Hey all!
As you may know, I am horrible about updating my status, or even posting change-logs. I have been working on Fief about 10-20 hours a week these past couple months, slowly grinding towards a release candidate. It is usually the case that as I add new pieces, the necessity or opportunity of adding another drives me in a new direction. I'm trying to keep this code-wandering restrained, but I can't help but add a few extra components here and there.
Anyway, so here's what's been added:
- Mouse support: Buttons and mouse movement, mousewheel on quantity, etc.
- Condition System: Allow for penalties and bonuses (fully moddable)
- Current targets include: health, stamina, thirst, hunger, nutrition, sleepiness, attack, dodge, any combat skill, any skill, plus a few special conditions ('Death', 'Unconscious', etc)
- Can now process trees into smaller forms: Trees -> Logs -> Blocks -> Firewood (will use these to add basic crafting soon)
- New character status section of screen
- Ability to run (2 moves/game-step) with proper stamina loss based on carrying load
Here's a screenshot showing the new character status section (and new GUI buttons and Condition icons):
http://www.arboreantears.com/fief/screens/screen_067.pngThese parts were particular troublesome as I had to rewrite the majority of the movement system to support running, as well as get the graphics engine to communicate better with the logic engine.
Final hurdles to release:
- Save system (otherwise what's the point ;P )
- Ability to eat/drink
- Ability to die (as of now it just gives you the condition 'Death', which does nothing)
- Basic crafting items (xml)
Then I will release the first alpha version of the game. Thanks to those of you who have supported me!