I hate everything. Hate everything I do, everything other people do, everything I don't do or can't do, everything. Nothing makes me happy, nothing fills this emptiness in my life, and I have no goals to aim for, no idea what to do with myself, no idea where to go, or why I should even bother.
Lemme tell you why: Because this life is the one chance you get in this world. Because the depression will pass, and you will know joy in your life again. I am pretty much exactly as clueless as you, and i've found that if i don't at least
try to do something, i'll sink into a hole, and FAST. If you don't know where to go, pick a direction at random. Perhaps you'll find that that direction sucks, but hey, now you know. I don't consider my years spent at uni without finishing a degree to be wasted; after all, i've still learned things, met new people, and i've learned that these aren't the right paths for me. If nothing else, you can at least end up on the right path through elimination and/or trial and error.
If you must choose between suicide, living with toxic people, and leaving toxic people, leave the toxic people. Who are they anyway?
Just people. And they aren't my only options I'm just too edgy to think of anything else.
Well, the opposite of worthless. Valuable? I mean, you're young and full of potential, and you have, in spite of what seems like a pretty severe depression, the presence of mind to recognize that the problem isn't yourself. The big problem with spite suicide is that on top of you, y'know, DYING, you won't be around to see their faces. A much better way to spite and embarrass them is to prove them wrong. You get to survive, and you get to
drink their tears. Delicious, salty tears.