I'm not trying to say that it's for everyone, and you guys are free to live as you see fit. I mean, I don't think I'll ever understand the line of thinking of shutting yourself down to other people, no matter how little I think of most people. *shrugs* Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Ehn... depends on what you mean by shutting yourself down. Personally, I get along well enough on a facile level with most people, I just don't, y'know, trust them, keep quite a bit quiet/unmentioned, and avoid as much interaction beyond professional (equivalent) as possible (which is most). Can't really risk doing otherwise at the moment, because people talk and other people have ears like woah. Keep things on the light end of such for a few more years, move to somewhere that
isn't Bigotstani, USA and family doesn't have tremendous local contacts, then opening up more is fine.* But until then...
Well, it's almost certainly not a universal thing, but I, at least, have learned to get by pretty happily without much in the way of deep (or even much more than shallow) personal connections. It's definitely tempting, and the longing comes up from time to time, but given the risk...
S'like I said, there's a lot more to the world to experience and enjoy and center yourself around that's... not that. Being without really isn't (or doesn't have to be, anyway) that big of a deal. Or even
a deal, really. For folks in a less irritating situation, the takeaway is that, just. Remember there's a lot more to the world than interpersonal relationships. Just... so much. If you want to center yourself around something else, it's there to be centered on.
Especially when it's only for a few more years, though, heh. It was harder at the start of things, when awareness of just what sort of situation I was in started dawning, when it was a decade and then some to go. Practice makes perfect!. Light at the end of the tunnel makin' things chill, too~ After a while it
does becomes pretty comfortable, though, even without the possibility of change. It's... not so bad, is what I'm saying. Just gotta' get y'mind in the right frame.
*Well, more accurately, get done making sure I'm physically safe (food, shelter, etc.), move somewhere not being a bigot doesn't risk economic trouble (job loss, etc.) or physical damage, and then tell the majority of my family and a great deal of this area "thank you for the support over the years, I deeply appreciate it, but please go to hell. You're wonderful horrible people and I can finally say that without ending up on the streets or beaten, huzzah!". It'd be cathartic, anyway. The casual bigotry in this godforsaken hellhole grates every so little more every bloody day, bleh.
Camel's still got a lot of room for straw, though. Never entirely sure if that makes it better or worse. Does make me even sleepier, though...