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Author Topic: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge (Score: 5) (40d + DnD 5e)  (Read 130310 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #90 on: November 03, 2009, 12:26:36 am »

Yep.  I mentioned in a previous post that I know why the baron didn't come.  I spent too much time digging out my magma projects and not enough time doing the craft requirements for the first baron.

It's fine, though.  I'd rather have a little extra time to get the magma forges and smelters operational anyway.  I spent pretty much all of Spring crafting everything I could, so I'll be really surprised if I don't get one this season.
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #91 on: November 03, 2009, 10:34:40 am »

I always have a problem with never getting the baron, the count/countess arrive much later even when I meet all the requirements (obscene export value, lots of masonry going on megaproject prep work, tons of metal and bonecrafting. Their lack of punctuality is almost worse than their bizarre demands.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #92 on: November 03, 2009, 10:47:23 pm »

16th Hematite, 205, Early-Summer (by Zon Rimtarothil)

I hobble down the halls of the fortress, astounded by Asob's rapid progress.  I'm actually very impressed at her work in the lower levels... rather than letting her artistic side get the better of her, she stuck to cold, hard practicality.  Tunnels dug in the absolute shortest path possible for quickest travel!  The magma ducts are nice and straight!  They don't twist around into knots and span multiple levels!  It just gets the job done.  Too bad it's flowing so slow...

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Oh, here's the problem.  Poor Asob must have forgotten about her obsidian farm!  Every dwarf knows you only need the magma to be two Urists deep to get obsidian, three if you want to be sure it isn't all going to evaporate.  Let's dump some water in there right away to plug that up - with less space to travel, the magma should fill up the forge vents quickly!

I send Tirist Unibiseth, a Stonecrafter to go and pull the lever to drain the pond into the magma.  I notice this, along with the weird zoo and the king's gaudy crypt, is one of the few places where Asob did a little splurging in Asėnism.  The water drainage is simply bizarre looking!  Why couldn't she have just kept them in straight lines?  Now I see why we have so many Armok-damned hatches in the mechanism stockpile... ah, oh well.  Let's just see how it works.

((DFMA)) ((Movie)) Ugh... Not well, I'm afraid.  Well, the problem is obviously that hole in the floor that the water reaches before getting a chance to spread out.  We can send someone in to patch that right up later.

Tekkud Usirudil, Stonecrafter started gibbering in ancient elven and took control of a craftsdwarf shop.  Shouldn't call it elven, really... it's feyspeak, the rotten elves simply stole it from them and butchered it into their own XXelven languageXX with vomit covering.

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I am most disturbed by reports of humans appearing in goblin raiding parties... even more disturbing is the sight of one Eslo Tumwister, Human Maceman and guard to the Pesor Siti merchants, chasing and killing a pack of wolves in our territory.  What gives him the right to just go around killing our wildlife?!  They're running away from him, not towards... I'd like to hear him try to give a self-defense plea.  Besides, those wolves killed a kobold (and, apparently, an overzealous hunterdwarf just last season) for us.  They're good protection, so long as the workers don't get too close.

Just as soon as I say this, īton Shigósreg, Trapper, fails to cram a wild wolf into a cage and has his head ripped clean off.  His hunting dog, Ingish Ozormebzuth, goes to his body and sits pensively nearby.  Well... I guess I can't always be right.  Another coffin goes into the crypt.

As the merchants are unloading, I notice a peculiar sight... Unib is still following Sigun around.  It's summer... Hasn't she made off with our trade agreements yet?  She notices me staring, and hurriedly digs out a copy of our requests to show to Sigun, which I'm sure he must have seen about twenty times by now.  Does she even know what the Swift Arches is requesting anymore?  She only has, what, two months to get back to them with our reports.  I remember her being here when I got my injury... She might be spying on us.  I seriously think we'll need to deal with this problem in the future...

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Tekkud finishes his Basalt idol, engraving some world history trivia onto it.  My guess is he's kissing the king's bearded ass.  Whoops, clumsy me, remind me to crush this tablet before King Minkot sees it emblazon its image in a masterpiece engraving on the underside of my office table.

