My computer maintenance didn't go well at all. I couldn't get the main ribbon connector unlocked because the space it's in is way too small to safely fit anything to open it with. My guide says breaking this thing effectively bricks the computer, so caution is at a premium. Secondly, one of the screw wells came out while reassembling after hitting that wall. Why exactly there are fragile screw wells in the first pace is a bit of a frustrating mystery.
On top of all that, my mother is demanding that I move forward on making a car decision while my father continues his bullshit act of being too tough to give me a real budget for selecting a car. Dear fucking god, would it kill either of you to be honest? The only thing I've pried out of either of them are demands for things that are expensive, while simultaneously telling me to keep it cheap. Just, you know, cheap, but reliable, and not too old, and low mileage, and try to make it manly you need that while you're young eh son *chk* *chk*, but also what' do you think I am a charity, this needs to be a steal if I'm helping." Gah!
Also, while I've known a lot of angry drunks and a lot of annoying drunks, my mother is the only person I've ever known to be a conspiracy drunk. Everything is retroactively some plot.
On top of that, I still have not been able to clarify things with my future roommates and our electric utility because I can't contact them despite best efforts. Oh well. I guess I'll live in the dark for a few days once we all meet.
Alright, monthly venting session complete.