, and guess who the defendants eventually blame and go after? That's right, the lawyers who were nice enough to defend them despite not getting paid much or at all, (who are hated and regarded as "bottom feeders").
For all that talk of "The Constitution" and the "Founding Fathers" as a nearly sacred thing, nobody wants to pay for what it and they said you have to.
Meanwhile, I'm having to deal with some lovely and threatening situation and unsure when / if that will end. As a human being, I find myself thinking horrible thoughts no one should have to concerning this thing like, "Maybe he'll go after one of the other ones instead of me," because we all have an inherent bias toward our own personal safety. Of course, the better thought and outcome would be, "Maybe he won't go after ANYONE," but there's that primitive part of the brain in all of us that tries to bargain with the universe as if that were a viable thing. I'm imperfect and operating with imperfect tools as a person and trying to improve that.
I realize I come across as impersonal, because my method of doing that is trying to not make it personal, which is against all human instincts. It isn't natural to try to take yourself out of the equation, which is my best option. Fact is, this man is going to do what he is going to do and there is not a thing I can do to stop that from happening. If and when it happens, my being afraid of it won't prevent or cure it. Thus, prepare responsibly, be proactive, and be ready to respond if and when it does happen, are my only recourse. Obviously, I'd like to not have to worry about this at all, but that's not practical. Ideally, he'd change his behavior or never have behaved that way at all. Not happening. Again.
All of this is yet another lovely byproduct of not funding the justice system. Taxes? I don't care what and if you're paying them, I know they're not ending up in the courts.
Once again, the irony of the situation is, he went on to do far worse things than the crap I got him probation for. Go figure.
When I get job interviews (when they don't toss my resume as "overqualified"), do you have any idea how hard it is not to laugh when they ask why I'd "give this up?"