I'm going to need some more feedback from you all to continue before i get to far ahead of myself and have to go back and redo most of them
Firstly: The shadow.... should I add a shadow blob to my sprites? Or I think I saw something posted that that might be a thing on the programs end so you don't end up with fliers and swimmers with shadow blobs in mid air?
Secondly: I did a little overlay to see how my sprites look in the overall theme and I'm wondering if they're not saturated enough or maybe I need to darken my outlines?
Thirdly: Like Deon pointed out rather wisely, having a screen full of the same animated sprite (aka a mermaid farm) would kind of be like sand paper on the eyes, so like he suggested (I think its what he was saying) maybe give the females a slightly offset animation such as:
or possibly switching orientation also with an offset
... but I've got a feeling the latter wont look as good?
Fourthly: Is it worth me trying to stick to a self implimented scale scheme deally, like I've been trying to do so far, but I'm afraid that It might end up with the little critters looking to small?
and whipped up some babies and a mole dog so far today
Baby olm, baby bat, naked mole dog (not so sure on him or the baby bats animation.... prolly back to the drawing board)
To Jonask and the rest of the team: I'd love to help out, I was going to get back into finishing my set, but then i saw this piece of awesomness you guys have been working on
I dont really care if animations make it in or not, its more so just for me to practice, but its better getting them done with each sprite as I do them if you do manage to get it implimented. I just picked a raw (subteranian) and im working my way down the list... which reminded me of something... skeltal and zombie versions! Not sure if you can display the difference yet, but like i said, its better to get them all done out at the same time than having to go back and revisit..... so onwards to skeletal versions!
To Everyone else: Thanks for the welcome backs, and keep up the awesome contributions so far (Those new kobolds are 10 stars better tehmarken, I like how they fit the canon from toady's description and the kobold quest pic.. i really struggled making them for my tileset... thank god for the bigger work space!)
OH! And kaypy if you need the individual frames at all just post and ill put them in
save that triggerhappy print screen button!