Bricks, you're hitting on something that's always been very appealing to me, but you did well to spoiler it and flag it as off-topic, because it just might not be within the realm of possibility. One of the things I love most about DF is the deep skill matrix, how a soldier's ability is derived from his skills at wrestling, shields, armor and whatever weapon he's using, further combined with his base stats, which he can get by training in the barracks, operating a pump, updating stockpile records or telling jokes in the statue garden. That kind of rich character development, even in the abstract, makes the world so organic and lively that I can't stop loving these little guys.
Further linking certain tasks to certain skills would be neat. How about if making swords actually gave you insight into their use, and knowing how to fight with a sword informed the manufacture process? Any time you take your saxophone to an instrument repair guy to fix a dinged-up key, the guy will fix and will then test it by playing the instrument with some measure of skill. Surely a legendary weaponsmith, in order to attain such expertise, must know which end of the hammer to hold on to. A builder of serrated blades should have a little mechanical background, so he knows how to make them just right for traps.
If I had my way, I'd even add a new suite of stats, which would come up as "lore" stats. Goblin Lore is obtained by interacting with goblins or talking to neighbors with a high stat, and it informs any and all operations dealing with goblins, which is mainly murdering their faces. Elf lore could help kill them, or help trade with them, or help negotiate with them, same as human lore. Vzrious types of animals would each have a body of knowledge modelled for them, so a hunter who knows a lot about deer and knows a lot about crossbows and knows a lot about dogs will get a considerable boost to certain professions and situations.
THere's a lot here, but I don't think it's even on the dev log, so I'll probably just have to wait for some other game to do it.