I turn my attention again to the trade depot and balk.  I count one axeman, two pikemen, two macemen, two hammermen, one bowman, one crossbowman, one spearman, one lasher, and twelve merchants.  I've never seen a caravan so well armed in my life... Are the surrounding lands becoming hostile?  I was sure the dwarven kingdoms were strong here when we embarked!  Are they simply paranoid about the goblin raiders?  Are they part of a goblin raiding party themselves??

I pull Asob aside as I catch her on her way to the depot.  "Asob, a lot of these men look dangerous... are you going to be alright?"

"Relax, Zon!  I can handle it.  Besides, if they try anything weird, we have a capable military to handle them."

"If you ask me, they look pretty evenly matched for us... and I don't like evenly matched in the middle of our fortress."

"You worry too much.  The humans in the goblin raiding party weren't from Pesor Siti."

"So they told you..."

Asob sighed.  "I have my pick, OK?  I've killed a batman on my own before, it's no big deal."

She left to go trade.  Idiot!  Comparing humans to batmen is like comparing water to magma!  By the way, the obsidian creation is still moving very slowly.  Not even half of that area is solid yet.

The toils of the craftsdwarves really shined at this year's human expo.  Here's a fine specimen of dwarven craftsmanship, which sold for 2,170 dwarfbucks:

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I was somewhat upset with Asob, though, regarding another oversight.  She had several dwarven syrup roasts made for trading, but forgot to forbid them!  The hungry dwarves got into them and whittled away the stacks, putting good profit to waste.  On top of that, there was a small collection of extraordinarily well-decorated mechanisms that went straight to the trade pile.  Ah well... it's certainly better than the fort bursting into flames because she forgot to put up a wall before tapping the magma vent, or something.  We made some good profit from a collection of giant cave spider silk crafts, though.

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"Ambush!!  Goblins and humans again!"

Those sick bastards!  They started with the poor hunting dog that had planted itself in the spot where Dātan fell!  Are they trying to get at our loot, or just make us miserable?!

Predictably, this group heads straight for the northern puppy trap.  The human is caught in a cage, but before the first goblin from that group can reach the dog, a second ambush party reveals itself by attacking the same dog just seconds before the first party reaches it!  What bizarre timing... The caged human pikeman is replaced by yet another human pikeman.  Moments later, we catch another human in the southern puppy trap.  Hey, it's good to know these humans are as dumb as the goblins they're leading...

The human traders from Pesor Siti, the Confederacies of Targeting, have by now heard what's going on.  They never actually put their weapons away, but they now wield them openly, determined to defend themselves.  I am immediately convinced that the humans leading these goblins are not connected to Pesor Siti.  Their shared expressions of fear and hatred are more than convincing enough.

I draw my axe, gather my armor, and hobble over to stand beside the rest of the militia.  The others turn and look at me in awe.

"Zon," Archibold says, "Leave this to us.  We're professionals.  You need not threaten yourself in this battle."

"Bah!" I say.  "I've raised this fortress from its birth, and by Armok I'll die defending it.  I've got a bone to pick with Kovest as it is, so if death meets me this day, all the sooner to sit down with him over a mug of dwarven wine!"

"Hey."  Ast Numzasit, my dear lover turned speardwarf, pokes me with the butt of his spear.  "Be careful out there, will ya?"

"I can't make you any promises."  I give him a wink.  "See you on the other side."

((DFMA)) ((Movie)) We rush headlong into battle, meeting the enemy halfway.

After that was said and done, a kobold thief picked the wrong time and the wrong lock to pick and ended himself skewered at least eight different ways.  Squish.

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« Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 07:41:01 pm by KenboCalrissian »
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #93 on: November 03, 2009, 11:52:16 pm »

27th Hematite, Early Summer, 205
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For whatever reason, the workers have begun calling me Afentumam, 'The Skinny Morals,' because I took the front line and killed four goblins that battle.  I guess Kovest doesn't really want to talk to me yet.  The dwarves still laud Archibold as their hero, even though he didn't kill even a single goblin.  Whatever.  I don't really care about anything anymore.

The obsidian is becoming a tragic waste of time, so I'm stopping it short.  Rather than filling the forge and smelter reservoirs sooner, it's brought the flow to a dead stop. The water is evaporating faster than it can form into obsidian.  I've never made obsidian before, so I had no idea it would take this long.  Maybe we'll patch up that hole and try again in a moment.

