More of a "Made me sad these last 3 weeks"
One day I was sitting at the PC doing PC stuff. When suddenly I get a sensation of feeling like I was kicked in the balls. And I don't mean a accidently kick feeling, I mean like someone was trying to end any possibility of me reproducing kick in the balls feeling...
I went to the hospital where they could only assume that it was a Twisted Testicle. Which for anyone that doesn't know, can happen at any time to any male around the age of 20 and up. Because I live in a smallish town I had to be transferred to a bigger hospital in a ambulance (My first and hopefully last trip in one) where I ended up spending around 5hrs waiting for a damn Ultrasound of my Balls to see what was happening and if I needed to have surgery to get them untwisted, by that time though the pain had long gone and they said they had untwisted but slightly inflamed due to the pain. Hey great news right, mind you I needed like 3 helpings of Morphine and a lovely amount of Happy Gas to numb the pain while waiting for the ambulance that took an hour to arrive for some godly reason....
Anyway, I went back to work later that week, finding myself in great pain due to the bending and heavy lifting of my job I went back to the doctors who gave me another week off. So that was two weeks off... During that time I felt a little pain in my lower back and sides but they disappeared during the time and I felt great and ready to return to work again... WRONG...
The lower back and sides acted up majourly, I was able to get through my shift but I had slowed down badly and one of my Co-Workers put some Deepheat (Medical Gel thing that soothes muscle pain in case you didn't know). I came home ok that night but bam it started acting up again moments after lieing in bed that I ended up having to get a Coldpack out of the freezer to stop the pain...
Went to the doctors again, lower back starting to act up again, feeling chills and a slight nausia due to not really having breakfast yet and then suddenly being told that I might have a Kidney Stone. So I had to fast and drink over a Liter of water for both a Bladder Ultrasound and a damn Katscan to find the damn thing (I am a bit overweight so it was hard at first). Turns out I do have one. Now I am in pain whenever I need to "Break Water" as it keeps trying to pass the thing and I haven't been to work in 3 weeks, which is driving me batshitinsane and slightly out of shape too cause if I start moving around the pain starts coming back slightly but not enough for them to put me through quickly to get it removed. AND CAUSE ITS THE 3RD WEEK OFF I have to get a doctors note saying I can resume work...
I have a feeling that this Stone has been the cause of all my problems for the last 3 weeks. And it was never a Twisted Testy, my boss did not look quite happy with me last week when I handed in the doctors note saying I had to take ANOTHER week off so I am not in good books there, and I slightly feel that my body is making me "cry wolf" nearly half the time...
Also... Doctor's Bills are expensive... Yay reducing Bank Balance...