Thanks to a bug I had a legendary stuck in jail for the better part of a year. Vucar was my first mood of the fort, got legendary armoursmith out of it. Wanted to get him to +5 before he got to work outfitting the military, so he got put to work making copper leggings to be quickly re-melted. It was fine for a bit until he stopped making the leggings and I forgot to stop the melt orders. So eventually almost all his masterworks are melted and he's really upset about all the art defacement.
He wants to meet with my leader, but also did something to bring dwarf justice down on himself. He's locked up before he can meet, and from then on whenever he's in jail my leader's default thing is to sit in his room waiting for the meeting. I think the pairing of the meeting and jailing is what set off the problem.
See, when his sentence ends, he's happy to be free. So happy that he punches a puppy to death. Which earns him another sentence. Which makes him miserable because he's locked up. He expresses his joy at being released next time by breaking a door. Which lands him in jail. Again. And so it goes on and on.
I think the jailing/meeting mixup screwed up his orders, so he was doing after his release whatever he had been about to do when he was jailed. Whatever it was, it was fun. Even better was after I got it to stop, our repeat offender was eventually elected mayor himself.
And on a sweeter note, his artifact was a golden platemail, which eventually was worn by his champion wife. Very romantic for dwarves I thought. And they must be, given their 10 children.
And on a less sweet, more funny note. They had 11 children. There was a horse scaring haulers in my courtyard. I ordered the champion out to deal with it, but for some reason she wouldn't attack it. I tried fiddling with "chase/stay close to station" and "harass/ignore animals" to no avail. So I keep ordering her to stand right next to it, figure I can herd it out at least. Works initially, then all of a sudden the horse kicks her baby to death, after which she finally clobbers it.