"Hey, Zon!"

It's Asob!  "Hello, Asob.  How'd you do with the humans?"

"Pretty well, but I wanted to ask you something.  How come you didn't request any of the dwarven syrup roasts for the depot?"

"Eh?  We still have those?"

"Yeah, they're still sitting over there by the dye shops, forbidden."

"Dye shops?!  Asob, why in the world would you put those roasts over there?  I never would have thought to look for them there!"

"They aren't even in barrels... I kind of thought you'd be able to smell them?  They're so heavenly!"

Sigh.  "Ok... we need to fix those stockpiles a little, then.  I would think you'd want to put dye near the dye pile, don't you agree?"

"That's too obvious!  And plain.  And boring.  Why not make it a little more adventurous?  It's funny in an ironic sort of way!"

"Your irony cost the fort 36,867 dwarfbucks in potential wealth!"

Asob slumped her shoulders.  "Meep."


"Dammit!  That was an internal meep that snuck out.  Disregard it."


"Alright, fine!!  I'll go pull the stupid lever!  Will that make you happy?"

"Asob, it's alright.  We'll just sell them to the Swift Arches next season.  Not a big deal.  Just saying, I like to keep things practical around here."

"But... I thought you liked what I did with the fort while you were bedridden...?"

"I do!  There's just a couple of things--"

"A couple?!  Like what??"

I took a deep breath.  "Asob... it's fine.  Not a big deal.  Just calm down, OK?  Why don't you go back to mining now that the traders are gone?  You did well, and that's that.  I just need to make a few changes because... um, because I'm picky.  Alright?"

"Yeah... yeah, I guess.  Ok, I'll find something to dig up.  Bye!"

I sigh.  I thought she got more confident over the past year, but it seems to come and go.  She did have to deal with a rather large crowd of humans just a little bit ago, so maybe that's what triggered it.  Ah well.

King Minkot is ecstatic.  Turns out the statue room with chained exotic beasts was an excellent choice!  He really seems to enjoy the tastefully arranged statues and restraints.  I should have complimented Asob when I had the chance, but... too late now, maybe another time.

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I hope she doesn't mind the modification I made to her obsidian sprinkler design.  While the patch did help the water drip more evenly onto the magma, it comes out a very slow trickle.  Hm... more modifications will be necessary to make this work right.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 06:14:55 pm by KenboCalrissian »
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #94 on: November 05, 2009, 05:32:20 pm »

As I commented on the obsidian sprinkler video on DFMA, it's the diagonal passages that are making it so slow - water pressure doesn't work through diagonal gaps.
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
It's amazing how dwarves can make a stack of bones completely waterproof and magmaproof.
It's amazing how they can make an entire floodgate out of the bones of 2 cats.


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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #95 on: November 05, 2009, 09:15:43 pm »

Ahh, right... I do recall reading that detail somewhere before, unfortunately I tend not to learn these things until I actually run into them!  Cool, this will go into consideration on the redesign.
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #96 on: November 05, 2009, 11:34:34 pm »

27th Hematite, Late Summer, 205

((Movie)) By Kovest, it works!!

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A school of local shad were the first to witness version three of the magma sprinklers.  Mmmm... cooked shad.

It worked much better... almost too good, in fact.  As soon as the entire room reached a depth of two Urists, I ordered the floodgate be closed.  Unfortunately, it's so far away from the fort that the room filled almost entirely to four Urists by the time it was done - any more and it would have been impossible to mine out the obsidian.  But, hey, now we have a bit of a swimming pool.  Our miners and gatherers will get some valuable swimming experience!

"Zon, what have you done!?"  Uh oh.  Asob noticed.

Well, whatever.  The truth had to come out sooner or later.  "I decided I didn't like waiting an entire season to fill a room with water?  It's the diagonal passages that are making it so slow - water pressure doesn't work through diagonal gaps.  Sorry, I had to mess up your art a little to make it happen..."

"But that was my signature to the fort..."

"Look, I'm sorry, but it wasn't practical!"

"Sorry?  You're sorry?"

"Asob, I swear, if you're going to get all teary on me--"

"Zon, I love it!!"

"....Beg pardon??"

