Well, i survived the
Christmas Lunchings(tm). Unfortunately for me, my sleep for the night was
rudely interrupted by my nose at 7 in the morning, which probably ended up costing me an hour of sleep in total (cut off from what would have been maybe 6.5 hours at most). So, i was drowsy for most of the day. On top of that, exactly as predicted, my bowels were cranky as hell and basically kept my food consumption at the same level as that of a 7 year old child. Quite annoying, because it was great food. :<
Thankfully, the kids didn't even ask me about playing Minecraft with them, and apparently they've also set their eyes on Terraria (for tablet) now. It's possible that they could detect that i wasn't exactly feeling at the top of my game, but in any case, all i ended up having to do was to game some Rayman Legends on my own laptop (until hand pain set in) and provide some commentary for their antics (which were pretty much exactly what you'd expect from two brothers at that age, i.e. older brother constantly tormenting younger brother via PvP in Terraria). In the end, the evening dragged out about two hours past what i cared for, but i had to remain so i could drive us all home. My parents drive crazily enough without alcohol in their bloodstream. :v
All in all: okay i guess but it's not something i couldn't have gone without. Same thing as most festive arrangements i go to, really. I'm not a misanthrope, i just prefer enjoying people in smaller and more managable doses. :v