I’m miserable 24/7, and I don’t always know why, which generally leads to self destructive/loathing thoughts and a constant slouch on my part. The truth is, the self loathing comes from a deep seated self loathing that I got from childhood trauma in Primary school, and I’ve become phsychologically convinced that I’m inferior to all living things, and their needs and wants should always be put above my own. As a result, I feel extremely uncomfortable and cringe-y when people actually express that they feel sorry for how openly depressed I constantly act and feel, while I myself always comfort people who’re unhappy regardless of the situation. I’ve basically turned off all personal shittiness sensors, so a this rate, for all I know, my life might actually be awful enough to warrant feeling this way, but I won’t let myself explore that possibility, and my complete lack of social skills won’t allow me to express any of what I’m actually feeling. I’m actually compulsively honest in all situations, but I’m incapable of properly expressing what I’m feeling and why I’m feeling it, short of ‘I’m miserable’. At this rate I’ve become resigned to the idea that I’m going to live the rest of my life as a delressed weirdo, since I feel deeply uncomfortable around solutions that feel like people feeling sorry for me to the point of being physically unable to listen.
Sorry for the long post, I’m venting.