5 days no net. Much \o/
Cinder, dearie, I be sending you a PM encompassing everything mentioned here for ya
Sorry for not posting it here--but it covers...a lot of things.
I know I've kinda disappeared mid-game for a lot of my forum games. Haven't recieved hate mail yet...!
I know I'll probably be getting semi-threatening messages for this, but I'm going to take a break from Bay12. I will still update Descent and my RPG though so it's not a complete break, but I feel like I have finally worn out everyone's patience so I'm just going to shut up until I stop being a horrible person.
I think you overestimate how much hostility there is towards you here.
Generally when someone makes an RPG and then stops updating it, people stop following it. But your work is good and people like you, so they keep encouraging you.
Like you can stop going on Bay12 or Descent or whatever, its your life. But I don't think people are really worn out towards you. I'm not.
I had this fear too.
About my own RTD.See, I had personal stuffs occurring IRL at these times. Months of delay in between, and a :X feeling everytime I couldn't updoot it.
But then I PM'd all the dudes playing [and the dudes not playing but waitlisting too], and they were
totally cool with it. Many offered their support too and encouragement! (Yeah Reudh. You silly kuya! Love you to bits. Amongst all the rest :V)
So...I'll leave this tidbit for ya.
People don't stop you from not being an asshole. What EVERYONE is basically focused on is
behavior/attitude and not necessarily or at all,
Dammit Objective, stop being so hard on yourself.
Like this orange dude. He's being :I because he's focused on the :I that makes you
(Though the initial feelings would make that seem sensible ._. emotions be silly at times--but emotions
only draw meaning from what meaning you give them. Hence it is always best to think through and with them instead of solely FROM them.)
A certain adorable forum member returning is making me feel inferior.
Mostly because I'm an ugly 17 years old man but still.
That certain adorable forum member returning is NOT the cause of that
The orange part is connected to something else.
Maybe comparison--undue comparison.
Maybe self-esteem, most likely seemingly self esteem.
Maybe many unspoken reasons which I would like you to settle with with people there who you can easily and readily talk to.
But yeah, PM incoming. Also advice on behavior and how communication pokes at it.
Just take these things constructively instead of criticism-ally. From my experience of 4+ years on this forum--it tends to lack toxicity because the vocal and outspoken members aren't...y'know, immature. Mostly.