow.
-6 food is consumed by Royal Workers
-6 alcohol is distributed to all the populace of the city (all 29000)

Total: +12 food
-4 wood, +??? wood
+2 alcohol
-1 copper
-5 tools, +??? tools

King Samson is a rich man.
Every day he gets out of his bed, a luxurious mass of furs and wool all contained on a wooden frame, and dresses in his fur clothes, puts on his bracelets made of shells from far away and pieces of amber and carved wood, and walks through his palace, a masterpiece of stone construction, and climbs his tower which towers ten meters over the city, and surveys his lands. Thirty thousand people owe him allegiance. All of New Hope bows before him.
But he must work hard for their loyalty.
He is wise and fair and suchlike.
Also he has two hundred trained thugs.

Thor is the youngest son of the King. He is currently out in the orchards, where apples, grapes, barley and suchlike are grown. These sweet crops are important. Firstly, they provide flavour to fish and bread. Secondly, their juice, when left in a tub for long enough, becomes an intoxicating nectar, which helps people forget their hectic lives in the big city.
After he has made sure that all the orchardeers are working well (and tasted samples of their latest liquors), he will head inland, to where the grain farmers provide the daily bread of the citizens of New Hope.
When the golden waves have been inspected, the wood cutters must be attended to. A test is currently being run. One set of lumberjacks has been provided with as many tools as they ask for. The others must be sparing of their axes. The test is to see if the lumber production of the toolfull is sufficiently higher than those of the tooless that it would merit giving all lumberjacks tools.

Jack is the second of the king's sons. He is standing on a platform looking over the 'workshops', a clearing in the city where people come to do craftwork. Below him, men carve tools out of bones, wood, and stone. A worker climbs up to Jack, and shows him a stone axe he has just completed. Jack inspects it briefly, and then nods in satisfaction. The worker takes it into the toolstore, where it is stored on a rack next to all the other stone axes.
Jack has many things to inspect. Stone tools, bone tools, and spears tipped with bone, for Der Royal Guard.
Jack also wishes he had a a roof over his head, but what are you going to do.

Samsonson is the eldest of the kings sons, and the heir to the throne. He is talking with Nirur Torir, arranging the construction of half-bridges into the water to tie boats up on. When he has done that he will be arranging for the fish bones that are left over from Nirur's fishing to be transported to the workshops. He will also arrange transporting the caught fish to the granaries. Then he must arrange transporting food from the granaries to the marketplaces and the private granaries of the ministers and guildmasters. And anything else they need.
Samsonson sometimes wishes he had better ways of remembering what he had to take where. But excessive thinking on the subject could lead to forgetting where a dozen amphoras of wine and a crate of fish heads has to go.

Der Royal Guard are highly-trained men who guard the palace and do errands for the king. Though they carry wooden spears they are not often raised in anger, as the people of New Hope are happy with their lives. Happy enough not to rise up in rebellion, anyway.
The entry exam for Der Royal Guard is passed if the person cannot pronounce 'the' but can say 'hail king Samson' and can hold a spear menacingly. But one must not think lowly of them for it because let us face it linguistical ability has not exactly been cultivated recently and the king needs to show he is not weak.

Der City Guard are the thief-takers of New Hope. They are armed with clubs with which they can bop criminals over the head without doing lethal damage. Their entrance exam consists of a single multiple choise question:
You see someone crying; help, someone stole my bread!
A)You arrest them for messing about and nick the rest of their stuff
B)You chase after the alleged thief and arrest him, and then bring both parties to a court of law where both sides present their case and a democratic jury chooses what to do
C)You chase after der thief and bop him on der head
The right answers are 'C' or 'Der'
« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 01:42:15 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2009, 04:46:21 am »

(no roleplaying now, dont have time)

Warehouse goods:
10 units of booze
10 units of food
5 units of wood
20 different tools (copper)
1 cows

-Rename warehouse 1 to Food and booze (Specific)
-Rename Warehouse 2 to rest (Tools)
-Assign 2 labor to prospect the nearest mountians with some of the tools
-Assign 1 labor to store 10 food and booze into the warehouse
-Assign 1 labor to Start woodcutting
-Assign 1 labor to make a farm for the cows
-Give the prospectors report to the king after it is finished
-Request for more 2 units of labor from the king


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2009, 06:26:13 am »

Year 1

As the first year draws to a close, the inhabitants of New Hope look back upon their accomplishments:

Despite their best efforts, the scholors under the leadership of Elder Gimwick were unable to validate any theories or create any new technologes. Instead they merely wasted large amounts of copper and stone while conducting experiments.