"I created a work of art to serve a function, and you've improved upon it!  A collaborative work!  Aesthetic personality and practical functionality in harmony!  It's a little asymmetrical, but-- ah!  I get it, Zon!  A criticism of artistic vision when it clouds the view of productivity - and yet, in defacing art, you have created a new art in deconstruction!  You're a genius, Zon!!"

"Uhhh... so, you like it?  Great!  So I don't have to make you pull the lever, then?"

Asob laughed and hugged me.  Ugh, I never will understand the way Asėn's followers think, and it seems there are a lot of them around here.  Ah well.

Autumn comes, and I frown disdainfully at the magma.  It hasn't gone any farther into the reservoirs than it was in early summer!  In fact, it's retreated some!!  I don't get it... the obsidian farm is solid, there's far less space for the magma to go... so, what?  Don't tell me it's evaporating before it gets over there...

There's an even worse problem... the obsidian farm is a failure.  No one will go near the water because it's too deep.  Of course they won't drown, they just don't want to get wet!  Ugh!!  I guess I need to divert the water, but where to?

Hmmm... the ponds outside give me an idea.  Maybe it's as easy as creating an outdoor pool and letting the water run outside to evaporate.  Let's give that a try...

Meanwhile, Lorbam Roderiden, Cook, gets all spacey and heads for a crafts shop.  Huh, wonder what a cook is going to make... probably just some trinket.  Lo and behold, he's another worshipper of Asėn.  I decide to mess with his head by continually forbidding the cheapo items he's bringing to the shop, then mass-forbidding all cheap gems and cloth.  There we go... now he's got some giant cave spider silk and green zircons in there.

"Cave in!!  Watch out!!!"

The ground shakes from across the fortress.  The pond!!  I turn my attention away from it for one second, and what happens??  I prepare for the worst, anxiously awaiting the reports for which legendary miners we lost...

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...What the?  The circle of earth that fell just narrowly missed Asob Sefollibash!  What are the chances?  This dwarf needs a new name!  I'll come up with something later...

"Hey, Zon, whatcha doin' now?"

"Hi, Asob!  Check it out.  More art meets practicality!  I'm digging a round pond.  It could have been square, but I took the extra time to turn it into a circle!  Whaddaya think?"

Asob crossed her arms and frowned.  "Eh... a circle isn't really all that exciting, you know.  It isn't very creative..."

"...Beg pardon?"

"You didn't even put that much thought into the planning... I mean, how could you forget that digging a ramp destroys the floor above it?  No wonder it didn't stay up!"

"Ok, well, how about this?  We carve around the block that fell, but leave the grassy floor above?  Trees will probably still grow on it, so it's kind of like an indoor island!"

"Eh, but it's only one level down... Hey, what if you dropped that land a few levels deeper, surrounded it with water, build a bridge out to it, and make a meeting area out of it?  Wouldn't that be great??"

"A meeting area way out here?  Um, thanks, but that's far from functional.  But even I have to admit, the rest of the idea sounds interesting..."

"Great!  We can put your tomb there!  How's that sound?"

"...How does death sound?  Um, unpleasant.  But sure, why not.  When we have some more time, we'll drop that thing lower."

"Ok, ok-- OOOH!!  Lorbam finished his artifact!"

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"See, Zon, now that's art!  You could learn a lot from our cook!"

Armok damned Asėnites...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 07:44:39 pm by KenboCalrissian »
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #97 on: November 06, 2009, 05:53:46 pm »

Sorry about not a lot happening per post.  The framerate's really slowed down now that I'm just shy of 100 dwarves, so the same amount of play time yields less results.
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils

The Architect

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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #98 on: November 06, 2009, 08:37:13 pm »

*continues quietly and faithfully reading, waiting for noble death*
Dwarf Fortress: where blunders never cease.
The sigs topic:
Oh man, this is truly sigworthy...
Oh man. This is truly sig-worthy.


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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #99 on: November 06, 2009, 10:32:42 pm »

If you FPS is low, you should lower your G-FPS cap in the init.txt. 10 - 15 should work, any lower and your game will get all jumpy.


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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #100 on: November 07, 2009, 12:26:00 am »

17th Limestone, 205, Early Autumn

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The giant eagle gave birth to three chicks!!  I've been watching the skies closely for months and didn't see a single eagle fly by, so I'm wondering how she became pregnant... but, no matter!  Three chicks means we can officially start breeding them, and soon they'll rule the skies of Severedcoils!  I organize a party in the roost to celebrate.


