I advise a company, and they have survived BECAUSE they have done exactly what I told them to do. No, they didn't like it. Yes, it worked.
It seems society in general has become a bunch of obnoxious morons who need hit in the face with a hammer to improve brain functioning. People have intentionally mistaken the Enlightenment and Socratic questioning imperatives for the never ending "why?" questioning of a three year old that only ends when they get their way. Hammers to faces.... People ask "why not?" with either stupid indignation or straight up whining, and always blame to the answerer. The general bullshit form is "why not" or "why can't I have what I want?" Hammer; faces.
The question to ask is never "why not," the question to ask is "why?" and I don't mean use of mistaken as clever wordplay to ask why when you're really asking why not. Example Someone is asking why not instead of why when they say "Why does this keep happening to me?" "This" is the placeholder for the bad thing and the question they are really asking is "WHY are things NOT getting better and going as I demand they should." They are demanding the universe conform to their bullshit. No; not happening. In a world and universe of entropy, why would anything ever happen to you that was good? <--- This deceptively depressing sounding question is not depressing, but rather it is the one thing that can save humanity. More specifically, the ANSWERS to that question can.
People start out wondering why not, and the default answer is "entropy" or "the universe doesn't give a flying fuck." However, if people were to start out asking why, and then supporting the thing with answers, that is a defeat of entropy (even if only for a "temporary" 40 years or so). <-- Salvation.
Now back to the company I advise. We now have some asshole's relative and she is a "why not" person. O. Fuck. She's another moron who thinks they are brilliant because she has an MBA or some shit. Nope. She doesn't ask why. She asks why not, with an implied indignation or worse, a fake corporate sense of upbeat cheer like they demand you have at a pep rally.
Stupid the wonder bitch will compare our company to other "similarly situated" companies and ask why we aren't where they are. No no no no no, your logical error is assuming "similarity" and that doesn't exist in our little world. They have different sets of circumstances you're too stupid to comprehend and I don't feel like explaining, for the umpteenth time. In essence the bitch is whining, and she's just doing it using power point.
Compare and contrast to me: I do not use "comparable" to complain and bitch when things aren't perfect. Quiet the opposite. I focus not on others but on "us" which is to say the company. I focus on the internal workings and processes and what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. Stupid is comparing to external factors that have no bearing on us. I am comparing to internal factors that ARE us. Sales are down? You've gone on fewer convention presentations in the trade shows for this sector of manufacturing purchasing customers, so we need to target them again with sales to bring them up. <---- Constructive solution.
In short, she's bitching the neighbors have a better car and I'm focusing on how we can afford to buy one... as the analogy goes.
She's related to somebody in the company and gets paid shit tons of money for this. [sigh]. Useless. "Management."
She states I am "undermining" her, and I reply that I am not "under her" and am merely pointing out her obvious flaws. I saved this company; twice. She's done nothing but fortunately sprout from the family tree. I sense I won't last much longer at this job and the place will go down after I leave and they start listening to her. 700 local jobs depend on this crap. Nice to know they're in her incapable hands.