- Break back (figuratively) on a (literally) back breaking job shoveling dirt and gravel all day since the office is closed and dunno if it will open again.
- Get a call from your sister to get to some place 5 minutes driving distante but like half an hour on foot becuse is something urgent.
- Run there and have the luck of hitching a ride for the last leg of the distance.
- Find out she was parked on her car all along, get yelled and insulted for taking too long to get there (wtf you had a car, I literally ran there and made it in half the time on foot).
- Find out it wasn't even something urgent, less alone important. She just wanted me to unload the car on her in-laws house. Please notice that if it were tons of stuff I would understand. No, it was four shoebox sized cardboard boxes that weighted no more than 4 kilos. She just didn't feel like getting out of the car.
- Get insulted again and then dropped off somewhere down her route because she positively can't get me home, too much important stuff to do apparently. I'm apparently a selfish piece of shit for asking.
- Now I'm at 5km from home, walking supremely angry about the whole shit. I didn't even finished understand what just happened. Oh, I'm a selfish piece of shit again for getting mad at the whole ordeal.
Edit: Is getting dark, I'm going to turn off the phone and shove it up my ass or hide it on my crotch.
FUCK I'm angry and sad.