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Author Topic: Planet of Dragons Succession Game attempt 2 - Fortress Dustfurnace (year 1 done)  (Read 4926 times)


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FireSight - Year 1
AliceMargatroid - Year 2 (maybe)
Briess - Year 3

This fortress takes place on the Planet of Dragons, using the Legendary Lands mod in Haunted terrain. World didn't finish genning until year 1050, and it actually WAS the Age of Dragons for about 200 years. This is the story of the suicidal zombie-hating dwarves who took up residence here.

I'll be adding more to this later, year 1 has just started.

(2nd Granite, 1051)
The bastard soft hearted, lilly handed merchants had finally gotten their way. I had been removed from my post of training master for the Dukes Militia. The fucking merchants kids, all high and mighty above their working class brothers, didn't like the fact that I was knocking them around when I trained them to fight. They went and whined and bitched to their parents, and their parents bitched to the Duke, and suddenly, I'm out my job. Sure, the Duke was sorry about it, didn't want to loose his best training master, but pleasing the merchants came first. Fucking whimp, no spine in him at all. He did find another job for me, overseer of a new garrison outpost in the wildlands. Suicidal mission, but he's letting me pick my own team to go out and start setting it up... within limits. Cheap limits. Can't even afford weapons for everyone on his budget.

(7th Slate, 1051)
We made it to the site with only a few losses.... like half the team I picked out. Only seven of us left, but we have the essential skills, and most of the equipment we started with. I hope it was the slackers who died, those of us who are left will have to work hard. If we make it a year, maybe I can go back to civilization. Good news at least, our hunter found wild turkeys right next to the spot we had planned to build the outpost in, good eating those turkeys... means we don't have to eat our trail food for another few weeks. Seem to be lots of zombies around these parts, almost every living thing around here is, well... not living. The turkeys seem to have been a fluke.

(9th Slate, 1051)
One of the miners said he spotted metals in the nearby hillsides, including gold and iron. If the deposits are big enough, I might just stick around to make my fortune. There also appears to be a magma vein just north of us, no big cone around it, but the magma reached the surface. I think we can set up some good metalworking here and make ourselves more weapons and armor... we are going to need it to fight off these zombies wandering around.

(26th Slate, 1051)
The zombies finally found us, clawing their way up out of the chasm to the northwest of the fortress. There are a fuckton of them, but our forces are ready for them... I hope. We head out to battle them tomorrow. May Armok guide our hands, for if we fall, there are none around to aid us.

(28th Slate, 1051)
Our hunter, out searching for more things to kill, didn't come back in time to be warned about the zombie horde... he walked right into it. He escaped, but only because his loyal hunting dogs stayed behind to save him. I hope they do get away, we need them more than we need the hunter himself, the damned coward.

Shortly after, one surviving dwarf made it to a nearby caravan route, and came back to civilization. His mind was nearly gone, and he relayed the story of how all of his companions had been slaughtered by a giant, bloodthirsty imp with glowing eyes, which was lead a zombie horde straight to their outpost. Three nights after telling this story, he commited suicide.

(Damn, I only made it 2 months in before something slaughtered my military dwarves, ON ITS OWN, without being scratched....)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 02:32:47 pm by FireSight »

The Architect

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Re: Planet of Dragons Succession Game - Fortress Fountainpaints
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2009, 07:28:14 am »

How about a retry? Sounds like a worthy challenge. I was disappointed to read the end and realize I couldn't request a spot, hah!
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
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Re: Planet of Dragons Succession Game - Fortress Fountainpaints
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2009, 11:27:22 am »

I'm restarting the fortress, in a new location, since I didn't remember to save an early copy of the fortress where it wouldn't get overwritten.

(1st Granite, 1052)
The old bitch told the truth. Best 50 gold I ever spent while drunk. That hideous human fortune teller really can see the future I guess... which is good, since I spent the rest of my money outfitting this expedition, before I sobered up. Fucking merchants and their "no refund, no returns" policy. Anyways, the witch told me that if I traveled East until I found a stone that looked like a barrel, and then traveled Southeast, I would come to a barren valley called the Dustfurnace, and what I would find here would bring me to the attention of the Royal Family!

