If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Nazis would consider you a Jew. If you answered no to all of these questions, the Nazis might still consider you a Jew for other arbitrary reasons that they may just make up on the spot.
They wouldn't consider you
a Jew for offenses other than being a Jew. This is a pervasively inaccurate attitude about the Holocaust, one which makes it all about the extermination of Jews when it targeted several other groups as well. The Nazis are plenty horrible as they were, there's no need to lie on top of that.
Are you Jewish?
Was anyone as far as four generations back in your family Jewish?
Are you homosexual? (Or any other kind of sex criminal.)
Are you infirm? (Partially accurate, Action T4 was a distinct sterilization and involuntary euthanasia program which handled a lot of these cases and was ran out of psychiatric hospitals or death vans. Some, mostly the mentally instead of physically ill, ended up in the camps instead.)
Does someone high up in the Nazi hierarchy just dislike you? (This almost certainly happened, but I doubt it was ever recorded. Nazi Germany also still had regular prisons that could have taken this sort of thing.)
Are you, or is your family even from Israel? (Israel founded 1948)
In addition:
Are you a social democrat, socialist (Such as the very unfortunate members of SDP?), trade unionist, Freemason, communist, liberal or anarchist?
Are you an actual criminal?
Are you a foreigner or emigrant?
Are you Roma?
Are you asocial? What's asocial? Well, obviously it's being a alcoholic, vagrant, pacifist, draft dodger, prostitute, or drug addict.
Are you a prisoner of war, that war being World War II, or a deserter?
Are you, of all things, a
Jehova's Witness?But being a Catholic wasn't on the death list, was it?
Don't think so. Remember, "Gott mit uns."