Not to take any wind out of your sails (because I agree with the vast majority of your points here and aren't trying to shut you down or something), but technically you can change how introverted/extraverted you are
Is there some kind of conversion therapy for that?
Err...just to quickpost, 'introvert//extrovert' aren't innate characteristics, but categorical descriptions of modern times. Nobody is truly one sided here in being an extrovert and introvert [as there's a lot of other factors influencing those behaviors], and iam2roy is right in noting that its a sliding scale of attitude.
Basically, its a branching concept of Jung's original notion of psychological energy (
libido), as outlined in his theory of personality, which used analogy to thermodynamics* you can note that when people use the idea of introvert//extrovert, there is an implication towards 'energy'...which is somehow connected to how 'attached' people are in socializing. Which is where the confusion starts.
*Energy cannot be destroyed but flows from one form to another; energy moving from one psychological constant, dependent on the environmental stimulus, can move to another constant {an example used was 'A student focuses on their studies, thus expending their energy there. The student then falls in love, thus distributes that energy not fully on studies, as the new stimulus occupies part of that energy flow}
...Which makes sense in analogy, but do note. "Theory"
Yeah Theories of Personality is a !!fun!! Psych Course Subject. [Do note, Libido, as a term for Jung, was not only sexual, while the contemporary understanding of libido is {from what I believe} Freudian...being revolving around
Disclaimer: Messy wording/format due to fast typing due to lacking time @net connectivity.