I feel like everybody's parent and it sucks: responsibility.
I have felony clients who I manage to have awesome deals for. Take a course with drug treatment and the case is wiped off your record. (not always available and is often hard to get).
They don't take the damn course, or don't finish it, or in some cases, even bloody bother to show up. I have one of these guys right now who won't return my calls, etc.
I never really got to be a kid, for numerous reasons that I didn't even like getting into with a string of horrified therapists, so I won't here. I kinda come across as an ass sometimes in large part because of this.
I feel like I don't "get it" when people talk about stuff like this, or indeed when people do much of anything.
In other news, I've been asked to be a godparent for a friend's child. Problem. This is one of those very conservative catholic churches. They won't let people who have been divorced be godparents, but oddly they would let people who have had an annulment (cause then the marriage never happened). Strangely they've put that insistence to people who have had kids while married but who are now separated and the priests got into a fight over whether or not that made the kids "bastards" (born out of wedlock because the marriage, being annulled, never happened). That's just to illustrate the point of how these people are....
So being GLBT.... You can imagine they do not take kindly to that and I thankfully haven't set off their gaydar or anything. I need to decline this politely. I thought the fact that I am NOT a practicing catholic and haven't been for a great many years would do the trick but no....
I'll help the kid and his mom out a bit where that's practical, but no.... I really don't want anything to do with the whole church thing and haven't for some time. They keep asking for a reason and it seems my polite declining isn't satisfying them. O, I could easily be rude to them, which they're being a little bit to me, but meh....