So I can bring myself to talk to my girlfriend about my problems with her .-.
We also seem to have a few moral differences that might get in the way (rather not talk about, open to talking to her about these though)
I'm sore from softball practice and get to run a mile tomorrow Bleh
I seem to have been trying to be happy but just caught in a depressive bog
My girlfriend doesn't seem to express the endless love she says she has for me, she won't go out of her comfort zones of socialization or go to events with me. I would gladly do things that make me feel uncomfortable for her. ((I'd face my darkest fears for her ))
She also keeps saying things like,"I love you more than life" "You're my world" "I never want to lose you" "I love you more than anything"
But she gets mad at me so easily and doesn't really let me do what I want.
By that I mean I have a rather stressful life so I like goofing off with my friends and doing things that release stress and (unrelated to stress) doing things to my body (namely growing my hair to my shoulders, she doesn't like that but she's fine with me growing a beard).
We do not like the same music.... At all.... We have like a small sliver of a few genres similar and that's about it. Her music sort if annoys me and all sounds the same, she also only listens to a couple genres while I listen to just about everything though I hate new country, most rap, and most pop (we agree in that) but she hates new wave/electric (one of my favorite music genres).
Thanks for reading, I know I don't have it bad and sorry to everyone who has it worse for having this bitchiness clutter the thread