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Twelve goblins... One lasher, one wrestler, and the rest are all hammergobs.  Doesn't seem like very many, but they're well-armed.  This could be troublesome... I pick up my axe and my gear, but Asob stops me.

"Zon, you can't go to battle again!"

"Why not?  I welcome death in battle!"

"But if you progress too far down the path of the warrior, you may be tempted to forever leave your post as manager!  Who will run the place?"

I almost say 'You, Asob,' but I see the doubt in her eyes and can't bear to place the task upon her.  She's right.  Should I become an elite or a champion, managing will be impossible for me.  I sigh and sit back to watch the fight, wishing I could take part in the slaughter.

Predictably, the first thing they target is one of the puppy traps.  Unfortunately, it was the lasher who reached the cage first.  Of course it would be the weakest of our foes!  No matter.  This only makes the battle sweeter for us.  I mean, our warriors... I really wish I could join them!

"Fear not!" 'Archibold' calls out, "I'll show these goblins why they call me a champion!  Come, add your names to my kill list!"

((DFMA)) ((Movie)) The combatants rush toward each other while the marksdwarves are off getting drinks... Wonderful.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 11:37:52 am by KenboCalrissian »
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #101 on: November 07, 2009, 12:40:14 am »

I see you don't have enemy equipment set to forbid on death. You might want to turn that on, if only to make it less of a pain to clean up afterwards (and to keep your other dwarves out of trouble should you forget to order them indoors). My preferred method is to dump all of the junk into a single pile, then sort it from there - melt all of the armor (but save the weapons, ammo, and shields), save any GCS silk I want, then dump the rest into an atom smasher.
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
It's amazing how dwarves can make a stack of bones completely waterproof and magmaproof.
It's amazing how they can make an entire floodgate out of the bones of 2 cats.


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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #102 on: November 07, 2009, 12:50:34 am »

First few experiences aside, I've always been really good about remembering to order dwarves inside.  Item forbidding was a problem early on in this fort with the giant bat, but now that I feel like I have things under control I'm willing to take liberties with that.  And, though this doesn't make any sense, I'd rather lose a stray dwarf to me forgetting to order everyone inside than have anything stolen by rhesus macaques later.  Those monkeys infuriate me, even if they are little more than a mild annoyance!

I actually almost lost Zon when this started... no idea why, but when she went idle she decided to mope around the north west corner of the map (where wolf packs are commonly seen) for no reason at all, so not only did she have a long way to travel back to the entrance, but there was a chance the enemy could have spawned right on top of her.

I'm also really not sure why so many dwarves have "doesn't care about anything anymore."  They're all ecstatic, they have a wonderful statue garden to keep them occupied, my first fort has seen worse tragedies than this one... Zon I can understand, being too tough to fall unconscious to a mangled leg but too injured to get a drink from a barrel that was placed in the same tile she was, and forced to stand in one place for an entire month until thirst finally made her pass out.  But what's Archibold got to be depressed about??  I need to check the relationships more closely to figure this out.
I've never tried it and there's a good chance it could make them freak out.
Do it.
Severedcoils - the Baron Consort accumulation challenge
Severedcoils II: The Reckoning - a DnD 5e Adventure set in the world of Severedcoils


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #103 on: November 07, 2009, 11:17:48 am »

Supposedly, "doesn't care about anything anymore" happens after they've witnessed a lot of death if they don't have certain personality traits, and some have reported that it makes them more dependent on booze (in one case, somebody modded their dwarves to not require alcohol, and ones that "didn't care about anything anymore" would still slow down when sober).
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
It's amazing how dwarves can make a stack of bones completely waterproof and magmaproof.
It's amazing how they can make an entire floodgate out of the bones of 2 cats.


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Re: Severedcoils - Consort Accumulation Challenge
« Reply #104 on: November 07, 2009, 04:12:38 pm »

I had a fort where I lost four of the starting seven to an orc siege early on and nobody developed doesn't care anymore. Twas strange.
A quick guide to surviving your first few days in CataclysmDDA:;topicseen#msg4796325
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