I'm not.
Dude, they've cleared over 1000 extra beds in the jails, have asked to governor to suspend certain laws saying including but not limited to open carry saying things like
"I don't care if it's constitutional or not at this point." You can't have a backpack (even if you're in summer courses). They have the city cordoned off into "event zones," and "free speech zones," where they control where you go based upon what you believe. This has been going on so long it's become the sad, horrid norm. If you're carrying something in support of a candidate you can be there, if not, then you can be removed, even arrested. Whole country should be a free speech zone; it once was.... Should be again. 1st amendment means nothing. Nobody believes it until it bites them in the butt and all of a sudden, it should just be "fixed" by somebody else (lawyer, police officer, whoever). Nope. Disbelief does not a defense make.
They've swept out anybody they don't like and banned them from the city, because it doesn't fit the message of the completely untrue propaganda signs they've plastered up. You cannot be in the 3.3 mile area that is ... basically the city if they don't like you / they haven't been forced to permit you to be there. They will totally arrest you for anything they even remotely don't like, legal, illegal, doesn't matter. Frankly, that's just the beginning.... It's sad.
Moreover "White Elevators:"
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/zac-thompson/as-rnc-commences-white-elevators_b_11057652.html Completely insensitive and obvious. Come on.
and this