@Truean On one hand, I'm sad for you for having to put up with that guy and him being mad at you for no good reason. On the other, I'm laughing at the client for being so stupid.
Edit: My own sads today is that I had my last co-worker run out on me under the pretense of lunch, only she never showed up again (I don't know why, I just know that it wasn't me at least).
So my bosses send someone from another store to help me, so here I am training the fourth person new to my job in as many days, praying that my co-worker who's son is terminally injured will be able to return with her son sometime soon and they'll both be perfectly fine, and that HER mom will return to work soon too. And directing other people while I'm across the kiosk doing something else is taking as much time as if I had just finished what I was doing and gone and done that task myself.
Then she finishes at 2:00, since she's put in her legal limit of work for the day. So the office sends the manager for a whole different wing of the building to help; once again, doesn't know what to do. However, mercifully, he had worked in this kiosk before, so he knew some of it after refamiliarizing himself, while I trained him on the 30 new products that were introduced since last he worked with me.
I'm training my own bosses, and running out of co-workers. And spent several hours completely on my own while there was a line-up of 15 people. Something is wrong with this picture.
I get the long weekend off, as we aren't open (we're a Tim Horton's Kiosk within a College, and we aren't open when the school is locked up), but all the students return for another year starting Tuesday. We haven't been able to hire enough staff yet, because one boss said we're not allowed until September. We haven't received any resumes. The bosses prefer hiring non-students because college schedules are hard to make work schedules around. So it will be me, maybe my supervisor (the critical condition kid's grandmother), and maybe one other person who took a week's vacation and has been gone 8 work days so far. We also start longer hours once the students start.
And the customers walking up and telling Burger King jokes is getting old. Fast.