King Samson the First issued a decree across the whole city, distributing his goods to all, which was a good thing too, as some resources looked like they might be running low. Fortunately the royal warhouses were full to the brim with food, wood, stone and other useful materials.

Master Zieg, Head of Construction, also took advantage of the King's largesse and set his men to work upon a wooden wall and a new University for the Scholars. The wall was completed with ease by late Autumn, while, due to a lack of labour the University was only half completed by year's end.

Nirur Torir, Minister of Water Affairs, diverted some of his men to fish the nearby lake for food that would be greatly needed in the coming years. The rest of his men set to carving tools from the bones and constructing a simple shipyard, which remained only half finished by the end of the year.

The Mysterious and Unnamed General of New Hope's Armed Forces elected to send most of his men hunting to help provide for the fledgling city, while splitting off a minority of his men to construct a Barracks to house the troops during times of peace. Given the limited nature of resources, time and men, the General elected to construct a simple Field Barracks, with possibility for later upgrading to a more permanent structure, for now, the simple building will serve.

The Abrupt and Unknown Minister of Mining and Trade elected to send his men to prospect the nearby mountains for usable minerals and stones. The Low Mountains to the north-west were discovered to be formed primarily of servicable Granite, with veins of Cassiterite running through the rock. Some traces of precious Gold were also located, but are too small to be effectively quarried without more advanced tools. The High Mountains to the north were determined to be formed primarily of valuable Marble, with veins of Tetrahedrite and some Malachite running throughout, with the valuable Copper ores located, New Hope looks set to leap into full-blow metalworking!

King Samson, after co-ordinating with his ministers and generals, elected to spread his loyal subjects around, collecting raw materials farming the land and chopping the nearby forests. This brought forth a wealth of raw materials to New Hope, funding it's expansion and providing a stately surplus for the following year. With great generousity, King Samson distributed alcohol to the masses, although the quantity was too low to have a noticable impact upon citizen morale. Nevertheless, morale remains high and the people remain hopeful, as is befitting of their city's name.

Turn Summary

Directed 2 Labour into Copper research
Directed 3 Labour into General research

Consumed 1 unit of Copper
Consumed 2 units of Stone
Consumed 3 units of Food

Research was Unsuccessful

Food Warehouse
Food 15 (8-3+10)

General Warehouse
Stone 0 (2-2)
Copper 1 (2-1)
Leather 2
Rope 2

3 Labour building Wooden Wall in New Hope (-4 Wood)
2 Labour building University in New Hope (-2 Stone)

Consumed 3 units of Food

Food Warehouse
Food 15 (8-3+10)

General Warehouse
Wood 2 (6-4)
Stone 0 (2-2)

Nirur Torir
1 Labour Fishing on Hex E (+8 Food, +8 Bones)
1 Labour Fishing on Hex F (+8 Food, +8 Bones)
2 Labour Crafting Tools (Basic) (Bone) (-2 Wood, -2 Bone, +4 Tools (Basic) (Bone))
1 Labour Constructing Boatworks (-2 Wood)

Trade remaining Bones to NUKE9.13
Excess Food sent to NUKE9.13
Excess Tools sent to NUKE9.13

Consumed 3 units of Food

General Shipbuilding Supplies
Ropes 8
Food 2 (0+2)

Wood Storage Warehouse
Wood 4 (8-4)

1 Skirmishers Hunting Hex I (+5 Food, +5 Leather, +5 Fat, +10 Bones, +1 Experience)
1 Archers Hunting Hex J (+5 Food, +5 Leather, +5 Fat, +10 Bones, +1 Experience)
1 Labour Hunting Hex H (+4 Food, +4 Leather, +4 Fat, +8 Bones)
1 Labour Building Field Barracks (-1 Wood)

