Also all of the science in schools is taught completely sideways to what young-earth creationists know, so I could understand them not wanting their kids to be learning such lies.
As for the atheism thing, if evangelical atheists are concerned about my religion I suggest they become concerned about theirs instead.
Ah. I feel trepidation, but I'm still wanting to dive in. I'd like to feel that it's a 'choice' thing. I'd prefer all kids to make their own decisions without having the religion of their parents jammed down their throats.
I mean, I personally have christian parents, went to a non-denominational christian school, and now am what I would call an 'Apathetic Atheist' through sheer teen angstiness.
I feel like people who go into the greater pool of mankind and have their beliefs challenged and whatnot and take a dip in the 'agnosticism' pool and then revert to religion because they love that feeling of divine fulfillment end up being stronger people for it. Hell, the Amish have a 'coming of age' ceremony where they send their kids out into the greater world to learn about all of the technology and hedonism and etcetera that they can get their fill of, then if they still want to come back, they come back. This obviously doesn't incorporate the 18 years of life that the child has known before that, but hey.
Of course, I disagree with your idea of what's important but that's why I don't think you should ever put an extrovert through homeschooling.
I would never classify myself as an extrovert. I hate large groups of people and even have difficulty leaving my house. But I'm damn charismatic, and school taught me that. Because at the end of the day if you don't have networks (friends), salesmanship (a good personality) and whatever-the-buzzword-form-of-"knowing what is and isn't good in certain social situations"-is...
Uh... Yeah, you're not gonna go as far as if you did have those things. The leaders of the greatest computer and software companies are still crazy charismatic people, because at the end of the day everything else comes second if you want to get to the top.