So... now I'm here. And I have no clue what I'm looking for. The rest of the group seems to be kind of unhappy with me at the moment, they thought I had more of a plan. I'll have to look around and see what we can do out here.

(5th Granite, 1052)
Well, I've looked around. Right outside the valley, we have plenty of cropland and trees. Not many animals around here, which I find rather disturbing... all I saw were some Hoary Marmots. What chased everything else away? Also saw some iron deposits in the valley walls, which should make this a profitable place to try mining in. Going to make a quick base and start prospecting here.

(7th Granite, 1052)
Praise the gods, we struck silver almost as soon as we started digging into the rock face! With iron and silver here, this place will be a booming mining town in no time, under my rule! I'm going to get a full scale mining operation going here as soon as possible, and try to make this place defensible in case bandits catch wind of this... we are rather far from civilization at the moment.

(17th Malachite, 1052)
We have finally come to the end of the silver vein, and it was a big one. Smelting production will begin once we have enough wood. While I mined, apparently two thieves from a nearby lizardmen tribe tried to sneak in to steal our silver... both were swiftly killed, but at the expense of our mason nearly loosing his hand. We have bandaged him as well as we can, but I don't have great hopes of it healing.

We also struck Garnerite while we were digging farther back into the valley wall, it may prove useful later, if we don't find another silver strike.

(18th Galena, 1052)
The message I sent back to the caravan routes has apparently had rapid results. Our population has now doubled in size, even before the first trade caravan has arrived! I'm now worried about food though, I only brought enough to support seven of us for a year, and now we have twice that...

(26th Galena, 1052)
I begin to question how these incompetent cowards managed to make it to this remote location without dying of fright... they are cowards! One of them, who I assigned to woodcutting, is running away from the littlest living creatures as if it were a bloodthirsty dragon! I'm really not sure that they are worth the food I feed them...

(1st Sandstone, 1052)
The caravan finally arrived, bringing me much needed supplies and booze, as well as the anvil I asked for. I traded them most of the useless junk I got off of the huge number of thieves that tried to steal from me... it seemed fitting. I also had to let go of two of the axes I came with, in order to get the anvil... I don't like being low on weapons, and we are already down to 1 for every other dwarf thanks to the migrants being unarmed, but... we need the anvil more.

(21st Sandstone, 1052)
More migrants arrived today, apparently they weren't used to the high marching speed of the caravaers, and were left behind... I'm told that they set with twenty dwarves, but only four arrived... the others apparently argued over the directions, and set off the wrong way. I hope they find their way here, we could use more hands.

Then again, if the idiots can't follow simple directions, we probably don't want them anyways. Bastards would eat into my profits.

(23rd Sandstone, 1052)
More of the migrants trailed in, bringing them to a total of.... eight. At least we have a brewer now. And another carpenter... I guess he can start mass producing barrels for the booze. I'm getting tired of organizing every little thing in this mine... I'm tempted to hand the reins over to someone else, and just take care of the bookkeeping.

(28th Sandstone, 1052)
I DID IT! I FOUND GOLD! I was out hunting mountain goats across the brook, and I found gold deposits in the hill face! Once we start mining this, we will be RICH! I'm just dreaming of all the stuff I'll be able to buy after this...

(13th Timber, 1052)
The lack of living things in the valley made me uneasy, and now I know why. One of our new dwarves has been possessed, he's running around yelling gibberish, doing all sorts of unnatural acts, and demanding that we build him a jewelers workshop... Given that we have no priest to excorcise him, we are going to build it and hope for the best.

(19th Timber, 1052)
We found more silver! My financial future is looking better and better now... I'm gathering all of the silver we mine into a vault, to keep it safe from thieves now... especially the other dwarves... I've seen them look at the silver and gold laying around... its not theirs, I funded this expedition....

(23rd Timber, 1052)
Work on the vault has started, and the possessed jeweler is working furiously on something now... all he claimed was an uncut gem though...

