Redundancy is adding on that's unnecessary. Like spoilers
Redundancy department of Redundancy, for example.
Spoilers aren't unnecessary, hector, or did you miss what I said earlier about it helping people?
That's just, like, your opinion, man. They're in a public thread, designed for public perusal. Redundant.
But we are de-railing sadness, however much it needs to be done.
@BHK:I believe in you. You can do this.
Everyone "believes" in me, which has me kinda scared of failing... Thanks, though.
Fuck everyone else. You don't exist to make other people happy, or fulfill their life goals vicariously.
You are you, and unless you go out of your way to fuck things up for people, that's all it takes to be interesting to others.
For crying out loud,
it's not redundant. It may be pointless for obfuscatory purposes, but applying something for
privacy in a
public thread is not, nor will it ever be, redundant, because it's working at cross-purposes, mitigating, as opposed to increasing! Cross-posting between threads? Possibly redundant! Using spoilers? Not! I will fight you on that until the end of time if need be but you are definitely
wrong. And this makes me sad.
And BHK:You be you, don't worry about others' expectations, even mine.
What makes me sad right now is people commiserating over OW's banning. He made bigoted comments, couldn't abide by the forum rules, and got banned for it. Jeez.
OW was still a cool dude, though. People liked him. So yes, they're bloody well allowed to be sad that somebody they liked got kicked.
@iinl:I keep wanting to start a Bay12 Forums Emergency Fund...This is exactly why. :v