Tissue culture will eventually replace normal meat animal production. Vat-grown muscle tissue will be cheaper to produce, because there is less overhead involved. Humans will complain that it does not taste the same or something, but that really wouldnt be supportable. (My guess is that blind taste tests will find no difference, but that people will not like the IDEA of cultured beef, rather than the TASTE or TEXTURE of cultured beef.)
When that day comes, vegans are either going to need to come down from the high horse (that guy eating the carne asada? Yeah-- it's cultured beef. Not murder. Stop bothering him.) or have less issue with meat as a food stuff (since no lives are lost to produce the meat). Instead, they will have to focus on any campaigns advertisers and marketers would have for "REAL beef" (made from actual dead cows!). Harder, because it would not be reflexive "Eww! MEAT! EVIL!"-- it would be "Let me see the package--- EWW! Killing derived!" instead.
Industrially, there would be tremendous push to use the cultured meat, because of its reduced operational footprint requirements. (raw material, like yeast derived protein meal, water, and sugar go in one side of the vat processor, and "wriggly bits of cultured cow" come out the other. No field, not antibiotics, no veterinarians, no middle men.) this means that most processed meat products would contain either 100% cultured, or some vast proportion cultured meats, simply because of economics. The technology would not require pseudo religious devotion and active preaching; the soulless machine of capitalism would latch on tightly all on its own.
I dont mind pragmatic vegetarians that just dislike that meat requires killing animals. I DO actively DISLIKE extreme veganism, where the notion takes on an offensive aire, and it becomes an identity and status symbol instead of actual individual moral scruples. The former would embrace cultured meat, and other alternative technologies for the production of that food stuff. The latter would rail against such developments, because it upsets their soapbox.