I'm getting variable 140-220 fps in DF with it running, the Stonesense settings are to reload every (at the minimum amount of) .2 seconds, apparently there's no option to set it for reload per # of frames? It makes the dwarves quite jumpy.
We dont have that degree of synchronization with DF
I wish I could fraps it for you guys. Doing more testing.
It should have the time taken to draw in the top left (or was that just the dev editions?). I get about 70-80ms per frame, but my rig isnt spectacular.
My only criticism is the viewport is too small. Eventually it'd be nice to have items. Can we have loading done in even smaller intervals than .2 seconds? Great work so far!
The screen size and loaded area are editable in the init file. You can also set it to move the displayed area up significantly, so that with a suitable sized area you will fill the screen.
The refresh interval is adjustable in increments of 0.1 seconds: keypad +/-. Maybe we should make that a bit more finegrained?
EDIT: errorlog gives me "Unable to load building config buildings/Pump.xml" every time I manually refresh.
Yeah, that file is listed in buildings/index.txt, but we dont have a sprite or configuration for it. You could remove that line to quiet it up, but at the rate 7c is going, you'd need to put it back in by the weekend...
I have to quit Stonesense before exiting/saving my DF game, or Stonesense crashes.
Obviously you shouldnt quit DF. Ever.
The program chews through my RAM, but thankfully I have a lot of that.
A fix is in for this
A lot of chasm creatures are giving me "?". As mentioned before the ability to change viewing angles would be amazing
Yeah, not many creatures in yet. You may want to look at the sprite editting notes, and grab some critters from various graphics packs.
Rotating the camera is high on jonasks todo list 8-)