Sorry to hear that's happening to you Soli. You don't seem to deserve any of that.
I'm currently trying to convince a 16 year old that cursing out the police is not the best strategy for... anything really. At that point, you don't really have a defense to much, because the police are going to come around and testify and it just gets ugly from there. Yes, police officers are allowed to be "jerks" to you, not sure what I'm expected to do about that. In a nutshell, there are far too many people in the world who will make you mad, and I don't care who you are, you can't fight all of them, there are too many....
Somehow, I am getting pushback from this kid, and I am just entirely emotionally exhausted. I basically got sick of it and scared the crap out of kid and mom: in a calm, rational voice by just telling how I have to talk to people. The police were mean to you? And? In a very polite and soft spoken voice: asking them to picture a 250 pound man accused of a felony burglary screaming at the top of his lungs and cussing me out that I'm "selling him down the river," got a bit of a shock. Now comparing that to the officer who made kid upset.... Does it matter who is right or wrong at that point if there's yelling? Not really. Could I have yelled at this felony defendant, most definitely and loudly, but what would that accomplish? Nada. This was the abridged version, but I think the point more or less got home. Either that or the shock value might have made it work, not sure, but I'll take either one.
In other news, my old commercial landlord is not giving me back my security deposit, or trying not to, because I locked the door on my way out for the last time. Evidently, he did not have a key to the door, which I had no way of knowing. I mean, it's his building.... Well, Ohio has a statutory procedure for getting a security deposit back and if he doesn't follow it by giving me a written list of any reasons he might not return a security deposit, then I'm allowed to sue him for double the amount and attorney's fees, which will involve me hiring a friend to sue him. Or he could save us both the trouble, because I really, truly am emotionally exhausted.