Hopefully your mom will get better. I can tell you from personal experience, these things can go away. Mine sure did.
Thanks, but I think that at this point continuing to hope is pretty pointless/counter-productive. It'll be nice if she changes, but...
Just, fuck.
Well, hoping never done anyone wrong--and it isn't pointless given that you're in the best position to help her being her daughter.
Talk to her. I believe its best not to...well, not to avoid her despite all that has been done in the past. While she does have the final choice to change her attitude or such, there also needs to be something to externally influence her for the better.
Though...judging from what I've seen since last time you've spoken on that matter...maybe she has a feeling that respect for her has gone down and is acting...defensively(?) regarding it? (ie ...wait, let me just format that one part I'm guessing on)
She didn't talk to an expert, but based on my stories my own counselor said that, if I was correctly representing her, she seemed pretty fucking sick.
And yeah, I'm humoring her now, since fighting with her over her rampant whites-only racism, or her constantly going back on her word, or things like offering to sous-chef and then deciding that ~getting the oyster sauce out of the fridge isn't her job and getting snippy because I dared to ask her~... well, it's not worth it.
...Also random thought. Do you guys tell each other you love each other, directly in words? Pretty random, yeah, but... >_<