Meh. I always end up typing these things on my phone. Not that it really matters, I type to arrange my thoughts so I go slow anyway.
This is going to be a bit of a story I guess. You can skip the first paragraph, maybe? Anyway... So I went to school Friday, my best friend is ill so he's not there, and I didn't manage to talk to my crush before my finals because she was standing with a few other girls, I decided to do it but went to the toilet first for... some reason? Anyway, when I came out the group had like tripled in size and I just went nope.
After the finals, I left the classroom where we have finals and walked down the hall, prepared to awkwardly wait for my crush outside. She was also done so I met her in the hall, though.
We talked a bit, and once we were outside some other girl and another dude joins the conversation.
First of all, I immediately have trouble not falling out of the conversation. Also... The dude and my crush just sort of become the people who are talking. Other girl leaves at some point, she's not very important here. So this dude and my crush are talking. I don't really see a point to become part of the conversation, and from the things said I assume that this is my crush 's bf. Which is pretty fucking awful for me. It might be a little clichéd but a punch to the face describes it pretty well. I just went home.
My problem right now is that I'm not even sure. I would goddamn love to be sure she has a bf, but all I have is this conversation and some other very, very circumstantial evidence. I WAS sure, but when I calmed down a little doubts started appearing. I have no clue what I'd do if this turns out not to be the case.
Ugh, at least I'm reasonably sure my best friend knows, since he did mention my crush talks to this dude a lot. (This is also the source of my doubt, but w/e). Don't really feel like carrying that conversation over texts, though.