I could actually give less shits about IG. 13 is the age of self-entitlement.
B-b-but not all 13-year-olds are self-entitled!
At least, IG does not appear to be self-entitled to me, IMO.
Bad things happened. For a long time. Then he lashed out. Partially here, partially in meatspace. Of course, it isn't good, and probably shouldn't happen more, but he's not bad. He's just held things in too long, it seems.
Erh, I'd like to put thought before those words Tack. You're generalizing by age by...whatever attitudes you may attribute to it, when it
doesn't apply at all in this scenario (check first: You've seen several attitudes/values at that age--is it right to generalize people
by that age and connect them to those attributes without prior understanding?)
Also, sure, give less, but first understand his situation--while bottling up your feelings (until they explode, especially anger or sadness [which would probably then be mistaken for depression]) is not...practical(?), perhaps there's a lacking outlet to which he can vent it? Yeah, given
how he did it, it would be perceived wrong (and probably deserving of...apathy(?), though I disagree) but the thought behind it counts.
He needs support. Basic idea: If people lack support or an outlet for support in the face of adversity or physical/mental danger, and lack the ways to cope with it, many things would occur [both in personal thought or action or towards those who possess such detrimental attitudes], most of which are...not good.
Though I've no idea why many people use the word shit commonly nowadays. Very strange thing becoming common...