(27th Timber, 1052)
The jeweler finished his work on the gem. It is... glorious. The opal has been cut perfectly, and the spikes on it just help point out the perfection. This object must go into my vault as soon as it is finished. The jeweler named the gem the Mythtwilight, which somehow seems fitting.

(19th Moonstone, 1052)
A bunch of blasphemous elven merchants showed up today. I told them to go fuck themselves, but then they started flaunting their food stores. And damnit, its winter, and we DO need more food. So I told the Elves that I was taking everything they had, and THEN they could go fuck themselves. And if they show up again, I'm putting them in cages and selling them to the humans as bed-toys. They got the hint, left everything they had, and left.

(7th Opal, 1052)
THOSE LAZY BASTARDS NEVER MOVED THE GEM INTO THE VAULT, AND NOW SOME THIEF HAS STOLEN IT! AAAARGH! I'm going to bash some heads for this... I need to make everyone secure the rest of the stash before anything else valuable gets stolen.

(28th Obsidian, 1052)
This is it. I give up. I've handed day to day management of the fortress to my 2nd in command, because I can't deal with this horseshit anymore. Nobody is doing what I tell them to do, they are all blaming ME for the loss of the gem, despite them not moving it when I asked them to... this entire situation is just untennable. I'm going to retire to my normal prospecting and running the books for this place... and enjoy my income once the smelters and forges get set up.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2009, 01:05:47 pm by FireSight »


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Re: Planet of Dragons Succession Game attempt 2 - Fortress Dustfurnace
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2009, 01:06:37 pm »

And so ends my year, trying to find someone else to take year 2 since Alice has bowed out....


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Looks good so far.
Not really got much free time at the moment for something like this, so not going to be able to take a place (if its still needed, can't tell between the last post and the list in the OP)
Though if possible could I have a dorf named after me, not really bothered what it does if the answer is yes.
And, they came. My fingers tingled, my nose twitched and my toes tickled... they came around the corner, over my bridge... Into my courtyard... Onto my trade depot...

Then everything near it exploded in a cloud of blood.


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The last time I played one on this mod at the end of the first year it was just the trader/leader?/whatever alive (actually that happened mid-summer) And he managed to wall himself off to a depth of the fort, slowly building up his skills..  Then the immagrants came and OH GOD WHATS THAT? they let SOMETHING into the depths of the  newly-reopened fort and it slaughtered everything.


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If you need someone to play right now then I'm available.
Don't think of it as being besieged by thralls/husks, think of it as having your own personal moat of life hating mutilated menaces

Now wall yourself in quickly


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I've never played LL and haven't played in months, but I'll do it.
I should probably have my head checked, because I find myself in complete agreement with Nikov.


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Nikov gets year 2 since he's a regular on the IRC chat with me.


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since Nikov vanished on me, and Alice once again expressed interest, I'm giving year 2 back to her...

The Architect

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Don't forget me.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
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Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.

Chicken Launcher

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Agh, count me in! My attempts to join succession games have come to no fruition!
"Did you ever notice any time you see two groups of people who really hate each other, chances are good they’re wearing different kinds of hats? Keep an eye on that, it might be important." - George Carlin


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I'm only allowing people from the #bay12games IRC chat to participate in this one, sorry. If you get on the IRC and are active, you can have a spot.

Chicken Launcher

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I'm only allowing people from the #bay12games IRC chat to participate in this one, sorry. If you get on the IRC and are active, you can have a spot.

I'm not going to become active in an IRC channel just for your succession game, and I'm not sure why you're being so picky when only about 4 different people have volunteered in this thread.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 10:55:58 pm by Chicken Launcher »
"Did you ever notice any time you see two groups of people who really hate each other, chances are good they’re wearing different kinds of hats? Keep an eye on that, it might be important." - George Carlin

The Architect

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Lol. He has a point. For instance: I have college, and I'm managing the new multiplayer league, so forgive me for not jumping on the IRC idea. I'm not even set up for it. And wasn't my question what provoked restarting this fort?

If you have skilled and creative players volunteering, why not let them play? They're not going to Boatmurder your fortress. At least, I won't.
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
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Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.
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