Sleeping too much can be just as bad as sleeping not enough. As Yoink said, best to have set amounts of sleep every day and try to stick to them.
And now for the sad, mixed with the rage.
This weekend I came home, I think it was not a good idea, at all.
So far, I've come to see my cousin, who I've not seen for some five months now. He only arrived last night and I'll be seeing him for a couple of hours today before I go back tommorrow morning, this sucks.
I've also come to get some gum problems sorted out they were bleeding around a tooth that was feeling iffy. The dentist didn't fix that, instead she fixed two teeth that were not bothering me at all (and charged quite a bit for it) and also fucked up another part of my gums which now has been hurting way way more than the initial problem and shows no signs of stopping.
And finally the rather sad sad part is that I've avoided seeing one of my best friends again, haven't seen her in a couple months now. I'm not even sure why I avoid her tbh, but as more time passes I find it harder and harder to gather the strength and see her, probably won't see her today either, and then I won't be here for another month and a half.
Yeah, so far, the only positive things about this weekend is me downloading some more shit to take up my free time and going to see the abandoned bunkers again, tho that will probably suck too since I don't have a proper flashlight nor can I find the camera.