Consumed 4 units of Food from NUKE9.13

Excess Resources sent to NUKE9.13

Axes (Wooden) 2
Spears (Wooden) 1
Shortbows (Wooden) 1
Javalins (Wooden) 2

1 Archers (Wooden Shortbows) (1XP)
1 Skirmishers (Wooden Spears) (1XP)

3 Labour Prospecting Low Mountains (+10% Chance)
2 Labour Prospecting High Moutains (+5% Chance)

Consumed 3 units of Food from NUKE9.13


1 Labour Grain Farming on Hex B (+13 Food) (-1 Tools (Basic) (Stone))
1 Labour Fruit Farming on Hex C (+9 Food, +11 Alcohol) (-1 Tools (Basic) (Stone))
1 Labour Woodcutting on Hex K (+5 Wood) (-1 Tools (Basic) (Stone))
1 Labour Woodcutting on Hex L (+2 Wood)
1 Labour Crafting Tools (Basic) (Bone) (-1 Wood, -1 Bone, +2 Tools (Basic) (Bone))
2 Labour Crafting Tools (Basic) (Stone) (-2 Wood, -2 Stone, +4 Tools (Basic) (Stone))
1 Labour Crafting Spears (Bone) (-1 Wood, -1 Bone, -1 Tools (Basic) (Bone), +1 Spears (Bone))
2 Labour Building Jetties (-2 Wood, -1 Tools (Basic) (Bone))

Consumed 6 units of Food

Food warehouse
Food 14 (Oh god. Um, 20+11+22-10-10-4-3-6)

Wood Warehouse
Wood 15

General Warehouses
Wood 6 (Total wood 21 (20+7-6)
Tools (Basic) (Stone) 17 (16+4-3)
Tools (Basic) (Bone) 4 (0+4+2-2)
Stone 3 (5-2)
Cloth 3
Ropes 2
Leather 16 (2+14)
Copper 2
Alcohol 13 (8+11-6)
Fat 14 (0+14)

Excess Resources (Will be lost if not assigned to a warehouse next turn.)
Bones 30 (0+14+18-2)

Region Notes
The woodcutting operations in the eastern forest revealed a herd of Deer headed this way. It is likely they will arrive and be huntable by the end of the third year.

Spoiler: New Hope (click to show/hide)

WHEW. Head over to the Discussion Thread.

Year 2 Begins!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 06:37:58 am by Neruz »

Nirur Torir

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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2009, 07:53:21 am »

Nirur entered his office again. It seemed like so long ago that he had first entered it, but it had only been a year. It took far more effort then he felt it should have to coordinate the men to fish properly, and convince them that the canoes were completely safe*. Nevertheless, he had succeeded, providing fresh fish to the hungry masses.

Working with the heir, Samsonson, on building jetties, was much easier. He was fast and efficient, coordinating the construction workers perfectly.

His own construction project had gone ... less then perfectly. His own men were unused to construction, so he had to carefully micromanage them, despite his own own experience being limited to watching Samsonson give orders. Many mistakes were made. Progress was slow.

Shaking his head to clear it of thoughts of the past, he sat at his desk and thought. He was getting better at giving orders, and would probably be able to get the Boatworks finished. Fishing would resume, hopefully it would go more smoothly then last year. The jetties would make unloading the canoes slightly easier, but he had bigger plans for them. For now, he'd ask the king for 4 shipments of wood, to fill that wood warehouse.

* - So long as they are used exactly as intended. Many of the hollowed-out-log-canoes were lost due to people standing in boats, people turning them sharply, or generally when unlucky people were in them.

-Fish tiles E, N for 16 food.
-Eat 4 food, donate rest to the king.
-Set remaining labor to finish Basic Boatworks.
-Set Wood Storage Warehouse temporarily to a general warehouse and store 2 units of tools there.
-Store 2 units of tools in General Shipbuilding Supplies Warehouse.
-Donate fishbones to the king, the minster of trade, or whoever else wants them - in that order.
-Ask king for 4 units of wood, to fill wood warehouse.
Desired end warehouse results:
General Shipbuilding Supplies:
   8 ropes
   2 tools
Wood Storage Warehouse
   4 wood
   2 tools
   4 wood from king
   -2 wood from building


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Restoration of Ages (Gameplay Thread)
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2009, 08:51:52 am »

Elder Gimwick was a bit annoyed. He wasnt angry for the lack of successful breakthrough, just... unsatisfied. He knew that discoveries could not be forced out of hiding, knowledge could not just appear from nowhere. It would take time and patience, and most importantly perseverance, to get anywhere. But the other ministers had many things to show for their work over the past year, while he had nothing but more promises to give to the king. He had better find something good to show him before he lost his favor, and eventually, his job.

Thus, Elder Gimwick started visiting his scholars and researchers in their workplaces, to inspect their work and hurry them on with any help and tips he could give them. He also sent a reminder to the Head of Construction, to ask him to complete the University as soon as possible.

-Receive the 2 wood and 1 copper from the king (were transferred last turn but Neruz didnt mention them in the new turn post)
-Direct 2 labor into Copper research
-Direct 3 labor into General research

-Specific Warehouse (food): 15 food
-General Warehouse: 2 wood, 2 copper, 2 leather, 2 rope
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out
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